CQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api | 3D Physics API |
CQuantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D.Api | 2D Physics API |
CQuantum.CallbackChecksumComputed | Callback called when a checksum has been computed |
CQuantum.CallbackChecksumError | Callback called on a checksum error |
CQuantum.CallbackChecksumErrorFrameDump | Callback called when due to a checksum error a frame is dumped |
CQuantum.CallbackEventCanceled | Callback called when an event raised in a predicted frame was canceled in a verified frame due to a roll-back / missed prediction. Synchronised events are only raised on verified frames and thus will never be canceled; this is useful to graciously discard non-sync'ed events in the view |
CQuantum.CallbackEventConfirmed | Callback called when an event was confirmed by a verified frame |
CQuantum.CallbackGameDestroyed | Callback called when the game was destroyed |
CQuantum.CallbackGameResynced | Callback called when the game has been re-synchronized from a snapshot |
CQuantum.CallbackGameStarted | Callback called when the game has been started |
CQuantum.CallbackInputConfirmed | Callback when local input was confirmed |
CQuantum.CallbackPluginDisconnect | Callback called when the local client is disconnected by the plugin |
CQuantum.CallbackPollInput | Callback called when the simulation queries local input |
CQuantum.CallbackSimulateFinished | Callback called when frame simulation has completed |
CQuantum.CallbackUpdateView | Callback guaranteed to be called every rendered frame |
CQuantum.CharacterController2D | |
CQuantum.CharacterController2DMovement | Result of a 2D KCC raw movement query |
CQuantum.CharacterController3D | |
CQuantum.CharacterController3DMovement | Result of a 3D KCC raw movement query |
CQuantum.CollisionInfo2D | Info about a collision between two 2D physics colliders |
CQuantum.CollisionInfo3D | Info about a collision between two 3D physics colliders |
CQuantum.Core.CompoundCommand | An auxiliary command that can be used to send multiple commands in one. Nested compound commands are accepted |
CQuantum.Shape2D.CompoundShape2D | A 2D shape type that can reference a group of other 2D shapes (including other compounds). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported |
CQuantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D | A 3D shape type that can reference a group of other 3D shapes (including other compounds, but not Mesh and Terrain shapes). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported |
CQuantum.PhysicsCommon.Config | Global physics settings which are part of the SimulationConfig |
CQuantum.Navigation.Config | Global navmesh configurations which are part of the SimulationConfig./> |
CQuantum.Navigation.Constants | Global navigation constants |
CQuantum.Core.CullingSystem2D | During Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform2D that are positioned out of the prediction area |
CQuantum.Core.CullingSystem3D | During Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform3D that are positioned out of the prediction area |
CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicPlugin | Override the Quantum plugin class to create a custom server object |
CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicPluginClient | The client representation in the Quantum server plugin |
CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicPluginFactory | The default Quantum plugin factory. Replace with custom implementation of IPluginFactory. Change the name accordingly in your Photon dashboard and in this file (Photon-Server\deploy\LoadBalancing\GameServer\bin\plugin.config) to run locally |
CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicPluginSession | The session object of the Quantum server plugin. Only one session is being created by one DeterministicServer |
CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicServer | Override this class and implement its virtual methods to hook into the Quantum server callbacks |
CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionConfig | Parameterize internals of the Deterministic simulation and plugin (the Quantum server component) |
CQuantum.Physics2D.DistanceJoint | A Joint that connects a Physics Body to an anchor and attempts to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.Physics3D.DistanceJoint3D | A Joint3D that connects a Physics Body to an anchor and attempts to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.Core.FrameBase.EntitiesConfig | Global entities configuration |
CQuantum.EntityRef | Quantum entity reference |
CQuantum.ExitInfo2D | Info about two entities that were colliding in the 2D Physics |
CQuantum.ExitInfo3D | Info about two entities that were colliding in the 3D Physics |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FP | A fixed-point number. 16 lower bits are used for the decimal part, 48 for the integral part |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPBounds2 | Represents an 2D axis aligned bounding box (AABB) |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPBounds3 | Represents an 3D axis aligned bounding box (AABB) |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPCollision | A collection of collision helper functions |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPLut | FP lookup table. Used internally by trigonometric and square root functions |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMath | A collection of common math functions |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix2x2 | Represents 2x2 column major matrix, which can be used for 2D scaling and rotation. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>) |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix3x3 | Represents 3x3 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index] |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix4x4 | Represents 4x4 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index] |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPQuaternion | A Quaternion representing an orientation |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPVector2 | Represents a 2D Vector |
CPhoton.Deterministic.FPVector3 | Represents a 3D Vector |
►CQuantum.Core.FrameBase | The Frame class is the container for all the transient and static game state data, including the API for entities, physics, assets and others |
CQuantum.Frame | The user implementation of FrameBase that resides in the project quantum_state and has access to all user relevant classes |
CQuantum.Core.FrameBase.FrameBaseUnsafe | Frame API to give access to C# unsafe pointers and advanced immediate operations |
CQuantum.QuantumGame.FramesContainer | Stores the different frames the simulation uses during one tick |
CQuantum.Physics2D.HingeJoint | A Joint that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor around which it can rotate. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component. The rotation can happen freely or, optionally, with limiting angles and/or a motor torque |
CQuantum.Physics3D.HingeJoint3D | A Joint3D that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor around which it can rotate. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component. The rotation can happen freely or, optionally, with limiting angles and/or a motor torque |
CQuantum.Physics2D.Hit | Information returned from a valid hit of a physics query |
CQuantum.Physics3D.Hit3D | Information returned from a valid hit of a physics query |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollision2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while two non-trigger 2D colliders are touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollision3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while two non-trigger 3D colliders are touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 2D colliders start touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders start touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 2D colliders stop touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders stop touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshMoveAgent | Signal is called when the agent should move. The desired direction is influence by avoidance |
CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshSearchFailed | Signal is fired when the agent could not find a path in the agent update after using NavMeshSteeringAgent.SetTarget(Core.FrameBase, FPVector2, NavMesh, bool) |
CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshWaypointReached | Signal is fired when an agent reaches a waypoint |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTrigger2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders are touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTrigger3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders are touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders start touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders start touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit2D | Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders stop touching |
CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit3D | Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders stop touching |
CQuantum.Physics2D.Joint | Defines a connection between a 2D Physics Body and an anchor, according to velocity and/or position constraints. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.Physics3D.Joint3D | Defines a connection between a 3D Physics Body and an anchor, according to velocity and/or position constraints. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.PhysicsJoints2D.JointsIterator | An auxiliary struct to iterate over the joints on a PhysicsJoints2D component. Use PhysicsJoints2D.GetIterator to acquire an iterator for the component's joint buffer |
CQuantum.PhysicsJoints3D.JointsIterator3D | An auxiliary struct to iterate over the joints on a PhysicsJoints3D component. Use PhysicsJoints3D.GetIterator to acquire an iterator for the component's joint buffer |
CQuantum.Navigation | Navigation API |
CQuantum.NavMesh | The asset object that contains a Quantum navigation mesh. The object loads an additional data file during the Loaded(IResourceManager, Native.Allocator). This is because of size limitations when loading the data with Unity serialization |
CQuantum.NavMeshAgentConfig | The configuration file for navmesh agent components |
CQuantum.NavMeshAgentSteeringData | Navmesh agent steering data passed into callbacks |
CQuantum.NavMeshAvoidanceAgent | (requires SteeringAgent and PathfinderAgent) |
CQuantum.NavMeshPathfinder | The NavMeshAgent is an entity component for automated navmesh navigation and steering |
CQuantum.NavMeshRegionMask | Internally stores a unsigned long to be able to toggle 64 different regions |
CQuantum.NavMeshSteeringAgent | Requires NavMeshPathfinder component |
CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFP | A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP> |
CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFPVector2 | A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector2> |
CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFPVector3 | A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector3> |
CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableNonNegativeFP | A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP> |
CQuantum.Navigation.PathFinder | Navmesh TA* pathfinder class |
CQuantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D | 2D Physics API |
CQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D | 3D Physics API |
CQuantum.PhysicsJoints2D | A component holding one or more Physics2D.Joint, defining connections between a 2D Physics Body and anchors according to velocity and/or position constraints |
CQuantum.PhysicsJoints3D | A component holding one or more Joint3D, defining connections between a 3D Physics Body and anchors according to velocity and/or position constraints |
CQuantum.PlayerRef | Represents a Quantum player |
CQuantum.QuantumGame | QuantumGame acts as an interface to the simulation from the client code's perspective |
CQuantum.QuantumGameFlags | This class contains values for flags that will be accessible with QuantumGame.GameFlags. Built-in flags control some aspects of QuantumGame inner workings, without affecting the simulation outcome |
CPhoton.Deterministic.RNGSession | PCG32 random generator, 16 bytes in size. http://www.pcg-random.org |
CQuantum.RuntimeConfig | In contrast to the SimulationConfig, which has only static configuration data, the RuntimeConfig holds information that can be different from game to game |
CQuantum.Shape2D | Defines a 2D shape with Type and data disposed in a union-like structure. All shapes have a UserTag, BroadRadius and Centroid. All non-compound shapes have a LocalTransform and their Centroid always match their local transform position |
CQuantum.Shape3D | Defines a 3D shape with Type and data disposed in a union-like structure. All shapes have a UserTag, BroadRadius and Centroid. All non-compound shapes have a LocalTransform and their Centroid always match their local transform position |
CQuantum.SimulationConfig | The SimulationConfig holds parameters used in the ECS layer and inside core systems like physics and navigation |
CQuantum.Physics2D.SpringJoint | A Joint that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor as if connected by a spring, trying to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.Physics3D.SpringJoint3D | A Joint3D that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor as if connected by a spring, trying to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component |
CQuantum.StaticColliderData | Information about a static collider |
CQuantum.Transform2D | The Transform2D is an entity component providing position and rotation a 2D object |
CQuantum.Transform3D | The Transform3D is an entity component providing position and rotation for a 3D object |
CQuantum.TriggerInfo2D | Info about a collision between a trigger and a non-trigger 2D physics colliders |
CQuantum.TriggerInfo3D | Info about a collision between a trigger and a non-trigger 3D physics colliders |