Photon Quantum 2.1.1

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api3D Physics API
 CQuantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D.Api2D Physics API
 CQuantum.CallbackChecksumComputedCallback called when a checksum has been computed
 CQuantum.CallbackChecksumErrorCallback called on a checksum error
 CQuantum.CallbackChecksumErrorFrameDumpCallback called when due to a checksum error a frame is dumped
 CQuantum.CallbackEventCanceledCallback called when an event raised in a predicted frame was canceled in a verified frame due to a roll-back / missed prediction. Synchronised events are only raised on verified frames and thus will never be canceled; this is useful to graciously discard non-sync'ed events in the view
 CQuantum.CallbackEventConfirmedCallback called when an event was confirmed by a verified frame
 CQuantum.CallbackGameDestroyedCallback called when the game was destroyed
 CQuantum.CallbackGameResyncedCallback called when the game has been re-synchronized from a snapshot
 CQuantum.CallbackGameStartedCallback called when the game has been started
 CQuantum.CallbackInputConfirmedCallback when local input was confirmed
 CQuantum.CallbackPluginDisconnectCallback called when the local client is disconnected by the plugin
 CQuantum.CallbackPollInputCallback called when the simulation queries local input
 CQuantum.CallbackSimulateFinishedCallback called when frame simulation has completed
 CQuantum.CallbackUpdateViewCallback guaranteed to be called every rendered frame
 CQuantum.CharacterController2DMovementResult of a 2D KCC raw movement query
 CQuantum.CharacterController3DMovementResult of a 3D KCC raw movement query
 CQuantum.CollisionInfo2DInfo about a collision between two 2D physics colliders
 CQuantum.CollisionInfo3DInfo about a collision between two 3D physics colliders
 CQuantum.Core.CompoundCommandAn auxiliary command that can be used to send multiple commands in one. Nested compound commands are accepted
 CQuantum.Shape2D.CompoundShape2DA 2D shape type that can reference a group of other 2D shapes (including other compounds). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported
 CQuantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3DA 3D shape type that can reference a group of other 3D shapes (including other compounds, but not Mesh and Terrain shapes). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported
 CQuantum.PhysicsCommon.ConfigGlobal physics settings which are part of the SimulationConfig
 CQuantum.Navigation.ConfigGlobal navmesh configurations which are part of the SimulationConfig./>
 CQuantum.Navigation.ConstantsGlobal navigation constants
 CQuantum.Core.CullingSystem2DDuring Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform2D that are positioned out of the prediction area
 CQuantum.Core.CullingSystem3DDuring Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform3D that are positioned out of the prediction area
 CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicPluginOverride the Quantum plugin class to create a custom server object
 CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicPluginClientThe client representation in the Quantum server plugin
 CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicPluginFactoryThe default Quantum plugin factory. Replace with custom implementation of IPluginFactory. Change the name accordingly in your Photon dashboard and in this file (Photon-Server\deploy\LoadBalancing\GameServer\bin\plugin.config) to run locally
 CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicPluginSessionThe session object of the Quantum server plugin. Only one session is being created by one DeterministicServer
 CPhoton.Deterministic.Server.DeterministicServerOverride this class and implement its virtual methods to hook into the Quantum server callbacks
 CPhoton.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionConfigParameterize internals of the Deterministic simulation and plugin (the Quantum server component)
 CQuantum.Physics2D.DistanceJointA Joint that connects a Physics Body to an anchor and attempts to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.Physics3D.DistanceJoint3DA Joint3D that connects a Physics Body to an anchor and attempts to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.Core.FrameBase.EntitiesConfigGlobal entities configuration
 CQuantum.EntityRefQuantum entity reference
 CQuantum.ExitInfo2DInfo about two entities that were colliding in the 2D Physics
 CQuantum.ExitInfo3DInfo about two entities that were colliding in the 3D Physics
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPA fixed-point number. 16 lower bits are used for the decimal part, 48 for the integral part
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPBounds2Represents an 2D axis aligned bounding box (AABB)
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPBounds3Represents an 3D axis aligned bounding box (AABB)
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPCollisionA collection of collision helper functions
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPLutFP lookup table. Used internally by trigonometric and square root functions
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMathA collection of common math functions
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix2x2Represents 2x2 column major matrix, which can be used for 2D scaling and rotation. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>)
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix3x3Represents 3x3 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPMatrix4x4Represents 4x4 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPQuaternionA Quaternion representing an orientation
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPVector2Represents a 2D Vector
 CPhoton.Deterministic.FPVector3Represents a 3D Vector
 CQuantum.Core.FrameBaseThe Frame class is the container for all the transient and static game state data, including the API for entities, physics, assets and others
 CQuantum.Core.FrameBase.FrameBaseUnsafeFrame API to give access to C# unsafe pointers and advanced immediate operations
 CQuantum.QuantumGame.FramesContainerStores the different frames the simulation uses during one tick
 CQuantum.Physics2D.HingeJointA Joint that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor around which it can rotate. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component. The rotation can happen freely or, optionally, with limiting angles and/or a motor torque
 CQuantum.Physics3D.HingeJoint3DA Joint3D that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor around which it can rotate. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component. The rotation can happen freely or, optionally, with limiting angles and/or a motor torque
 CQuantum.Physics2D.HitInformation returned from a valid hit of a physics query
 CQuantum.Physics3D.Hit3DInformation returned from a valid hit of a physics query
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollision2DInterface for receiving callbacks once per frame while two non-trigger 2D colliders are touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollision3DInterface for receiving callbacks once per frame while two non-trigger 3D colliders are touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter2DInterface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 2D colliders start touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter3DInterface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders start touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit2DInterface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 2D colliders stop touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit3DInterface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders stop touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshMoveAgentSignal is called when the agent should move. The desired direction is influence by avoidance
 CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshSearchFailedSignal is fired when the agent could not find a path in the agent update after using NavMeshSteeringAgent.SetTarget(Core.FrameBase, FPVector2, NavMesh, bool)
 CQuantum.ISignalOnNavMeshWaypointReachedSignal is fired when an agent reaches a waypoint
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTrigger2DInterface for receiving callbacks once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders are touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTrigger3DInterface for receiving callbacks once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders are touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter2DInterface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders start touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter3DInterface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders start touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit2DInterface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 2D colliders stop touching
 CQuantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit3DInterface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders stop touching
 CQuantum.Physics2D.JointDefines a connection between a 2D Physics Body and an anchor, according to velocity and/or position constraints. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.Physics3D.Joint3DDefines a connection between a 3D Physics Body and an anchor, according to velocity and/or position constraints. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.PhysicsJoints2D.JointsIteratorAn auxiliary struct to iterate over the joints on a PhysicsJoints2D component. Use PhysicsJoints2D.GetIterator to acquire an iterator for the component's joint buffer
 CQuantum.PhysicsJoints3D.JointsIterator3DAn auxiliary struct to iterate over the joints on a PhysicsJoints3D component. Use PhysicsJoints3D.GetIterator to acquire an iterator for the component's joint buffer
 CQuantum.NavigationNavigation API
 CQuantum.NavMeshThe asset object that contains a Quantum navigation mesh. The object loads an additional data file during the Loaded(IResourceManager, Native.Allocator). This is because of size limitations when loading the data with Unity serialization
 CQuantum.NavMeshAgentConfigThe configuration file for navmesh agent components
 CQuantum.NavMeshAgentSteeringDataNavmesh agent steering data passed into callbacks
 CQuantum.NavMeshAvoidanceAgent(requires SteeringAgent and PathfinderAgent)
 CQuantum.NavMeshPathfinderThe NavMeshAgent is an entity component for automated navmesh navigation and steering
 CQuantum.NavMeshRegionMaskInternally stores a unsigned long to be able to toggle 64 different regions
 CQuantum.NavMeshSteeringAgentRequires NavMeshPathfinder component
 CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFPA serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>
 CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFPVector2A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector2>
 CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableFPVector3A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector3>
 CPhoton.Deterministic.NullableNonNegativeFPA serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>
 CQuantum.Navigation.PathFinderNavmesh TA* pathfinder class
 CQuantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D2D Physics API
 CQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D3D Physics API
 CQuantum.PhysicsJoints2DA component holding one or more Physics2D.Joint, defining connections between a 2D Physics Body and anchors according to velocity and/or position constraints
 CQuantum.PhysicsJoints3DA component holding one or more Joint3D, defining connections between a 3D Physics Body and anchors according to velocity and/or position constraints
 CQuantum.PlayerRefRepresents a Quantum player
 CQuantum.QuantumGameQuantumGame acts as an interface to the simulation from the client code's perspective
 CQuantum.QuantumGameFlagsThis class contains values for flags that will be accessible with QuantumGame.GameFlags. Built-in flags control some aspects of QuantumGame inner workings, without affecting the simulation outcome
 CPhoton.Deterministic.RNGSessionPCG32 random generator, 16 bytes in size.
 CQuantum.RuntimeConfigIn contrast to the SimulationConfig, which has only static configuration data, the RuntimeConfig holds information that can be different from game to game
 CQuantum.Shape2DDefines a 2D shape with Type and data disposed in a union-like structure. All shapes have a UserTag, BroadRadius and Centroid. All non-compound shapes have a LocalTransform and their Centroid always match their local transform position
 CQuantum.Shape3DDefines a 3D shape with Type and data disposed in a union-like structure. All shapes have a UserTag, BroadRadius and Centroid. All non-compound shapes have a LocalTransform and their Centroid always match their local transform position
 CQuantum.SimulationConfigThe SimulationConfig holds parameters used in the ECS layer and inside core systems like physics and navigation
 CQuantum.Physics2D.SpringJointA Joint that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor as if connected by a spring, trying to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.Physics3D.SpringJoint3DA Joint3D that attaches a Physics Body to an anchor as if connected by a spring, trying to keep them a certain distance apart. The connected anchor can be a world-space position or another entity with at least a transform component
 CQuantum.StaticColliderDataInformation about a static collider
 CQuantum.Transform2DThe Transform2D is an entity component providing position and rotation a 2D object
 CQuantum.Transform3DThe Transform3D is an entity component providing position and rotation for a 3D object
 CQuantum.TriggerInfo2DInfo about a collision between a trigger and a non-trigger 2D physics colliders
 CQuantum.TriggerInfo3DInfo about a collision between a trigger and a non-trigger 3D physics colliders