Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs Struct Reference

Represents the starting arguments for a deterministic constructor. More...

Public Attributes

ICommunicator Communicator
 Gets or sets the communicator interface. More...
bool DisableInterpolatableStates
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable interpolated states. More...
byte[] FrameData
 Gets or sets the frame data. More...
IDeterministicGame Game
 Gets or sets the deterministic game interface. More...
int InitialTick
 Gets or sets the initial tick. More...
DeterministicGameMode Mode
 Gets or sets the game mode. More...
DeterministicPlatformInfo PlatformInfo
 Gets or sets the platform information. More...
IDeterministicReplayProvider Replay
 Gets or sets the input provider. More...
byte[] RuntimeConfig
 Gets or sets the runtime configuration. More...
DeterministicSessionConfig SessionConfig
 Gets or sets the session config. More...

Detailed Description

Represents the starting arguments for a deterministic constructor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Mode

DeterministicGameMode Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.Mode

Gets or sets the game mode.

◆ SessionConfig

DeterministicSessionConfig Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.SessionConfig

Gets or sets the session config.

◆ Game

IDeterministicGame Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.Game

Gets or sets the deterministic game interface.

◆ Communicator

ICommunicator Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.Communicator

Gets or sets the communicator interface.

◆ Replay

IDeterministicReplayProvider Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.Replay

Gets or sets the input provider.

◆ PlatformInfo

DeterministicPlatformInfo Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.PlatformInfo

Gets or sets the platform information.

◆ InitialTick

int Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.InitialTick

Gets or sets the initial tick.

◆ DisableInterpolatableStates

bool Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.DisableInterpolatableStates

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable interpolated states.

◆ FrameData

byte [] Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.FrameData

Gets or sets the frame data.

◆ RuntimeConfig

byte [] Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicSessionArgs.RuntimeConfig

Gets or sets the runtime configuration.