Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed Class Reference

Callback when a local player was successfully removed from the game. More...

Inheritance diagram for Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed:
Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase Quantum.CallbackBase Quantum.IDispatchable

Public Attributes

Frame Frame
 The frame the player was removed. More...
PlayerRef Player
 The global player number that was removed. More...
int PlayerSlot
 The local player slot that was removed. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
readonly int ID
 The callback id. More...

Static Public Attributes

const new Int32 ID = (int)CallbackId.PlayerAddFailed
 The const CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed callback id. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
 CallbackBase (int id, QuantumGame game)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
 CallbackBase (int id)
 Create the callback with an id. More...
 CallbackBase (int id, IDeterministicGame game)
 Creates a callback with an id and a game. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
static Type GetCallbackType (CallbackId id)
 Maps the const callback id CallbackId to a callback system type. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
new QuantumGame Game [get, set]
 The assigned game. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
IDeterministicGame Game [get, set]
 The game that the callback is dispatched to. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.IDispatchable
IDeterministicGame Game [get]
 The game that the callback or event is dispatched to. More...

Detailed Description

Callback when a local player was successfully removed from the game.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ID

const new Int32 Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed.ID = (int)CallbackId.PlayerAddFailed

The const CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed callback id.

◆ Frame

Frame Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed.Frame

The frame the player was removed.

◆ PlayerSlot

int Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed.PlayerSlot

The local player slot that was removed.

◆ Player

PlayerRef Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed.Player

The global player number that was removed.