Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Member Functions | List of all members
Quantum.ISignalOnPlayerDisconnected Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for Quantum.ISignalOnPlayerDisconnected:

Public Member Functions

void OnPlayerDisconnected (Frame f, PlayerRef player)
 The signal is called when a player has been removed and disconnected from the simulation. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from Quantum.ISignal
Int32 RuntimeIndex [get]
 Index of the signal in the runtime. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnPlayerDisconnected()

void Quantum.ISignalOnPlayerDisconnected.OnPlayerDisconnected ( Frame  f,
PlayerRef  player 

The signal is called when a player has been removed and disconnected from the simulation.

It's originating from the Core.PlayerConnectedSystem.

The connected status is based on the DeterministicFrame.GetPlayerInputFlags.

The signal is always called from a verified frame.


fThe frame reference.
playerThe disconnected player.