Quantum 3 3.0.1

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Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2 Struct Reference

Represents a two-dimensional vector with integer components. More...

Inherits IEquatable< IntVector2 >.


class  EqualityComparer
 Represents an equality comparer for IntVector2 objects. More...

Public Member Functions

 IntVector2 (int x, int y)
 Initializes a new instance of the IntVector2 struct. More...
bool Equals (IntVector2 other)
 Determines whether the specified IntVector2 is equal to the current IntVector2. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current IntVector2. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Returns a hash code for this instance. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a string that represents the current IntVector2. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IntVector2 CeilToInt (FPVector2 v)
 Returns a new IntVector2 with the smallest integer greater than or equal to the components of the given FPVector2. More...
static IntVector2 Clamp (IntVector2 value, IntVector2 min, IntVector2 max)
 Clamps a IntVector2 value between a minimum and maximum value. More...
static FP Distance (IntVector2 a, IntVector2 b)
 Calculates the distance between two IntVector2 points. More...
static IntVector2 FloorToInt (FPVector2 v)
 Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified floating-point number. More...
static IntVector2 Max (IntVector2 a, IntVector2 b)
 Returns a new IntVector2 with the largest components of the input vectors. More...
static IntVector2 Min (IntVector2 a, IntVector2 b)
 Returns a new IntVector2 with the smallest components of the input vectors. More...
static implicit operator FPVector2 (IntVector2 v)
 Implicitly converts a IntVector2 instance to an FPVector2 instance. This conversion creates a new FPVector2 instance with the X and Y coordinates from the input IntVector2 instance. More...
static operator IntVector2 (FPVector2 v)
 Converts a FPVector2 instance to a IntVector2 instance. More...
static bool operator!= (IntVector2 lhs, IntVector2 rhs)
 Compares two IntVector2 instances for inequality. More...
static IntVector2 operator* (int d, IntVector2 a)
 Multiplies a IntVector2 by an integer scalar. More...
static IntVector2 operator* (IntVector2 a, int d)
 Multiplies a IntVector2 by an integer scalar. More...
static IntVector2 operator+ (IntVector2 a, IntVector2 b)
 Adds two IntVector2 instances. More...
static IntVector2 operator- (IntVector2 a)
 Negates an IntVector2. More...
static IntVector2 operator- (IntVector2 a, IntVector2 b)
 Subtracts the second IntVector2 from the first. More...
static IntVector2 operator/ (IntVector2 a, int d)
 Divides a IntVector2 by an integer scalar. More...
static bool operator== (IntVector2 lhs, IntVector2 rhs)
 Compares two IntVector2 instances for equality. More...
static IntVector2 RoundToInt (FPVector2 v)
 Rounds a FPVector2 to the nearest whole numbers, and returns a new IntVector2. More...
static void Serialize (void *ptr, IDeterministicFrameSerializer serializer)
 Serializes or deserializes a IntVector2 struct using the provided IDeterministicFrameSerializer object. More...

Public Attributes

int X
 The X component of the vector. More...
int Y
 The Y component of the vector. More...

Static Public Attributes

static IntVector2 Down => new IntVector2(0, -1)
 A vector with components (0,-1); More...
static IntVector2 Left => new IntVector2(-1, 0)
 A vector with components (-1,0); More...
static IntVector2 MaxValue => new IntVector2(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue)
 A vector with components (int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); More...
static IntVector2 MinValue => new IntVector2(int.MinValue, int.MinValue)
 A vector with components (int.MinValue, int.MinValue); More...
static IntVector2 One => new IntVector2(1, 1)
 A vector with components (1,1); More...
static IntVector2 Right => new IntVector2(1, 0)
 A vector with components (1,0); More...
const int SIZE = sizeof(int) * 2
 The size of the struct in memory. More...
static IntVector2 Up => new IntVector2(0, 1)
 A vector with components (0,1); More...
static IntVector2 Zero => new IntVector2(0, 0)
 A vector with components (0,0); More...


FP Magnitude [get]
 Gets the magnitude of the vector. More...
IntVector3 OXY [get]
 Returns vector (0, X, Y). More...
int SqrMagnitude [get]
 Gets the squared magnitude of the vector. More...
IntVector3 XOY [get]
 Returns vector (X, 0, Y). More...
IntVector2 XX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector2 using the X and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 XXX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, X and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 XXY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, X and Y components of this vector. More...
IntVector2 XY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector2 using the X and Y components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 XYO [get]
 Returns vector (X, Y, 0). More...
IntVector3 XYX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, Y and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 XYY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, Y and Y components of this vector. More...
IntVector2 YX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector2 using the Y and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 YXX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, X and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 YXY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, X and Y components of this vector. More...
IntVector2 YY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector2 using the Y and Y components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 YYX [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, Y and X components of this vector. More...
IntVector3 YYY [get]
 Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, Y and Y components of this vector. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a two-dimensional vector with integer components.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IntVector2()

Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.IntVector2 ( int  x,
int  y 

Initializes a new instance of the IntVector2 struct.

xThe x-coordinate of the vector.
yThe y-coordinate of the vector.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.GetHashCode ( )

Returns a hash code for this instance.

◆ ToString()

override string Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.ToString ( )

Returns a string that represents the current IntVector2.

A string that represents the current IntVector2.

◆ Serialize()

static void Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Serialize ( void *  ptr,
IDeterministicFrameSerializer  serializer 

Serializes or deserializes a IntVector2 struct using the provided IDeterministicFrameSerializer object.

ptrA pointer to the IntVector2 struct to serialize or deserialize.
serializerThe IDeterministicFrameSerializer object used for serialization or deserialization.

◆ Clamp()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Clamp ( IntVector2  value,
IntVector2  min,
IntVector2  max 

Clamps a IntVector2 value between a minimum and maximum value.

valueThe IntVector2 value to clamp
minThe minimum IntVector2 value to clamp to
maxThe maximum IntVector2 value to clamp to
The clamped IntVector2 value

◆ Distance()

static FP Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Distance ( IntVector2  a,
IntVector2  b 

Calculates the distance between two IntVector2 points.

aThe first IntVector2 point
bThe second IntVector2 point
The distance between the two IntVector2 points

◆ Max()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Max ( IntVector2  a,
IntVector2  b 

Returns a new IntVector2 with the largest components of the input vectors.

◆ Min()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Min ( IntVector2  a,
IntVector2  b 

Returns a new IntVector2 with the smallest components of the input vectors.

◆ RoundToInt()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.RoundToInt ( FPVector2  v)

Rounds a FPVector2 to the nearest whole numbers, and returns a new IntVector2.

vThe FPVector2 to round.
A new IntVector2 with the rounded components of the input vector.

◆ FloorToInt()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.FloorToInt ( FPVector2  v)

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified floating-point number.

vThe floating-point number.
The largest integer less than or equal to v .

◆ CeilToInt()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.CeilToInt ( FPVector2  v)

Returns a new IntVector2 with the smallest integer greater than or equal to the components of the given FPVector2.

vThe FPVector2 to ceil.
A new IntVector2 with the components ceil'd.

◆ operator FPVector2()

static implicit Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator FPVector2 ( IntVector2  v)

Implicitly converts a IntVector2 instance to an FPVector2 instance. This conversion creates a new FPVector2 instance with the X and Y coordinates from the input IntVector2 instance.

vThe IntVector2 instance to convert.
A new FPVector2 instance with the X and Y coordinates from the input IntVector2 instance.

◆ operator IntVector2()

static Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator IntVector2 ( FPVector2  v)

Converts a FPVector2 instance to a IntVector2 instance.

◆ operator+()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator+ ( IntVector2  a,
IntVector2  b 

Adds two IntVector2 instances.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator- ( IntVector2  a,
IntVector2  b 

Subtracts the second IntVector2 from the first.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator* ( IntVector2  a,
int  d 

Multiplies a IntVector2 by an integer scalar.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator* ( int  d,
IntVector2  a 

Multiplies a IntVector2 by an integer scalar.


◆ operator/()

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator/ ( IntVector2  a,
int  d 

Divides a IntVector2 by an integer scalar.

◆ operator==()

static bool Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator== ( IntVector2  lhs,
IntVector2  rhs 

Compares two IntVector2 instances for equality.

◆ operator!=()

static bool Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator!= ( IntVector2  lhs,
IntVector2  rhs 

Compares two IntVector2 instances for inequality.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

static IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.operator- ( IntVector2  a)

Negates an IntVector2.


◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Equals ( IntVector2  other)

Determines whether the specified IntVector2 is equal to the current IntVector2.

otherThe IntVector2 to compare with the current IntVector2.
true if the specified IntVector2 is equal to the current IntVector2; otherwise, false.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

override bool Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Equals ( object  obj)

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current IntVector2.

objThe object to compare with the current IntVector2.
true if the specified object is equal to the current IntVector2; otherwise, false.

Member Data Documentation


const int Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.SIZE = sizeof(int) * 2

The size of the struct in memory.

◆ Zero

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Zero => new IntVector2(0, 0)

A vector with components (0,0);

◆ One

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.One => new IntVector2(1, 1)

A vector with components (1,1);

◆ Right

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Right => new IntVector2(1, 0)

A vector with components (1,0);

◆ Left

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Left => new IntVector2(-1, 0)

A vector with components (-1,0);

◆ Up

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Up => new IntVector2(0, 1)

A vector with components (0,1);

◆ Down

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Down => new IntVector2(0, -1)

A vector with components (0,-1);

◆ MaxValue

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.MaxValue => new IntVector2(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue)

A vector with components (int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

◆ MinValue

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.MinValue => new IntVector2(int.MinValue, int.MinValue)

A vector with components (int.MinValue, int.MinValue);

◆ X

int Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.X

The X component of the vector.

◆ Y

int Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Y

The Y component of the vector.

Property Documentation


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XOY

Returns vector (X, 0, Y).


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XYO

Returns vector (X, Y, 0).


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.OXY

Returns vector (0, X, Y).

◆ Magnitude

FP Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.Magnitude

Gets the magnitude of the vector.

◆ SqrMagnitude

int Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.SqrMagnitude

Gets the squared magnitude of the vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XXX

Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, X and X components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XXY

Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, X and Y components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XYX

Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, Y and X components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XYY

Returns a new IntVector3 using the X, Y and Y components of this vector.

◆ XX

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XX

Returns a new IntVector2 using the X and X components of this vector.

◆ XY

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.XY

Returns a new IntVector2 using the X and Y components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YYY

Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, Y and Y components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YYX

Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, Y and X components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YXY

Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, X and Y components of this vector.


IntVector3 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YXX

Returns a new IntVector3 using the Y, X and X components of this vector.

◆ YY

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YY

Returns a new IntVector2 using the Y and Y components of this vector.

◆ YX

IntVector2 Photon.Deterministic.IntVector2.YX

Returns a new IntVector2 using the Y and X components of this vector.