Quantum 3 3.0.1

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Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D Struct Reference

The data structure to hold 2D static colliders for a Quantum map. Static colliders are baked into the map and are used for efficient collision detection. More...

Public Attributes

FPVector2 BoxExtents
 The 2D box extents (used for box shapes). More...
FP CapsuleExtent => (CapsuleSize.Y / FP._2) - CapsuleRadius
 Calculate the 2D capsule extent. More...
FP CapsuleRadius => CapsuleSize.X / FP._2
 Calculated 2D capsule radius. More...
FPVector2 CapsuleSize
 The 2D capsule size (used for capsule shapes). More...
FP CircleRadius
 The 2D collider radius (used for circle shapes). More...
FP EdgeExtent
 The 2D edge extent (used for edge shapes). More...
FP Height
 Pseudo 3D collider height (used in conjunction with Transform2DVertical). More...
Int32 Layer
 The physics layer. More...
AssetRef< PhysicsMaterialPhysicsMaterial
 The physics material assigned to the static collider. More...
MapStaticCollider2DPolygonData PolygonCollider
 The 2D polygon collider data (used for polygon shapes). More...
FPVector2 Position
 Collider world position. More...
FP Rotation
 Collider rotation in radians. More...
Shape2DType ShapeType
 The 2D shape type. More...
StaticColliderData StaticData
 Additional static collider meta data. More...
FP VerticalOffset
 Pseudo 3D vertical position (used in conjunction with Transform2DVertical). More...

Detailed Description

The data structure to hold 2D static colliders for a Quantum map. Static colliders are baked into the map and are used for efficient collision detection.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Rotation

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.Rotation

Collider rotation in radians.

◆ Position

FPVector2 Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.Position

Collider world position.

◆ Height

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.Height

Pseudo 3D collider height (used in conjunction with Transform2DVertical).

◆ VerticalOffset

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.VerticalOffset

Pseudo 3D vertical position (used in conjunction with Transform2DVertical).

◆ PhysicsMaterial

AssetRef<PhysicsMaterial> Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.PhysicsMaterial

The physics material assigned to the static collider.

◆ Layer

Int32 Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.Layer

The physics layer.

◆ ShapeType

Shape2DType Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.ShapeType

The 2D shape type.

◆ CircleRadius

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.CircleRadius

The 2D collider radius (used for circle shapes).

◆ BoxExtents

FPVector2 Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.BoxExtents

The 2D box extents (used for box shapes).

◆ CapsuleSize

FPVector2 Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.CapsuleSize

The 2D capsule size (used for capsule shapes).

◆ EdgeExtent

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.EdgeExtent

The 2D edge extent (used for edge shapes).

◆ PolygonCollider

MapStaticCollider2DPolygonData Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.PolygonCollider

The 2D polygon collider data (used for polygon shapes).

◆ StaticData

StaticColliderData Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.StaticData

Additional static collider meta data.

◆ CapsuleRadius

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.CapsuleRadius => CapsuleSize.X / FP._2

Calculated 2D capsule radius.

◆ CapsuleExtent

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider2D.CapsuleExtent => (CapsuleSize.Y / FP._2) - CapsuleRadius

Calculate the 2D capsule extent.