Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicTickInputSet Struct Reference

The complete input set of all players for a single tick. More...

Public Attributes

DeterministicTickInput[] Inputs
 On DeterministicTickInput per player. More...
Int32 Tick
 The input set is valid for this tick. More...

Detailed Description

The complete input set of all players for a single tick.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Tick

Int32 Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicTickInputSet.Tick

The input set is valid for this tick.

◆ Inputs

DeterministicTickInput [] Photon.Deterministic.DeterministicTickInputSet.Inputs

On DeterministicTickInput per player.