Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle Struct Reference

Stores information to draw the debug shape circle. More...

Public Attributes

FPVector3 Center
 The world position of the circle center. More...
ColorRGBA Color
 The circle color. More...
FP Radius
 The circle radius. More...
FPQuaternion Rotation
 The rotation of the circle when drawing in 3D. More...
bool Wire
 Draw the circle as a wireframe. More...

Detailed Description

Stores information to draw the debug shape circle.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Radius

FP Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle.Radius

The circle radius.

◆ Center

FPVector3 Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle.Center

The world position of the circle center.

◆ Rotation

FPQuaternion Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle.Rotation

The rotation of the circle when drawing in 3D.

◆ Color

ColorRGBA Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle.Color

The circle color.

◆ Wire

bool Quantum.Draw.DebugCircle.Wire

Draw the circle as a wireframe.