Quantum 3 3.0.1

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Quantum.DebugMesh Class Reference

Access to Quantum debug mesh resources. Obsolete: has been replaced by QuantumMeshCollection.Global. More...


static Mesh CapsuleMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoCapsuleMesh asset and cache for later use. More...
static Mesh CircleMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoCircleMesh asset and cache for later use. This circle mesh is aligned to the XY plane. More...
static Mesh CubeMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoCubeMesh asset and cache for later use. More...
static Mesh CylinderMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoCylinderMesh asset and cache for later use. This cylinder mesh is aligned to the XY plane. More...
static Material DebugMaterial [get, set]
 The material used to draw transparent simulation debug shapes. Replace by setting a material before it's ever used. More...
static Mesh QuadMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoQuadMesh asset and cache for later use. More...
static Mesh SphereMesh [get]
 Load and return the QuantumGizmoSphereMesh asset and cache for later use. More...

Detailed Description

Access to Quantum debug mesh resources. Obsolete: has been replaced by QuantumMeshCollection.Global.

Property Documentation

◆ CircleMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.CircleMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoCircleMesh asset and cache for later use. This circle mesh is aligned to the XY plane.

◆ SphereMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.SphereMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoSphereMesh asset and cache for later use.

◆ QuadMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.QuadMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoQuadMesh asset and cache for later use.

◆ CubeMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.CubeMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoCubeMesh asset and cache for later use.

◆ CapsuleMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.CapsuleMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoCapsuleMesh asset and cache for later use.

◆ CylinderMesh

Mesh Quantum.DebugMesh.CylinderMesh

Load and return the QuantumGizmoCylinderMesh asset and cache for later use. This cylinder mesh is aligned to the XY plane.

◆ DebugMaterial

Material Quantum.DebugMesh.DebugMaterial

The material used to draw transparent simulation debug shapes. Replace by setting a material before it's ever used.