Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D Struct Reference

The data structure to hold 3D static colliders for a Quantum map. Static colliders are baked into the map and are used for efficient collision detection. More...

Public Attributes

FPVector3 BoxExtents
 The box extents (used for box shapes). More...
FP CapsuleExtent => (CapsuleHeight / FP._2) - CapsuleRadius
 Calculate the capsule extend. More...
FP CapsuleHeight
 The capsule height (used for capsule shapes). More...
FP CapsuleRadius
 The capsule radius (used for capsule shapes). More...
AssetRef< PhysicsMaterialPhysicsMaterial
 The physics material assigned to the static collider. More...
FPVector3 Position
 The world position of the collider. More...
FPQuaternion Rotation
 The 3D collider rotation. More...
Shape3DType ShapeType
 The 3D shape type. More...
Boolean SmoothSphereMeshCollisions
 The physics solver will resolve sphere and capsule shapes against mesh collisions as if the mesh was a regular flat and smooth plane. More...
FP SphereRadius
 The sphere radius (used for sphere shapes). More...
StaticColliderData StaticData
 Static collider meta data. More...

Detailed Description

The data structure to hold 3D static colliders for a Quantum map. Static colliders are baked into the map and are used for efficient collision detection.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Rotation

FPQuaternion Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.Rotation

The 3D collider rotation.

◆ Position

FPVector3 Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.Position

The world position of the collider.

◆ PhysicsMaterial

AssetRef<PhysicsMaterial> Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.PhysicsMaterial

The physics material assigned to the static collider.

◆ ShapeType

Shape3DType Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.ShapeType

The 3D shape type.

◆ SphereRadius

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.SphereRadius

The sphere radius (used for sphere shapes).

◆ CapsuleRadius

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.CapsuleRadius

The capsule radius (used for capsule shapes).

◆ CapsuleHeight

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.CapsuleHeight

The capsule height (used for capsule shapes).

◆ BoxExtents

FPVector3 Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.BoxExtents

The box extents (used for box shapes).

◆ SmoothSphereMeshCollisions

Boolean Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.SmoothSphereMeshCollisions

The physics solver will resolve sphere and capsule shapes against mesh collisions as if the mesh was a regular flat and smooth plane.

◆ StaticData

StaticColliderData Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.StaticData

Static collider meta data.

◆ CapsuleExtent

FP Quantum.MapStaticCollider3D.CapsuleExtent => (CapsuleHeight / FP._2) - CapsuleRadius

Calculate the capsule extend.