Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.Navigation.PathVertex Struct Reference

The data structure for the internal path waypoints. More...

Public Attributes

Int32 Index
 The triangle index of this waypoint in NavMesh.Triangles. More...
Int32 Link
 The index of the link in NavMesh.Links that this waypoint is connected to. Default is -1. More...
FPVector3 Normal
 The normal of an optional border that the waypoint touches. Default is FPVector3.Zero. More...
FPVector3 Point
 The world position of this waypoint. More...

Detailed Description

The data structure for the internal path waypoints.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Index

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.PathVertex.Index

The triangle index of this waypoint in NavMesh.Triangles.

◆ Point

FPVector3 Quantum.Navigation.PathVertex.Point

The world position of this waypoint.

◆ Normal

FPVector3 Quantum.Navigation.PathVertex.Normal

The normal of an optional border that the waypoint touches. Default is FPVector3.Zero.

◆ Link

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.PathVertex.Link

The index of the link in NavMesh.Links that this waypoint is connected to. Default is -1.