Quantum 3 3.0.1

Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed Class Reference

Callback when removing a local player failed. More...

Inheritance diagram for Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed:
Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase Quantum.CallbackBase Quantum.IDispatchable

Public Attributes

string Message
 The error debug message. More...
int PlayerSlot
 The local player slot that was tried to be removed and failed. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
readonly int ID
 The callback id. More...

Static Public Attributes

const new Int32 ID = (int)CallbackId.PlayerRemoveConfirmed
 The const CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed callback id. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
 CallbackBase (int id, QuantumGame game)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
 CallbackBase (int id)
 Create the callback with an id. More...
 CallbackBase (int id, IDeterministicGame game)
 Creates a callback with an id and a game. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
static Type GetCallbackType (CallbackId id)
 Maps the const callback id CallbackId to a callback system type. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.QuantumGame.CallbackBase
new QuantumGame Game [get, set]
 The assigned game. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.CallbackBase
IDeterministicGame Game [get, set]
 The game that the callback is dispatched to. More...
- Properties inherited from Quantum.IDispatchable
IDeterministicGame Game [get]
 The game that the callback or event is dispatched to. More...

Detailed Description

Callback when removing a local player failed.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ID

const new Int32 Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed.ID = (int)CallbackId.PlayerRemoveConfirmed

The const CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed callback id.

◆ PlayerSlot

int Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed.PlayerSlot

The local player slot that was tried to be removed and failed.

◆ Message

string Quantum.CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed.Message

The error debug message.