Photon Fusion 2.0.6

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAllocatorMemory Allocator
 CAllocator.ConfigMemory Allocator Configuration
 CStaticConstructorAttributeAttribute to mark a constructor as a static constructor
 CStaticFieldAttributeAttribute to mark a static field with a reset mode
 CStaticFieldResetMethodAttributeAttribute to mark a method as a static field reset method
 CAssetObjectBase class for all Fusion assets
 CTaskManagerTask Factory is used to create new Tasks and Schedule long running Tasks
 CAtomicIntRepresents an atomic integer that provides thread-safe operations
 CAuthorityMasksProvides constants and methods for managing authority masks
 CBehaviourAlternative base class to Unity's MonoBehaviour. This allows for components that work both in Unity, as well as the Photon relays
 CBinUtilsUtility class for binary data
 CCapacityAttributeCapacity Attribute
 CCRC64Provides methods to compute CRC64 checksums
 CDynamicHeapA dynamic heap for allocating and tracking unmanaged objects
 CDynamicHeap.IgnoreIgnore this field when scanning for pointers
 CDynamicHeapInstanceDynamic heap instance
 CEditorButtonAttributeSpecifies that a method should be displayed as a button in the Unity editor
 CIDataEncryptionInterface for classes that manage the encryption/decryption of byte arrays
 CEncryptionConfigConfiguration for the Encryption Feature
 CEngineProfilerProvides a set of methods to profile the engine
 CFieldsMask< T >Base class for FieldsMask<T>
 CFixedArray< T >A fixed size array that can be used in structs
 CFixedArray< T >.EnumeratorEnumerator for the FixedArray struct
 CFixedStorageProvides utility methods for fixed storage types
 CFloatUtilsProvides utility methods for compressing and decompressing float values
 CFusionGlobalScriptableObjectAttributeProvides additional information for a global scriptable object
 CFusionGlobalScriptableObjectLoadResultThe result of FusionGlobalScriptableObjectSourceAttribute.Load. Contains the loaded object and an optional unloader delegate
 CFusionGlobalScriptableObjectSourceAttributeBase class for all attributes that can be used to load FusionGlobalScriptableObject. Attributes need to be registered at the assembly level. For instance, this snippet is used to register a default loader, that attempts to load from Resources based on FusionGlobalScriptableObjectAttribute.DefaultPath:
 CFusionMonoBehaviourBase class for all Fusion MonoBehaviours
 CFusionScriptableObjectBase class for all Fusion scriptable objects
 CHeapConfigurationMemory Heap Settings
 CHostMigrationConfigProject configuration settings specific to how the Host Migration behaves
 CHostMigrationTokenTransitory Holder with all necessary information to restart the Fusion Runner after the Host Migration has completed
 CIAsyncOperationDefines an asynchronous operation
 CIElementReaderWriter< T >Defines the interface for reading and writing elements in a byte array
 CIFixedStorageInterface for fixed storage types
 CINetworkArrayDefines the interface for a networked array
 CINetworkAssetSource< T >Interface for a network asset source
 CINetworkDictionaryDefines the interface for a networked dictionary
 CINetworkInputFlag interface for custom NetworkInput structs
 CINetworkLinkedListDefines the interface for a networked linked list
 CINetworkObjectInitializerInterface for initializing network objects
 CINetworkObjectProviderInterface which defines the handlers for NetworkRunner Spawn() and Despawn() actions. Passing an instance of this interface to NetworkRunner.StartGame(StartGameArgs) as the StartGameArgs.ObjectProvider argument value will assign that instance as the handler for runner Spawn() and Despawn() actions. By default (if StartGameArgs.ObjectProvider == null) actions will use Instantiate(), and Despawn() actions will use Destroy()
 CINetworkRunnerUpdaterInterface which defines the handlers for NetworkRunner Updates. An implementation is responsible for calling NetworkRunner.UpdateInternal(double) and NetworkRunner.RenderInternal periodically
 CINetworkSceneManagerInterface for a NetworkRunner scene manager. A scene manager is responsible for loading and unloading scenes
 CINetworkStructBase interface for all Fusion Network Structs
 CINetworkTRSPTeleportImplement this interface on a NetworkTRSP implementation to indicate it can be teleported
 CIUnitySurrogateRepresents an interface for Unity surrogates. This interface provides methods for reading and writing data
 CInterpolatedErrorCorrectionSettingsA set of parameters that tune the interpolated correction of prediction error on transform data
 CLagCompensatedHitDefines a lag compensated query hit result
 CAABBRepresents an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB)
 CBoxOverlapQueryParamsBase parameters needed to execute a box overlap query
 CBVHDrawProvide a way to iterate over BVH and return a BVHNodeDrawInfo for each node
 CBVHNodeDrawInfoContainer class to provide the necessary info to draw nodes from the BVH
 CColliderDrawInfoContainer class to provide the necessary information to draw a hitbox collider
 CHitboxColliderContainerDrawProvide a way to iterate over the HitboxBuffer.HitboxSnapshot and return the ColliderDrawInfo for each collider on the snapshot
 CLagCompensatedExtLagCompensated Extension methods
 CLagCompensationDrawProvide access to iterate over the lag compensation system components and give the necessary information to draw them
 CLagCompensationUtils.ContactDataDetails regarding a shape intersection. It does not carry information about the intersection happening or not
 CPositionRotationQueryParamsQuery parameters for position rotation query
 CQueryBase class for all Lag Compensation queries
 CQueryParamsBase parameters needed to execute a query
 CRaycastQueryParamsBase parameters needed to execute a raycast query
 CSnapshotHistoryDrawProvide a way to iterate over the HitboxBuffer and return the HitboxColliderContainerDraw container for each snapshot on the buffer
 CSphereOverlapQueryParamsBase parameters needed to execute a sphere overlap query
 CLagCompensationSettingsSettings for lag compensation history
 CLobbyInfoHolds information about a Lobby
 CMask256Mask256 is a 256-bit mask that can be used to store 256 boolean values
 CMathsMath utility methods
 CMaths.FastAbsRepresents a structure that allows quick setting of the sign bit of floats using field offsets
 CNativeNative Memory Allocator
 CNestedComponentUtilitiesTools to replace GetComponent variants that respects nested objects. These are used to find components of a NetworkedObjects without also finding components that belong to parent or child NetworkedObjects
 CNetworkArray< T >.EnumeratorEnumerator for NetworkArray
 CNetworkArrayExtensionsProvides extension methods for the NetworkArray class
 CNetworkArrayReadOnly< T >Provides a read-only view of a network array
 CNetworkAssemblyIgnoreAttributeNetwork Assembly Ignore Attribute
 CNetworkAssemblyWeavedAttributeNetwork Assembly Weaved Attribute
 CNetworkBehaviour.ArrayReader< T >Provides a reader for network arrays of type T
 CNetworkBehaviour.BehaviourReader< T >Provides a reader for network behaviours of type T
 CNetworkBehaviour.ChangeDetectorChange detector for a NetworkBehaviour
 CNetworkBehaviour.ChangeDetector.EnumerableStruct representing a collection of changes detected in a NetworkBehaviour
 CNetworkBehaviour.ChangeDetector.EnumeratorEnumerator for the collection of changes detected in a NetworkBehaviour
 CNetworkBehaviour.DictionaryReader< K, V >Provides a reader for network dictionaries with keys of type K and values of type V
 CNetworkBehaviour.LinkListReader< T >Provides a reader for network linked lists of type T
 CNetworkBehaviour.PropertyReader< T >Provides a reader for properties of type T in a network behaviour
 CNetworkBehaviourBufferProvides low level accesss to data buffers that can be read using a NetworkBehaviour.Reader
 CNetworkBehaviourBufferInterpolatorThe NetworkBehaviourBufferInterpolator struct is used to interpolate between two NetworkBehaviourBuffer instances. This is a read-only, ref struct, meaning it cannot be boxed and it can only be used on the stack
 CNetworkBehaviourUtilsThis static class provides utility methods for working with NetworkBehaviour objects
 CNetworkBehaviourUtils.ArrayInitializer< T >A utility structure for initializing NetworkArray and NetworkLinkedList with inline initialization
 CNetworkBehaviourUtils.DictionaryInitializer< K, V >A utility structure for initializing NetworkDictionary with inline initialization
 CNetworkBehaviourUtils.MetaDataThis structure holds metadata for a NetworkBehaviour object
 CNetworkBehaviourWeavedAttributeNetwork Behaviour Weaved Attribute
 CNetworkConfigurationMain network configuration class
 CNetworkDeserializeMethodAttributeNetwork Deserialize Method Attribute
 CNetworkDictionary< K, V >.EnumeratorEnumerator for NetworkDictionary
 CNetworkDictionaryReadOnly< K, V >A read-only version of NetworkDictionary<TKey,TValue>
 CNetworkedWeavedArrayAttributeAttribute applied to an array property by the weaver
 CNetworkedWeavedAttributeNetworked Weaved Attribute
 CNetworkedWeavedDictionaryAttributeAttribute applied to a dictionary property by the weaver
 CNetworkedWeavedLinkedListAttributeAttribute applied to a list property by the weaver
 CNetworkEvents.ConnectFailedEventUnityEvent for ConnectFailed
 CNetworkEvents.ConnectRequestEventUnityEvent for ConnectRequest
 CNetworkEvents.CustomAuthenticationResponseUnityEvent for Custom Authentication
 CNetworkEvents.DisconnectFromServerEventUnityEvent for DisconnectFromServer
 CNetworkEvents.HostMigrationEventUnityEvent for HostMigration
 CNetworkEvents.InputEventUnityEvent for NetworkInput
 CNetworkEvents.InputPlayerEventUnityEvent for NetworkInput with PlayerRef
 CNetworkEvents.ObjectEventUnityEvent for NetworkObject
 CNetworkEvents.ObjectPlayerEventUnityEvent for NetworkObject with PlayerRef
 CNetworkEvents.PlayerEventUnityEvent for PlayerRef
 CNetworkEvents.ReliableDataEventUnityEvent for Reliable Data
 CNetworkEvents.ReliableProgressEventUnityEvent for Reliable Data Progress
 CNetworkEvents.RunnerEventUnityEvent for NetworkRunner
 CNetworkEvents.SessionListUpdateEventUnityEvent for SessionInfo List
 CNetworkEvents.ShutdownEventUnityEvent for Shutdown
 CNetworkEvents.SimulationMessageEventUnityEvent for SimulationMessage
 CNetworkId.EqualityComparerIEqualityComparer interface for NetworkId objects
 CNetworkInputNetworkInput Struct
 CNetworkInputUtilsUtility methods for NetworkInput
 CNetworkInputWeavedAttributeNetwork Input Weaved Attribute
 CNetworkLinkedList< T >.EnumeratorEnumerator for NetworkLinkedList<T>
 CNetworkLinkedListReadOnly< T >Read-only version of NetworkLinkedList<T>
 CNetworkLoadSceneParametersParameters for loading a scene
 CNetworkObjectFlagsExtensionsExtension methods for the NetworkObjectFlags enum
 CNetworkObjectGuid.EqualityComparerEqualityComparer for NetworkObjectGuid
 CNetworkObjectMetaMeta information about a network object
 CNetworkObjectNestingKey.EqualityComparerImplements the IEqualityComparer interface
 CNetworkObjectReleaseContextRepresents the context for releasing a network object. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers
 CNetworkObjectSortKeyComparerThis class is used to compare two NetworkObject instances based on their SortKey. It implements the IComparer interface
 CNetworkObjectSpawnExceptionNetwork Object Spawn Exception
 CNetworkObjectTypeId.EqualityComparerNetworkObjectTypeId Comparer
 CNetworkPrefabAcquireContextRepresents the context for acquiring a prefab instance for a network object. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers
 CNetworkPrefabId.EqualityComparerEquality comparer for NetworkPrefabId
 CNetworkPrefabRef.EqualityComparerEqualityComparer for NetworkPrefabRef
 CNetworkPrefabTableClass representing a table of network prefabs
 CNetworkPrefabTableOptionsOptions for the NetworkPrefabTable
 CNetworkProjectConfigThe core Fusion config file that is shared with all peers at startup
 CNetworkProjectConfigAsset.SerializableSimulationBehaviourMetaAn auto-generated list containing meta information about all the SimulationBehaviours in the project, e.g. execution order
 CNetworkRpcStaticWeavedInvokerAttributeNetwork Rpc Static Weaved Invoker Attribute Contains info about a static weaved RPC Method
 CNetworkRpcWeavedInvokerAttributeNetwork Rpc Weaved Invoker Attribute Contains info about a weaved RPC Method
 CNetworkRunnerCallbackArgsStores data types used on the INetworkRunnerCallbacks interface
 CNetworkRunnerCallbackArgs.ConnectRequestData holder of a Connection Request from a remote client
 CNetworkRunnerUpdaterDefault.NetworkRunnerRenderUsed to invoke NetworkRunner.RenderInternal in the PlayerLoop
 CNetworkRunnerUpdaterDefault.NetworkRunnerUpdateUsed to invoke NetworkRunner.UpdateInternal(double) in the PlayerLoop
 CNetworkRunnerUpdaterDefaultInvokeSettingsSettings for the NetworkRunnerUpdaterDefault
 CNetworkSceneAsyncOpA wrapper for async scene operations
 CNetworkSceneAsyncOp.AwaiterAwaiter for NetworkSceneAsyncOp
 CNetworkSceneLoadIdA unique identifier for a scene load operation
 CNetworkSceneObjectIdA unique identifier for a scene object
 CNetworkSerializeMethodAttributeNetwork Serialize Method Attribute
 CNetworkSimulationConfigurationConfiguration for network conditions simulation (induced latency and loss)
 CNetworkSpawnOpSpawn Operation
 CNetworkSpawnOp.AwaiterAwaiter for NetworkSpawnOp
 CNetworkStructUtilsUtility methods for INetworkStruct
 CNetworkStructWeavedAttributeDescribes the total number of WORDs a INetworkStruct uses
 CNormalizedRectAttributeEnables a special inspector drawer for Unity Rect type, specially designed for editing RectTransforms using normalized values
 COnChangedRenderAttributeOnChangedRender Attribute
 CPreserveInPluginAttributePreserve In Plugin Attribute
 CPrimesProvides a set of methods to work with prime numbers
 CPropertyAttributeSpecifies that the attribute can be applied to fields only
 CBitStreamBitStream serialization methods
 CICommunicatorInterface for a Communicator
 CIMessageRepresents a Protocol Message
 CPtr.EqualityComparerPtr Equality Comparer
 CReadWriteUtilsProvides utility methods for reading and writing data
 CReadWriteUtilsForWeaverProvides utility methods for reading and writing data
 CReflectionUtilsProvides utility methods for reflection
 CRenderAttributeOverride default render settings for [Networked] properties
 CRenderTimelineCan be used to acquire interpolated data for different points in time
 CRenderWeavedAttributeRender Weaved Attribute
 CRpcAttributeFlags a method as being a networked Remote Procedure Call. Only usable in a NetworkBehaviour. Calls to this method (from the indicated allowed RpcSources) will generate a network message, which will execute the method remotely on the indicated RpcTargets. The RPC method can include an empty RpcInfo argument, that will include meta information about the RPC on the receiving peer
 CRpcHeaderHeader for RPC messages
 CRpcInfoRpcInfo is a struct that contains information about the RPC message
 CRpcInvokeDataRepresents the data required to invoke an RPC message
 CRpcInvokeInfoMay be used as an optional RpcAttribute return value. Contains meta data about the RPC send, such as failure to send reasons, culling, message size, etc
 CRpcSendResultRPC send operation result information
 CRpcTargetAttributeRPC attribute used to indicate a specific target player for an RPC when sending from one player to another. RPC is sent to the server, and then is forwarded to the specified player. Usage:
 CRuntimeUnityFlagsSetupContains methods to setup runtime flags for Unity
 CSceneLoadDoneArgsStruct that contains information about a scene after it has been loaded
 CSerializableDictionary< TKey, TValue >A serializable dictionary
 CSerializableType< BaseType >A System.Type wrapper that can be serialized
 CSessionInfoHolds information about the Game Session
 CSimulation.AreaOfInterestArea of Interest Definition
 CSimulationBehaviourAttributeAttribute for specifying which SimulationStages and SimulationModes this SimulationBehaviour will execute in. Can be used to limit execution to only Host, Server or Client peers, or to only execute on Resimulation or Forward ticks. Usage:
 CSimulationBehaviourListScopeProvides a scope for a SimulationBehaviourUpdater.BehaviourList, incrementing its lock count on creation and decrementing it on disposal. If the lock count reaches zero on disposal, all pending removals in the list are performed
 CSimulationConfigProject configuration settings specific to how the Simulation class behaves
 CSimulationInputSimulation Input
 CSimulationInput.BufferBuffer for SimulationInputs
 CSimulationInputHeaderSimulation Input Header
 CSimulationMessageSimulation Message
 CSimulationMessagePtrSimulation Message Pointer
 CSimulationRuntimeConfigStores the runtime configuration of the simulation
 CINetBitWriteStreamInterface for writing bits to a stream
 CINetPeerGroupCallbacksDefines the callbacks for network peer group events
 CINetSocketDefines the interface for network socket operations
 CNetAddressRepresents a Network Address, which includes a IP and Port This can contains either a IPv4 or a IPv6 address
 CNetAddress.EqualityComparerProvides methods to compare two NetAddress instances for equality
 CNetBitBuffer.OffsetRepresents an offset within a NetBitBuffer
 CNetBitBufferListRepresents a linked list of Fusion.Sockets.NetBitBuffer
 CNetBitBufferSerializerRepresents a serializer for reading and writing data to a NetBitBuffer
 CNetCommandAcceptedAccepted Command, sent by the server when a remote client connection is accepted
 CNetCommandConnectConnect Command used to signal a remote server that a client is trying to connect to it
 CNetCommandDisconnectDisconnect Command, it can be used by either side of the connection
 CNetCommandHeaderNetwork Command Header Describe its type and usual settings for all commands
 CNetCommandRefusedRefuse Command, sent by the server when the connection was refused. This happens when the server has reached its max connection capacity
 CNetConfigGeneral configuration used to drive the behavior of the Socket library
 CNetConfigNotifyRepresents the configuration for network notifications
 CNetConfigSimulationRepresents the configuration for network simulation
 CNetConfigSimulationOscillatorRepresents an oscillator configuration for network simulation
 CNetConnectionNetwork connection
 CNetConnectionIdRepresents a network connection ID
 CNetConnectionId.EqualityComparerAn equality comparer for NetConnectionId instances
 CNetConnectionMapRepresents a network connection map
 CNetConnectionMap.IteratorIterator for traversing the connections in a NetConnectionMap
 CNetPeerNetwork Peer
 CNetPeerGroupNetwork Peer Group
 CNetSendEnvelopeRepresents an envelope for sending network packets in the Fusion.Sockets namespace
 CNetSocketRepresents a network socket with a handle and a native socket
 CReliableHeaderRepresents a reliable header structure used in the Fusion.Sockets namespace
 CReliableIdRepresents a reliable identifier used in the Fusion.Sockets namespace
 CReliableKeyRepresents a reliable key structure used in the Fusion.Sockets namespace
 CReliableListRepresents a list of reliable headers
 CStunServers.StunServerStores Addresses of a STUN Server
 CStartGameArgsFusion Start Arguments, used to configure the simulation mode and other settings
 CStartGameResultRepresents the result of starting the Fusion Simulation
 CBehaviourStatisticsManagerBehaviour statistics manager will provide access to the behaviour statistics snapshots
 CBehaviourStatisticsSnapshotRepresents a snapshot of statistics related to Fusion Behaviour type execution
 CFusionStatisticsManagerRepresents a fusion statistics manager
 CFusionStatisticsSnapshotRepresents a snapshot of Fusion statistics
 CLagCompensationStatisticsSnapshotRepresents a snapshot of lag compensation statistics
 CMemoryStatisticsSnapshotRepresents a snapshot of specific memory statistics. For basic total allocated memory and total free memory check the Fusion Statistics
 CNetworkObjectStatisticsManagerManages network object statistics for monitored network objects
 CNetworkObjectStatisticsSnapshotRepresents a snapshot of network object statistics
 CTickA tick is a 32-bit integer that represents a frame number
 CTick.EqualityComparerProvides a mechanism for comparing two Tick objects for equality
 CTick.RelationalComparerProvides a mechanism for comparing two Tick objects
 CTickAccumulatorA tick accumulator
 CTickRateA tick rate is a collection of tick rates
 CTickRate.ResolvedRepresents a resolved tick rate
 CTickRate.SelectionRepresents a selection of tick rates for client and server
 CTimerRepresents a high-resolution timer
 CTimeSyncConfigurationTime Synchronization Configuration
 CUnityContextMenuItemAttributeUnity ContextMenuItemAttribute
 CUnityDelayedAttributeUnity DelayedAttribute
 CUnityFormerlySerializedAsAttributeUnity FormerlySerializedAsAttribute
 CUnityHeaderAttributeUnity HeaderAttribute
 CUnityMinAttributeUnity MinAttribute
 CUnityMultilineAttributeUnity MultilineAttribute
 CUnityNonReorderableAttributeUnity NonReorderableAttribute
 CUnityNonSerializedAttributeUnity NonSerializedAttribute
 CUnityRangeAttributeUnity RangeAttribute
 CUnitySerializeFieldUnity SerializeField
 CUnitySerializeReferenceUnity SerializeReference
 CUnitySpaceAttributeUnity SpaceAttribute
 CUnityTooltipAttributeUnity TooltipAttribute
 CUTF32ToolsUTF32Tools provides a set of methods to work with UTF32 encoded strings
 CUTF32Tools.CharEnumeratorEnumerates the characters in a UTF-32 encoded string
 CUTF32Tools.ConversionResultRepresents the result of a conversion operation, containing the number of characters and code points processed
 CVersioningThe Versioning class provides methods and properties related to versioning
 CWeaverGeneratedAttributeWeaver Generated Attribute
 CIElementReaderWriter< bool >
 CIElementReaderWriter< K >
 CIElementReaderWriter< NetworkBehaviour >
 CIElementReaderWriter< NetworkObject >
 CIElementReaderWriter< V >
 CIExportedWordCountUsed in plugin. Indicates that NetworkBehaviour.DynamicWordCount is exported and can be assigned from serialized data
 CINetworkAssetSource< NetworkObject >
 CIPublicFacingInterfaceTag Interface for all public facing Fusion interfaces
 CNetworkedWeavedStringAttributeAn attribute emitted by the weaver to mark a string field as networked
 CNetworkBehaviour.PropertyReader< Fusion.NetworkBehaviourId >
 CSerializableType< Fusion.SimulationBehaviour >
 CUnsafeProvides substitution for missing System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe