Photon Fusion 2.0.6

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SimulationBehaviourAttribute Class Reference

Attribute for specifying which SimulationStages and SimulationModes this SimulationBehaviour will execute in. Can be used to limit execution to only Host, Server or Client peers, or to only execute on Resimulation or Forward ticks. Usage: More...

Inherits Attribute.


SimulationModes Modes [get, set]
 Flag for which indicated peers in SimulationModes will execute this script. More...
SimulationStages Stages [get, set]
 Flag for which stages of the simulation loop this component will execute this script. More...
Topologies Topologies [get, set]
 Flag for which topologies this script will execute in More...

Detailed Description

Attribute for specifying which SimulationStages and SimulationModes this SimulationBehaviour will execute in. Can be used to limit execution to only Host, Server or Client peers, or to only execute on Resimulation or Forward ticks. Usage:

[SimulationBehaviour(Stages = SimulationStages.Forward, Modes = SimulationModes.Server | SimulationModes.Host)]

Property Documentation

◆ Modes

SimulationModes Modes

Flag for which indicated peers in SimulationModes will execute this script.

◆ Stages

SimulationStages Stages

Flag for which stages of the simulation loop this component will execute this script.

◆ Topologies

Flag for which topologies this script will execute in