Classes | |
struct | _128 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 128 words. More... | |
struct | _16 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 16 words. More... | |
struct | _2 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 2 words. More... | |
struct | _256 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 256 words. More... | |
struct | _32 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 32 words. More... | |
struct | _4 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 4 words. More... | |
struct | _512 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 512 words. More... | |
struct | _64 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 64 words. More... | |
struct | _8 |
A FixedStorage that can hold up to 8 words. More... | |
class | Allocator |
Memory Allocator More... | |
struct | Angle |
A Networked fusion type for degrees. This can be used with the NetworkedAttribute, in RPCs, or in NetworkInput structs. More... | |
class | ArrayLengthAttribute |
Editor attribute for selecting the minimum and maximum length constraints for an array field. More... | |
class | AssemblyNameAttribute |
Specifies that the attributed field represents the name of an assembly. More... | |
class | AssetObject |
Base class for all Fusion assets. More... | |
struct | AtomicInt |
Represents an atomic integer that provides thread-safe operations. More... | |
class | AuthorityMasks |
Provides constants and methods for managing authority masks. More... | |
class | Behaviour |
Alternative base class to Unity's MonoBehaviour. This allows for components that work both in Unity, as well as the Photon relays. More... | |
class | BinaryDataAttribute |
Specifies that the field represents binary data. More... | |
class | BinUtils |
Utility class for binary data. More... | |
class | BitSetAttribute |
Represents an attribute that specifies the number of bits in a bit set. More... | |
class | CapacityAttribute |
Capacity Attribute More... | |
class | CRC64 |
Provides methods to compute CRC64 checksums. More... | |
class | DecoratingPropertyAttribute |
A base class for property attributes that decorate other property attributes. More... | |
class | DefaultForPropertyAttribute |
Default For Property Attribute More... | |
class | DisplayAsEnumAttribute |
Casts an enum or int value in the inspector to specific enum type for rendering of its popup list. Supplying a method name rather than a type allows a property with the type Type to be used to dynamically get the enum type. More... | |
class | DisplayNameAttribute |
Specifies the display name for a field. More... | |
class | DoIfAttributeBase |
Editor attribute for selective editor rendering. Condition member can be a property, field or method (with a return value). More... | |
class | DrawerPropertyAttribute |
A base class for property attributes that are used to draw properties in the inspector. More... | |
class | DrawIfAttribute |
Editor attribute for selectively drawing/hiding fields. Condition member can be a property, field or method (with a return value). More... | |
class | DrawInlineAttribute |
Specifies that a field should be drawn inline in the inspector. More... | |
struct | DynamicHeap |
A dynamic heap for allocating and tracking unmanaged objects. More... | |
class | DynamicHeapInstance |
Dynamic heap instance. More... | |
class | EditorButtonAttribute |
Specifies that a method should be displayed as a button in the Unity editor. More... | |
class | EncryptionConfig |
Configuration for the Encryption Feature More... | |
class | EngineProfiler |
Provides a set of methods to profile the engine. More... | |
class | ErrorIfAttribute |
Editor attribute for adding notices to fields if the condition member evaluates as true . Condition member can be a property, field or method (with a return value). More... | |
class | ExpandableEnumAttribute |
Editor attribute that shows an enum as an expandable list of options in the inspector. More... | |
class | FieldEditorButtonAttribute |
Editor attribute to add a button that invokes a custom method in the inspector. More... | |
class | FieldsMask |
Base class for FieldsMask<T>. More... | |
class | FixedArray |
A fixed size array that can be used in structs. More... | |
class | FixedBufferPropertyAttribute |
Fixed Buffer Property Attribute More... | |
class | FixedStorage |
Provides utility methods for fixed storage types. More... | |
struct | FloatCompressed |
Represents a compressed float value for network transmission. More... | |
class | FloatUtils |
Provides utility methods for compressing and decompressing float values. More... | |
class | FusionGlobalScriptableObject |
A base class for ScriptableObjects that are meant to be globally accessible, at edit-time and runtime. The way such objects are loaded is driven by usages of FusionGlobalScriptableObjectSourceAttribute attributes. More... | |
class | FusionGlobalScriptableObjectAttribute |
Provides additional information for a global scriptable object. More... | |
struct | FusionGlobalScriptableObjectLoadResult |
The result of FusionGlobalScriptableObjectSourceAttribute.Load. Contains the loaded object and an optional unloader delegate. More... | |
class | FusionGlobalScriptableObjectSourceAttribute |
Base class for all attributes that can be used to load FusionGlobalScriptableObject. Attributes need to be registered at the assembly level. For instance, this snippet is used to register a default loader, that attempts to load from Resources based on FusionGlobalScriptableObjectAttribute.DefaultPath: More... | |
class | FusionMonoBehaviour |
Base class for all Fusion MonoBehaviours. More... | |
class | FusionScriptableObject |
Base class for all Fusion scriptable objects. More... | |
class | HeapConfiguration |
Memory Heap Settings More... | |
class | HideArrayElementLabelAttribute |
Attribute used to hide the label of an array element in the inspector. More... | |
class | Hitbox |
Represents a single lag-compensated collider. Multiple component instances can be added anywhere in the hierarchy of a NetworkObject which includes a HitboxRoot. More... | |
class | HitboxManager |
Entry point for lag compensated Hitbox queries, which maintains a history buffer, and provides lag compensated raycast and overlap methods. Singleton instance is accessible through the property Runner.LagCompensation. More... | |
class | HitboxRoot |
Root Hitbox group container. Manages registering/unregistering hitboxes with the group, and defines the broadphase geometry for the group. More... | |
class | HostMigrationConfig |
Project configuration settings specific to how the Host Migration behaves. More... | |
class | HostMigrationToken |
Transitory Holder with all necessary information to restart the Fusion Runner after the Host Migration has completed More... | |
interface | IAfterAllTicks |
Interface for AfterAllTicks callback. Called after the re-simulation loop (when applicable), and also after the forward simulation loop. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IAfterClientPredictionReset |
Callback interface for AfterClientPredictionReset. Called at the very start of the resimulation loop (on clients with prediction enabled), immediately after state is set to the latest server snapshot. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IAfterHostMigration |
Used to mark NetworkBehaviors that need to be react after a Host Migration process More... | |
interface | IAfterRender |
Interface for AfterRender callback. Called after the render loop. More... | |
interface | IAfterSpawned |
Interface for AfterSpawned callback. Called after the object is spawned. More... | |
interface | IAfterTick |
Interface for AfterTick callback. Called after each tick simulation completes. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IAfterUpdate |
Interface for the AfterUpdate callback, which is called at the end of each Fusion Update segment. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IAfterUpdateRemotePrefabs |
Invoked after updating remote prefabs More... | |
interface | IAsyncOperation |
Defines an asynchronous operation. More... | |
interface | IBeforeAllTicks |
Interface for BeforeAllTicks callback. Called before the re-simulation loop (when applicable), and also before the forward simulation loop. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeClientPredictionReset |
Callback interface for BeforeClientPredictionReset. Called at the very start of the re-simulation loop (on clients with prediction enabled), before state is set to the latest server snapshot. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeCopyPreviousState |
Interface for BeforeCopyPreviousState callback. Called before the copy of the previous state. More... | |
interface | IBeforeHitboxRegistration |
Interface for BeforeHitboxRegistration callback. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeSimulation |
Interface for BeforeSimulation callback. Called before both the re-simulation (when applicable) and forward simulation loops. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeTick |
Interface for BeforeTick callback. Called before each tick is simulated. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeUpdate |
Interface for the BeforeUpdate callback, which is called at the beginning of each Fusion Update segment. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | IBeforeUpdateRemotePrefabs |
Invoked before updating remote prefabs More... | |
interface | ICoroutine |
Defines a coroutine. More... | |
interface | IDespawned |
Interface for Despawned callback. Called when a NetworkBehaviour is despawned. More... | |
interface | IElementReaderWriter |
Defines the interface for reading and writing elements in a byte array. More... | |
interface | IFixedStorage |
Interface for fixed storage types. More... | |
interface | IInputAuthorityGained |
Interface for handling the event when the input authority is gained. More... | |
interface | IInputAuthorityLost |
Interface for handling the event when the input authority is lost. More... | |
interface | IInterestEnter |
Interface for handling the event when a player enters the area of interest. More... | |
interface | IInterestExit |
Interface for handling the event when a player exits the area of interest. More... | |
interface | ILocalPrefabCreated |
Interface for handling the event when a local prefab is created. More... | |
interface | INetworkArray |
Defines the interface for a networked array. More... | |
interface | INetworkAssetSource |
Interface for a network asset source. More... | |
interface | INetworkDictionary |
Defines the interface for a networked dictionary. More... | |
interface | INetworkInput |
Flag interface for custom NetworkInput structs. More... | |
interface | INetworkLinkedList |
Defines the interface for a networked linked list. More... | |
interface | INetworkObjectInitializer |
Interface for initializing network objects. More... | |
interface | INetworkObjectProvider |
Interface which defines the handlers for NetworkRunner Spawn() and Despawn() actions. Passing an instance of this interface to NetworkRunner.StartGame(StartGameArgs) as the StartGameArgs.ObjectProvider argument value will assign that instance as the handler for runner Spawn() and Despawn() actions. By default (if StartGameArgs.ObjectProvider == null) actions will use Instantiate(), and Despawn() actions will use Destroy(). More... | |
interface | INetworkPrefabSource |
Interface for a network prefab source. More... | |
interface | INetworkRunnerCallbacks |
Interface for NetworkRunner callbacks. Register a class/struct instance which implements this interface with NetworkRunner.AddCallbacks(INetworkRunnerCallbacks[]). More... | |
interface | INetworkRunnerUpdater |
Interface which defines the handlers for NetworkRunner Updates. An implementation is responsible for calling NetworkRunner.UpdateInternal(double) and NetworkRunner.RenderInternal periodically. More... | |
interface | INetworkSceneManager |
Interface for a NetworkRunner scene manager. A scene manager is responsible for loading and unloading scenes More... | |
interface | INetworkStruct |
Base interface for all Fusion Network Structs More... | |
interface | INetworkTRSPTeleport |
Implement this interface on a NetworkTRSP implementation to indicate it can be teleported. More... | |
class | InlineHelpAttribute |
If applied to a field, checks if there is a help text for the field or the field's type and shows it in the inspector. More... | |
class | InterpolatedErrorCorrectionSettings |
A set of parameters that tune the interpolated correction of prediction error on transform data. More... | |
interface | IPlayerJoined |
Interface for handling the event when a player joins the game. More... | |
interface | IPlayerLeft |
Interface for handling the event when a player leaves the game. More... | |
interface | IRemotePrefabCreated |
Interface for handling the event when a remote prefab is created. More... | |
interface | ISceneLoadDone |
Interface for handling the event when a scene load operation is completed. More... | |
interface | ISceneLoadStart |
Interface for handling the event when a scene load operation is started. More... | |
interface | ISimulationEnter |
Interface for SimulationEnter callback. Called when the NetworkObject joins AreaOfInterest. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | ISimulationExit |
Interface for the SimulationExit callback. Called when the NetworkObject leaves AreaOfInterest. Implement this interface on SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour classes. More... | |
interface | ISpawned |
Interface for handling the event when an object is spawned. More... | |
interface | IStateAuthorityChanged |
Interface for handling the event when the state authority changes. More... | |
struct | LagCompensatedHit |
Defines a lag compensated query hit result. More... | |
class | LagCompensationSettings |
Settings for lag compensation history. More... | |
class | LayerAttribute |
Specifies that an int field should be drawn as a layer field in the inspector. More... | |
class | LayerMatrixAttribute |
Specifies that the integer array field should be drawn as a layer matrix in the inspector. More... | |
class | LobbyInfo |
Holds information about a Lobby More... | |
struct | Mask256 |
Mask256 is a 256-bit mask that can be used to store 256 boolean values. More... | |
class | Maths |
Math utility methods. More... | |
class | MaxStringByteCountAttribute |
Specifies that the string field should be drawn as a text field with a maximum byte count for given encoding. More... | |
class | Native |
Native Memory Allocator More... | |
class | NestedComponentUtilities |
Tools to replace GetComponent variants that respects nested objects. These are used to find components of a NetworkedObjects without also finding components that belong to parent or child NetworkedObjects. More... | |
struct | NetworkArray |
Fusion type for networking arrays. Maximum capacity is fixed, and is set with the CapacityAttribute. More... | |
class | NetworkArrayExtensions |
Provides extension methods for the NetworkArray class. More... | |
struct | NetworkArrayReadOnly |
Provides a read-only view of a network array. More... | |
class | NetworkAssemblyIgnoreAttribute |
Network Assembly Ignore Attribute More... | |
class | NetworkAssemblyWeavedAttribute |
Network Assembly Weaved Attribute More... | |
class | NetworkBehaviour |
Base class for Fusion network components, which are associated with a NetworkObject. More... | |
struct | NetworkBehaviourBuffer |
Provides low level accesss to data buffers that can be read using a NetworkBehaviour.Reader More... | |
struct | NetworkBehaviourBufferInterpolator |
The NetworkBehaviourBufferInterpolator struct is used to interpolate between two NetworkBehaviourBuffer instances. This is a read-only, ref struct, meaning it cannot be boxed and it can only be used on the stack. More... | |
struct | NetworkBehaviourId |
Represents the unique identifier for a NetworkBehaviour instance. More... | |
class | NetworkBehaviourUtils |
This static class provides utility methods for working with NetworkBehaviour objects. More... | |
class | NetworkBehaviourWeavedAttribute |
Network Behaviour Weaved Attribute More... | |
struct | NetworkBool |
Represents a boolean value that can be networked. More... | |
struct | NetworkButtons |
Represents a set of buttons that can be networked. More... | |
class | NetworkConfiguration |
Main network configuration class. More... | |
class | NetworkDelegates |
Network Runner Callbacks Delegates More... | |
class | NetworkDeserializeMethodAttribute |
Network Deserialize Method Attribute More... | |
struct | NetworkDictionary |
Fusion type for networking Dictionaries. Maximum capacity is fixed, and is set with the CapacityAttribute. More... | |
struct | NetworkDictionaryReadOnly |
A read-only version of NetworkDictionary<TKey,TValue>. More... | |
class | NetworkedAttribute |
class | NetworkedWeavedArrayAttribute |
Attribute applied to an array property by the weaver. More... | |
class | NetworkedWeavedAttribute |
Networked Weaved Attribute More... | |
class | NetworkedWeavedDictionaryAttribute |
Attribute applied to a dictionary property by the weaver. More... | |
class | NetworkedWeavedLinkedListAttribute |
Attribute applied to a list property by the weaver. More... | |
class | NetworkEvents |
Companion component for NetworkRunner. Exposes INetworkRunnerCallbacks as UnityEvents, which can be wired up to other components in the inspector. More... | |
struct | NetworkId |
The unique identifier for a network entity. More... | |
struct | NetworkInput |
NetworkInput Struct More... | |
class | NetworkInputUtils |
Utility methods for NetworkInput More... | |
class | NetworkInputWeavedAttribute |
Network Input Weaved Attribute More... | |
struct | NetworkLinkedList |
Fusion type for networking LinkedLists. Maximum capacity is fixed, and is set with the CapacityAttribute. Typical Usage: More... | |
struct | NetworkLinkedListReadOnly |
Read-only version of NetworkLinkedList<T>. More... | |
struct | NetworkLoadSceneParameters |
Parameters for loading a scene More... | |
class | NetworkMecanimAnimator |
A component for synchronizing the Animator controller state from the State Authority to network proxies. Requires a Unity Animator component, and a NetworkObject component. NOTE: Animator Root Motion is not compatible with re-simulation and prediction. More... | |
class | NetworkObject |
The primary Fusion component for networked GameObject entities. This stores the object's network identity and manages the object's state and input authority. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectFlagsExtensions |
Extension methods for the NetworkObjectFlags enum. More... | |
struct | NetworkObjectGuid |
NetworkObjectGuid More... | |
class | NetworkObjectInitializerUnity |
Initializes network objects for Unity. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectMeta |
Meta information about a network object. More... | |
struct | NetworkObjectNestingKey |
A key used to identify a network object nesting. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectPrefabData |
This class represents the data for a network object prefab. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectProviderDummy |
A dummy implementation of the INetworkObjectProvider interface. This class is used for testing purposes and throws a NotImplementedException for all its methods. More... | |
struct | NetworkObjectReleaseContext |
Represents the context for releasing a network object. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectSortKeyComparer |
This class is used to compare two NetworkObject instances based on their SortKey. It implements the IComparer interface. More... | |
class | NetworkObjectSpawnException |
Network Object Spawn Exception More... | |
struct | NetworkObjectTypeId |
ID for a NetworkObject Prefab which has been cataloged in a NetworkProjectConfig.PrefabTable. More... | |
struct | NetworkPhysicsInfo |
Network Physics INetworkStruct More... | |
struct | NetworkPrefabAcquireContext |
Represents the context for acquiring a prefab instance for a network object. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers. More... | |
class | NetworkPrefabAttribute |
Network Prefab Attribute More... | |
struct | NetworkPrefabId |
ID for a NetworkObject Prefab which has been cataloged in a NetworkProjectConfig.PrefabTable. More... | |
struct | NetworkPrefabRef |
NetworkPrefabRef More... | |
class | NetworkPrefabTable |
Class representing a table of network prefabs. More... | |
struct | NetworkPrefabTableOptions |
Options for the NetworkPrefabTable. More... | |
class | NetworkProjectConfig |
The core Fusion config file that is shared with all peers at startup. More... | |
class | NetworkProjectConfigAsset |
Manages and references the current instance of NetworkProjectConfig More... | |
struct | NetworkRNG |
PCG32 random generator, 16 bytes in size. More... | |
class | NetworkRpcStaticWeavedInvokerAttribute |
Network Rpc Static Weaved Invoker Attribute Contains info about a static weaved RPC Method More... | |
class | NetworkRpcWeavedInvokerAttribute |
Network Rpc Weaved Invoker Attribute Contains info about a weaved RPC Method More... | |
class | NetworkRunner |
Host Migration related code in order to get a copy of the Simulation State More... | |
class | NetworkRunnerCallbackArgs |
Stores data types used on the INetworkRunnerCallbacks interface More... | |
class | NetworkRunnerUpdaterDefault |
Default implementation of INetworkRunnerUpdater that uses the Unity PlayerLoop. More... | |
struct | NetworkRunnerUpdaterDefaultInvokeSettings |
Settings for the NetworkRunnerUpdaterDefault. More... | |
struct | NetworkSceneAsyncOp |
A wrapper for async scene operations. More... | |
struct | NetworkSceneInfo |
Can store up to 8 active scenes and allows for duplicates. Each write increases Version which can be used to generate unique scene objects ids for when a scene is supposed to be reloaded. More... | |
struct | NetworkSceneLoadId |
A unique identifier for a scene load operation. More... | |
struct | NetworkSceneObjectId |
A unique identifier for a scene object. More... | |
class | NetworkSerializeMethodAttribute |
Network Serialize Method Attribute More... | |
class | NetworkSimulationConfiguration |
Configuration for network conditions simulation (induced latency and loss). More... | |
struct | NetworkSpawnOp |
Spawn Operation More... | |
class | NetworkString |
Fixed-size UTF32 string. All operations are alloc-free, except for converting to System.String. More... | |
class | NetworkStructUtils |
Utility methods for INetworkStruct More... | |
class | NetworkStructWeavedAttribute |
Describes the total number of WORDs a INetworkStruct uses. More... | |
class | NetworkTransform |
Add to any NetworkObject Transform, or its associated child Transforms to automatically synchronize TRSP (Position/Rotation/Scale/Parent). More... | |
class | NetworkTRSP |
Base class for spatial (Position/Rotation/Scale/Parent) synchronization component, such as NetworkTransform. Provides the base logic for render interpolation, parenting synchronization, and teleport, that can be used in components derived from this class. More... | |
struct | NetworkTRSPData |
Data structure storing spatial (Position/Rotation/Scale/Parent) synchronization data for spatial synchronization components, NetworkTRSP and its subclass NetworkTransform. More... | |
class | NormalizedRectAttribute |
Enables a special inspector drawer for Unity Rect type, specially designed for editing RectTransforms using normalized values. More... | |
class | OnChangedRenderAttribute |
OnChangedRender Attribute More... | |
struct | PlayerRef |
Represents a Fusion player. More... | |
class | PreserveInPluginAttribute |
Preserve In Plugin Attribute More... | |
class | Primes |
Provides a set of methods to work with prime numbers. More... | |
class | PropertyAttribute |
Specifies that the attribute can be applied to fields only. More... | |
struct | Ptr |
Ptr More... | |
struct | QuaternionCompressed |
Represents a compressed Quaternion value for network transmission. More... | |
class | RangeExAttribute |
Represents an attribute that specifies a range of values for a field or property. More... | |
class | ReadOnlyAttribute |
Attribute used to mark a field as read-only. More... | |
class | ReadWriteUtils |
Provides utility methods for reading and writing data. More... | |
class | ReadWriteUtilsForWeaver |
Provides utility methods for reading and writing data. More... | |
class | ReflectionUtils |
Provides utility methods for reflection. More... | |
class | RenderAttribute |
Override default render settings for [Networked] properties. More... | |
struct | RenderTimeline |
Can be used to acquire interpolated data for different points in time. More... | |
class | RenderWeavedAttribute |
Render Weaved Attribute More... | |
class | ResolveNetworkPrefabSourceAttribute |
Resolve Network Prefab Source Attribute More... | |
class | RpcAttribute |
Flags a method as being a networked Remote Procedure Call. Only usable in a NetworkBehaviour. Calls to this method (from the indicated allowed RpcSources) will generate a network message, which will execute the method remotely on the indicated RpcTargets. The RPC method can include an empty RpcInfo argument, that will include meta information about the RPC on the receiving peer. More... | |
struct | RpcHeader |
Header for RPC messages. More... | |
struct | RpcInfo |
RpcInfo is a struct that contains information about the RPC message. More... | |
struct | RpcInvokeData |
Represents the data required to invoke an RPC message. More... | |
struct | RpcInvokeInfo |
May be used as an optional RpcAttribute return value. Contains meta data about the RPC send, such as failure to send reasons, culling, message size, etc. More... | |
struct | RpcSendResult |
RPC send operation result information. More... | |
class | RpcTargetAttribute |
RPC attribute used to indicate a specific target player for an RPC when sending from one player to another. RPC is sent to the server, and then is forwarded to the specified player. Usage: More... | |
class | RuntimeUnityFlagsSetup |
Contains methods to setup runtime flags for Unity. More... | |
struct | SceneLoadDoneArgs |
Struct that contains information about a scene after it has been loaded. More... | |
class | ScenePathAttribute |
Specifies that a string field represents a scene path. More... | |
struct | SceneRef |
Scene reference struct. Can be used to reference a scene by index or by path. More... | |
class | ScriptHelpAttribute |
Defines the appearance of the script header in the Unity inspector. More... | |
class | SerializableDictionary |
A serializable dictionary. More... | |
struct | SerializableType |
A System.Type wrapper that can be serialized. More... | |
class | SerializableTypeAttribute |
Specifies that either a string field represents a type name or sets additional options for SerializableType field. More... | |
class | SerializeReferenceTypePickerAttribute |
Attribute used to show a type picker for a field with [SerializeReference]. More... | |
class | SessionInfo |
Holds information about the Game Session More... | |
class | Simulation |
Main simulation class More... | |
class | SimulationBehaviour |
Base class for a Fusion aware Behaviour (derived from UnityEngine.MonoBehavour). If a SimulationBehaviour is found on a NetworkRunner game object during the runner initialisation, the SimulationBehaviour is automatically registered. Objects derived from this object can be associated with a NetworkRunner and Simulation using NetworkRunner.AddGlobal(). More... | |
class | SimulationBehaviourAttribute |
Attribute for specifying which SimulationStages and SimulationModes this SimulationBehaviour will execute in. Can be used to limit execution to only Host, Server or Client peers, or to only execute on Resimulation or Forward ticks. Usage: More... | |
struct | SimulationBehaviourListScope |
Provides a scope for a SimulationBehaviourUpdater.BehaviourList, incrementing its lock count on creation and decrementing it on disposal. If the lock count reaches zero on disposal, all pending removals in the list are performed. More... | |
class | SimulationConfig |
Project configuration settings specific to how the Simulation class behaves. More... | |
class | SimulationInput |
Simulation Input More... | |
struct | SimulationInputHeader |
Simulation Input Header More... | |
struct | SimulationMessage |
Simulation Message More... | |
struct | SimulationMessagePtr |
Simulation Message Pointer More... | |
struct | SimulationRuntimeConfig |
Stores the runtime configuration of the simulation More... | |
struct | StartGameArgs |
Fusion Start Arguments, used to configure the simulation mode and other settings More... | |
class | StartGameResult |
Represents the result of starting the Fusion Simulation More... | |
struct | Tick |
A tick is a 32-bit integer that represents a frame number. More... | |
struct | TickAccumulator |
A tick accumulator. More... | |
struct | TickRate |
A tick rate is a collection of tick rates. More... | |
struct | TickTimer |
A timer that is based on ticks instead of seconds. More... | |
struct | Timer |
Represents a high-resolution timer. More... | |
class | TimeSyncConfiguration |
Time Synchronization Configuration More... | |
class | ToggleLeftAttribute |
Specifies that the bool field should be drawn as the toggle on the left side of the label. More... | |
class | UnitAttribute |
Unit Attribute class. Used to mark a field with the respective Units More... | |
class | UnityAddressablesRuntimeKeyAttribute |
Specifies that the string field represents a key for Unity Addressables. More... | |
class | UnityAssetGuidAttribute |
Specifies that the string field represents a GUID of an asset. More... | |
class | UnityContextMenuItemAttribute |
Unity ContextMenuItemAttribute More... | |
class | UnityDelayedAttribute |
Unity DelayedAttribute More... | |
class | UnityFormerlySerializedAsAttribute |
Unity FormerlySerializedAsAttribute More... | |
class | UnityHeaderAttribute |
Unity HeaderAttribute More... | |
class | UnityMinAttribute |
Unity MinAttribute More... | |
class | UnityMultilineAttribute |
Unity MultilineAttribute More... | |
class | UnityNonReorderableAttribute |
Unity NonReorderableAttribute More... | |
class | UnityNonSerializedAttribute |
Unity NonSerializedAttribute More... | |
class | UnityRangeAttribute |
Unity RangeAttribute More... | |
class | UnityResourcePathAttribute |
Specifies that the string field represents a path to a Unity resource. More... | |
class | UnitySerializeField |
Unity SerializeField More... | |
class | UnitySerializeReference |
Unity SerializeReference More... | |
class | UnitySpaceAttribute |
Unity SpaceAttribute More... | |
class | UnityTooltipAttribute |
Unity TooltipAttribute More... | |
class | UTF32Tools |
UTF32Tools provides a set of methods to work with UTF32 encoded strings. More... | |
struct | Vector2Compressed |
Represents a compressed Vector2 value for network transmission. More... | |
struct | Vector3Compressed |
Represents a compressed Vector3 value for network transmission. More... | |
struct | Vector4Compressed |
Represents a compressed Vector4 value for network transmission. More... | |
class | Versioning |
The Versioning class provides methods and properties related to versioning. More... | |
class | WarnIfAttribute |
Editor attribute for adding notices to fields if the condition member evaluates as true . Condition member can be a property, field or method (with a return value). More... | |
class | WeaverGeneratedAttribute |
Weaver Generated Attribute More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | AnimatorSyncSettings |
enum class | CompareOperator |
Comparison method for evaluating condition member value against compareToValues. More... | |
enum class | ConnectionType |
Defines the type of the current connection with the Remote Peer, either the Server or a Client More... | |
enum class | DrawIfMode |
Mode for the DrawIf attribute. If the condition is not met, should the field be hidden or just read-only? More... | |
enum class | EditorButtonVisibility |
Specifies the visibility options for an editor button. More... | |
enum class | GameMode |
Fusion Game Mode. More... | |
enum class | HitboxTypes |
Defines the collision geometry type of a Hitbox. More... | |
enum class | HitOptions |
enum class | NetworkObjectAcquireResult |
Enum representing the possible results of acquiring a prefab instance for a network object. More... | |
enum class | NetworkObjectConnectionDataStatus |
enum class | NetworkObjectDestroyFlags |
enum class | NetworkObjectFlags : int |
Enum representing the flags for network objects in the Fusion system. This enum is marked with the Flags attribute, allowing it to be treated as a bit field. More... | |
enum class | NetworkObjectHeaderFlags : int |
Enum representing various flags for a network object header. Each flag represents a different state or property of a network object. More... | |
enum class | NetworkObjectHeaderPlayerDataFlags : int |
enum class | NetworkObjectPacketFlags |
enum class | NetworkObjectRuntimeFlags : int |
enum class | NetworkPrefabTableGetPrefabResult |
Enum representing the possible results of attempting to get a prefab from the NetworkPrefabTable. More... | |
enum class | NetworkSceneInfoChangeSource |
What has contributed to the observed change in the scene info. More... | |
enum class | NetworkSceneInfoDefaultFlags : uint |
Network Scene Info Default Flags More... | |
enum class | NetworkSpawnFlags : short |
Network Spawn Flags More... | |
enum class | NetworkSpawnStatus : int |
Network Spawn Status More... | |
enum class | NetworkTypeIdKind |
Enum representing the type of a NetworkObject. More... | |
enum class | PageSizes |
Page Bit Shift Lookup Table More... | |
enum class | PriorityLevel |
Enum representing the priority levels for network objects More... | |
enum class | RenderSource |
Indicates how available snapshot data should be used to render networked properties (in the chosen RenderTimeframe). More... | |
enum class | RenderTimeframe |
Indicates which point in time (or "timeframe") networked properties should be rendered in. More... | |
enum class | RpcChannel |
Flags for the RPC channel. More... | |
enum class | RpcHostMode |
Options for when the game is run in SimulationModes.Host mode and RPC is invoked by the host. More... | |
enum class | RpcLocalInvokeResult |
Results for the local RPC Invocation of the RPC method. More... | |
enum class | RpcSendCullResult |
Results for the RPC message send operation. Note: Some individual targets may be culled even if the send operation succeeds. Information about culled targets can be found in RpcInvokeInfo.SendResult. More... | |
enum class | RpcSendMessageResult |
Result flags for the RPC message send operation. More... | |
enum class | RpcSources |
Enum representing the sources of an RPC message. More... | |
enum class | RpcTargets |
Enum representing the targets of an RPC message. More... | |
enum class | RpcTargetStatus |
Enum representing the status of an RPC target. More... | |
enum class | ScriptHeaderBackColor |
Color of the component graphic header in the Unity inspector. None indicates no header graphic should be used. More... | |
enum class | ScriptHeaderIcon |
Icon to be rendered on the component graphic header in the Unity inspector. More... | |
enum class | ScriptHeaderStyle |
Style of the script header in the Unity inspector. More... | |
enum class | SessionLobby |
Session Lobby Type More... | |
enum class | ShutdownReason |
Describes a list of Reason why the Fusion Runner was Shutdown More... | |
enum class | SimulationBehaviourRuntimeFlags |
enum class | SimulationMessageInternalTypes |
enum class | SimulationModes |
Flags for The type of network peer a simulation represents. More... | |
enum class | SimulationStages |
Flags for which stage the simulation currently running. Forward is when a tick is being simulated for the first time. Resimulate is when a tick is being simulated again with corrections. More... | |
enum class | Topologies |
enum class | Units |
Unit Type for a certain field. This helps to identify the unit that a certain value represents, like Seconds or Percentage More... | |
enum class | UnityPlayerLoopSystemAddMode |
Enum representing the possible modes for adding a system to the Unity player loop. More... | |
Functions | |
delegate void | FusionGlobalScriptableObjectUnloadDelegate (FusionGlobalScriptableObject instance) |
A delegate that can be used to unload a FusionGlobalScriptableObject. More... | |
unsafe struct | NetworkObjectHeaderPtr (NetworkObjectHeader *ptr) |
Represents a pointer to a NetworkObjectHeader. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers. More... | |
unsafe class | NetworkObjectHeaderSnapshot (Allocator allocator) |
readonly unsafe ref struct | NetworkObjectHeaderSnapshotRef (NetworkObjectHeaderSnapshot snapshot) |
delegate void | NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate (NetworkSpawnOp result) |
Network Object Spawn Delegate More... | |
unsafe delegate void | RpcInvokeDelegate (NetworkBehaviour behaviour, SimulationMessage *message) |
Represents a delegate that can be invoked by an RPC message. More... | |
unsafe delegate void | RpcStaticInvokeDelegate (NetworkRunner runner, SimulationMessage *message) |
Represents a delegate that can be invoked by an RPC message. More... | |
strong |
Comparison method for evaluating condition member value against compareToValues.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Fusion Game Mode.
Used to select how the local simulation will act.
Enumerator | |
Single | Single Player Mode: it works very similar to Host Mode, but don't accept any connections. |
Shared | Shared Mode: starts a Game Client, which will connect to a Game Server running in the Photon Cloud using the Fusion Plugin. |
Server | Server Mode: starts a Dedicated Game Server with no local player. |
Host | Host Mode: starts a Game Server and allows a local player. |
Client | Client Mode: starts a Game Client, which will connect to a peer in either Server or Host Modes. |
AutoHostOrClient | Automatically start as Host or Client. The first peer to connect to a room will be started as a Host, all others will connect as clients. |
strong |
Defines the collision geometry type of a Hitbox.
Enumerator | |
None | [Future Use] to represent a disabled Hitbox. |
Box | Geometry is a box, fill in Extents and (optional) Offset. |
Sphere | Geometry is a sphere, fill in Radius and (optional) Offset. |
Capsule | Geometry is a capsule, fill in capsule Radius, capsule Height and (optional) Offset. |
strong |
Per-query options for lag compensation (both raycast and overlap).
Enumerator | |
None | Default, no extra options. |
IncludePhysX | Add this to include checks against PhysX colliders. |
IncludeBox2D | Add this to include checks against Box2D colliders. If PhysX flag is set, it will be used instead. |
SubtickAccuracy | Subtick accuracy query (exactly like seen by player). |
IgnoreInputAuthority | If the HitboxRoot objects which the player performing the query (if specified) has input authority over should be ignored by the query. |
strong |
Enum representing the possible results of acquiring a prefab instance for a network object.
strong |
Enum representing the flags for network objects in the Fusion system. This enum is marked with the Flags attribute, allowing it to be treated as a bit field.
strong |
Enum representing various flags for a network object header. Each flag represents a different state or property of a network object.
strong |
Enum representing the possible results of attempting to get a prefab from the NetworkPrefabTable.
Enumerator | |
Success | The prefab was successfully retrieved. |
InProgress | The retrieval of the prefab is in progress. |
NotFound | The prefab was not found in the NetworkPrefabTable. |
LoadError | There was an error in loading the prefab. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Network Spawn Flags
Enumerator | |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Object get spawned as DontDestroyOnLoad on all clients. |
SharedModeStateAuthMasterClient | In shared mode, override the state authority to PlayerRef.MasterClient, ignoring "Is Master Client Object" inspector setting. If used by a non-master client, object will be spawned with local player authority and an error message will be logged. |
SharedModeStateAuthLocalPlayer | In shared mode, override the state authority to local player, ignoring "Is Master Client Object" inspector setting. |
strong |
Network Spawn Status
strong |
Enum representing the type of a NetworkObject.
Enumerator | |
Prefab | Represents a NetworkObject that is a Prefab. |
Custom | Represents a NetworkObject that is a Custom type. |
InternalStruct | Represents a NetworkObject that is an InternalStruct. |
SceneObject | Represents a NetworkObject that is a SceneObject. |
Invalid | Represents an Invalid NetworkObject type. |
strong |
Page Bit Shift Lookup Table
strong |
Enum representing the priority levels for network objects
strong |
Indicates how available snapshot data should be used to render networked properties (in the chosen RenderTimeframe).
strong |
strong |
strong |
Options for when the game is run in SimulationModes.Host mode and RPC is invoked by the host.
Enumerator | |
SourceIsServer | If host invokes RPC RpcInfo.Source will be set to PlayerRef.None (default). |
SourceIsHostPlayer | If host invokes RPC RpcInfo.Source will be set to the host's local player. |
strong |
Results for the local RPC Invocation of the RPC method.
Enumerator | |
Invoked | RPC has been invoked locally. |
NotInvokableLocally | Not invoked locally because RpcAttribute.InvokeLocal is false. |
NotInvokableDuringResim | Not invoked locally because InvokeResim is false and simulation stage is SimulationStages.Resimulate |
InsufficientSourceAuthority | Not invoked because source NetworkObject current authority does not match flags set in RpcAttribute.Sources |
InsufficientTargetAuthority | Not invoked because target player is local and this NetworkObject current authority does not match flags set in RpcAttribute.Targets |
TargetPlayerIsNotLocal | Not invoked because target player is not local. |
PayloadSizeExceeded | RPC is too large. See RpcAttribute.MaxPayloadSize for the maximum allowed size. |
TagetPlayerIsNotLocal | TargetPlayerIsNotLocal |
strong |
Results for the RPC message send operation. Note: Some individual targets may be culled even if the send operation succeeds. Information about culled targets can be found in RpcInvokeInfo.SendResult.
Enumerator | |
NotCulled | RPC has been sent. Check RpcInvokeInfo.SendResult for details. |
NotInvokableDuringResim | Send culled because RpcAttribute.InvokeLocal is false. |
InsufficientSourceAuthority | Send culled because source NetworkObject current authority does not match flags set in RpcAttribute.Sources |
NoActiveConnections | Send culled because there are no active connections. |
TargetPlayerUnreachable | Send culled because target player does not exist. |
TargetPlayerIsLocalButRpcIsNotInvokableLocally | Send culled because target player is local and RpcAttribute.InvokeLocal is false. |
PayloadSizeExceeded | RPC message size is too large to be sent. See RpcAttribute.MaxPayloadSize for the maximum allowed size. |
strong |
Result flags for the RPC message send operation.
strong |
Enum representing the sources of an RPC message.
strong |
Enum representing the targets of an RPC message.
strong |
strong |
Color of the component graphic header in the Unity inspector. None indicates no header graphic should be used.
strong |
Icon to be rendered on the component graphic header in the Unity inspector.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Describes a list of Reason why the Fusion Runner was Shutdown
Enumerator | |
Ok | OK Reason means Fusion was Shutdown by request |
Error | Shutdown was caused by some internal error |
IncompatibleConfiguration | Raised when the peer tries to Join a Room with a mismatching type between ClientServer Mode and Shared Mode. |
ServerInRoom | Raised when the local peer started as a Server and tried to join a Room that already has a Server peer. |
DisconnectedByPluginLogic | Raised when the Peer is disconnected or kicked by a Plugin Logic. |
GameClosed | Raised when the Game the Peer is trying to Join is Closed |
GameNotFound | Raised when the Game the Peer is trying to Join does not exist |
MaxCcuReached | Raised when all CCU available for the Photon Application are in use |
InvalidRegion | Raised when the peer is trying to connect to an unavailable or non-existent Region |
GameIdAlreadyExists | Raised when a Session with the same name was already created |
GameIsFull | Raised when a peer is trying to join a Room with already the max capacity of players |
InvalidAuthentication | Raised when the Authentication Values are invalid |
CustomAuthenticationFailed | Raised when the Custom Authentication has failed for some other reason |
AuthenticationTicketExpired | Raised when the Authentication Ticket has expired |
PhotonCloudTimeout | Timeout on the Connection with the Photon Cloud |
AlreadyRunning | Raised when Fusion is already running and the StartGame is invoked again |
InvalidArguments | Raised when any of the StartGame arguments does not meet the requirements |
HostMigration | Signal this Runner is shutting down because of a Host Migration is about to happen |
ConnectionTimeout | Connection with a remote server failed by timeout |
ConnectionRefused | Connection with a remote server failed because it was refused |
OperationTimeout | The current operation has timed out |
OperationCanceled | The current operation was canceled |
strong |
Flags for The type of network peer a simulation represents.
Enumerator | |
Server | Simulation represents a server peer, with no local player. |
Host | Simulation represents a server peer, with a local player. |
Client | Simulation represents a client peer, with a local player. |
strong |
Flags for which stage the simulation currently running. Forward is when a tick is being simulated for the first time. Resimulate is when a tick is being simulated again with corrections.
Enumerator | |
Forward | Currently simulating a tick for the first time. |
Resimulate | Currently simulating a previously simulated tick again, with state corrections. |
strong |
strong |
Unit Type for a certain field. This helps to identify the unit that a certain value represents, like Seconds or Percentage
strong |
Enum representing the possible modes for adding a system to the Unity player loop.
delegate void Fusion.FusionGlobalScriptableObjectUnloadDelegate | ( | FusionGlobalScriptableObject | instance | ) |
A delegate that can be used to unload a FusionGlobalScriptableObject.
unsafe struct Fusion.NetworkObjectHeaderPtr | ( | NetworkObjectHeader * | ptr | ) |
Represents a pointer to a NetworkObjectHeader. This struct is unsafe because it uses pointers.
delegate void Fusion.NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | ( | NetworkSpawnOp | result | ) |
Network Object Spawn Delegate
unsafe delegate void Fusion.RpcInvokeDelegate | ( | NetworkBehaviour | behaviour, |
SimulationMessage * | message | ||
) |
Represents a delegate that can be invoked by an RPC message.
behaviour | The NetworkBehaviour associated with the RPC message. |
message | The SimulationMessage associated with the RPC message. |
The RpcInvokeDelegate is used to invoke an RPC message. The delegate is invoked by the RpcSystem when an RPC message is received. The delegate is invoked with the NetworkBehaviour associated with the RPC message and the SimulationMessage associated with the RPC message.
unsafe delegate void Fusion.RpcStaticInvokeDelegate | ( | NetworkRunner | runner, |
SimulationMessage * | message | ||
) |
Represents a delegate that can be invoked by an RPC message.
runner | The NetworkRunner associated with the RPC message. |
message | The SimulationMessage associated with the RPC message. |
The RpcInvokeDelegate is used to invoke an RPC message. The delegate is invoked by the RpcSystem when an RPC message is received. The delegate is invoked with the NetworkRunner associated with the RPC message and the SimulationMessage associated with the RPC message.