Photon Fusion 2.0.6

Public Attributes | Properties | List of all members
NetConfig Struct Reference

General configuration used to drive the behavior of the Socket library More...

Public Attributes

NetAddress Address
 Network Address used to bind the internal Socket More...
int ConnectAttempts
 Number of Connection Attempts tried by the peer before cancel the connection More...
double ConnectInterval
 Interval in Seconds between attempts to connect to a remote server More...
double ConnectionDefaultRtt
 Initial RTT More...
int ConnectionGroups
 Number of Connection Groups supported by the local instance More...
double ConnectionPingInterval
 Interval in Seconds between ping being sent to a remote end More...
int ConnectionSendBuffers
 Pre-allocated number of data buffers used to send data More...
double ConnectionShutdownTime
 Timeout in Seconds to allow a disconnected Connection to be released from the Group Mapping More...
double ConnectionTimeout
 Connection Timeout in seconds More...
int MaxConnections
 Max Number of Connections supported by the local instance More...
NetConfigNotify Notify
 Package acknowledgment system configuration More...
double OperationExpireTime
 Max Allowed time for the Send and Receive operations, in milliseconds More...
int PacketSize
 UDP Packet Size in Bytes More...
NetConfigSimulation Simulation
 Network simulation system configuration More...
int SocketRecvBuffer
 Size of the internal Socket receive buffer More...
int SocketSendBuffer
 Size of the internal Socket send buffer More...


int ConnectionsPerGroup [get]
 Max number of Connection per Group based on the ConnectionGroups and MaxConnections More...
static NetConfig Defaults [get]
 Builds a NetConfig with the default values More...
int PacketSizeInBits [get]
 UDP Packet Size in Bits based on PacketSize More...

Detailed Description

General configuration used to drive the behavior of the Socket library

Member Data Documentation

◆ Address

NetAddress Address

Network Address used to bind the internal Socket

◆ ConnectAttempts

int ConnectAttempts

Number of Connection Attempts tried by the peer before cancel the connection

◆ ConnectInterval

double ConnectInterval

Interval in Seconds between attempts to connect to a remote server

◆ ConnectionDefaultRtt

double ConnectionDefaultRtt

Initial RTT

◆ ConnectionGroups

int ConnectionGroups

Number of Connection Groups supported by the local instance

◆ ConnectionPingInterval

double ConnectionPingInterval

Interval in Seconds between ping being sent to a remote end

◆ ConnectionSendBuffers

int ConnectionSendBuffers

Pre-allocated number of data buffers used to send data

◆ ConnectionShutdownTime

double ConnectionShutdownTime

Timeout in Seconds to allow a disconnected Connection to be released from the Group Mapping


◆ ConnectionTimeout

double ConnectionTimeout

Connection Timeout in seconds

◆ MaxConnections

int MaxConnections

Max Number of Connections supported by the local instance

◆ Notify

Package acknowledgment system configuration

◆ OperationExpireTime

double OperationExpireTime

Max Allowed time for the Send and Receive operations, in milliseconds

◆ PacketSize

int PacketSize

UDP Packet Size in Bytes

◆ Simulation

Network simulation system configuration

◆ SocketRecvBuffer

int SocketRecvBuffer

Size of the internal Socket receive buffer

◆ SocketSendBuffer

int SocketSendBuffer

Size of the internal Socket send buffer

Property Documentation

◆ ConnectionsPerGroup

int ConnectionsPerGroup

Max number of Connection per Group based on the ConnectionGroups and MaxConnections

◆ Defaults

NetConfig Defaults

Builds a NetConfig with the default values

◆ PacketSizeInBits

int PacketSizeInBits

UDP Packet Size in Bits based on PacketSize