Host Migration related code in order to get a copy of the Simulation State More...
Inherits Behaviour, and Simulation.ICallbacks.
Public Types | |
enum class | BuildTypes |
Enumeration of Fusion.Runtime.dll options. More... | |
enum class | States |
Initialization stages of Fusion More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | AddCallbacks (params INetworkRunnerCallbacks[] callbacks) |
Register an INetworkRunnerCallbacks instance for callbacks from this NetworkRunner. More... | |
void | AddGlobal (SimulationBehaviour instance) |
Add and register a SimulationBehaviour to this NetworkRunner. Note: It should NOT be a NetworkBehaviour More... | |
void | AddPlayerAreaOfInterest (PlayerRef player, Vector3 center, float radius) |
Call this every FixedUpdateNetwork to add an area of interest for a player. Should only be called from the Host/Server in Server client mode. Should only be called for the local player in shared mode. More... | |
void | Attach (NetworkObject networkObject, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, bool allocate=true, bool? masterClientObjectOverride=null) |
Attaches a user-created network object to the network. More... | |
void | Attach (NetworkObject[] networkObjects, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, bool allocate=true, bool? masterClientObjectOverride=null) |
Attach and assign to this NetworkRunner the NetworkObject provided. Used internally from the default implementation of INetworkSceneManager to register scene objects. More... | |
void | ClearPlayerAreaOfInterest (PlayerRef player) |
Clears the area of interest for a player. This can only be called from the server/host More... | |
delegate void | CloudConnectionLostHandler (NetworkRunner networkRunner, ShutdownReason shutdownReason, bool reconnecting) |
If this callback is implemented, the default behavior of disconnecting when the cloud connection is lost in server/client or host/client mode is disabled. This callback will be invoked instead, leaving the decision up to the user. It is called both on the server/host and on the client. More... | |
void | Despawn (NetworkObject networkObject) |
Destroys a NetworkObject. More... | |
void | DestroySingleton< T > () |
Removes a specific SimulationBehaviour from this NetworkRunner gameobject, if it exists. More... | |
void | Disconnect (PlayerRef player, byte[] token=null) |
Disconnects a player from the server. More... | |
bool | EnsureRunnerSceneIsActive (out Scene previousActiveScene) |
Ensures the scene of this runner is active and returns the previous active scene More... | |
bool | Exists (NetworkId id) |
Returns if the Fusion.Simulation contains a NetworkObject with given id in the current State. More... | |
bool | Exists (NetworkObject obj) |
Returns if the Fusion.Simulation contains a reference to a NetworkObject in the current State. More... | |
NetworkObject | FindObject (NetworkId networkId) |
Get the NetworkObject instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkId. More... | |
SimulationBehaviour[] | GetAllBehaviours (Type type) |
Returns an array of all SimulationBehaviour instances registered with this NetworkRunner. More... | |
List< T > | GetAllBehaviours< T > () |
Get a list with all behaviours of the desired type that are registered on the NetworkRunner. More... | |
void | GetAllBehaviours< T > (List< T > result) |
Add on the list all behaviours of the desired type that are registered on the NetworkRunner. Note: The list will not be cleared before adding the results. More... | |
List< NetworkObject > | GetAllNetworkObjects () |
Retrieves a list of all network objects in the simulation. More... | |
void | GetAllNetworkObjects (List< NetworkObject > result) |
Populate a list with all network objects in the simulation. More... | |
void | GetAreaOfInterestGizmoData (List<(Vector3 center, Vector3 size, int playerCount, int objectCount)> result) |
Populates the provided list with data about the current Area of Interest (AOI) cells. Each element in the list represents one AOI cell. More... | |
T? | GetInputForPlayer< T > (PlayerRef player) |
Returns the NetworkInput data from player, converted to the indicated INetworkInput. More... | |
SimulationBehaviourListScope | GetInterfaceListHead (Type type, int index, out SimulationBehaviour head) |
Get the interface list head. More... | |
SimulationBehaviour | GetInterfaceListNext (SimulationBehaviour behaviour) |
Get the next behaviour More... | |
SimulationBehaviour | GetInterfaceListPrev (SimulationBehaviour behaviour) |
Get the previous behaviour More... | |
int | GetInterfaceListsCount (Type type) |
Get the number of interfaces of the desired type that are registered on the behaviour updater. More... | |
void | GetMemorySnapshot (MemoryStatisticsSnapshot.TargetAllocator targetAllocator, ref MemoryStatisticsSnapshot snapshot) |
Gets a memory snapshot of the simulation. More... | |
List< NetworkId > | GetObjectsInAreaOfInterestForPlayer (PlayerRef player) |
Retrieves a list of network object IDs that are in the area of interest for the specified player. Server only. More... | |
PhysicsScene | GetPhysicsScene () |
Get the 3D Physics scene being used by this Runner. More... | |
PhysicsScene2D | GetPhysicsScene2D () |
Get the 2D Physics scene being used by this Runner. More... | |
int? | GetPlayerActorId (PlayerRef player) |
Gets Player's Actor Number (ID). More... | |
byte[] | GetPlayerConnectionToken (PlayerRef player=default) |
Returns a copy of the Connection Token used by a Player when connecting to this Server. Only available on Server. It will return null if running on a Client or the Connection token is missing More... | |
ConnectionType | GetPlayerConnectionType (PlayerRef player) |
Return the ConnectionType with a Remote PlayerRef. Valid only when invoked from a Server (NetworkRunner.IsServer) More... | |
NetworkObject | GetPlayerObject (PlayerRef player) |
Gets the network object associated with a specific player More... | |
double | GetPlayerRtt (PlayerRef playerRef) |
Returns the player round trip time (ping) in seconds More... | |
string | GetPlayerUserId (PlayerRef player=default) |
Gets Player's UserID. More... | |
NetworkInput? | GetRawInputForPlayer (PlayerRef player) |
Returns the unconverted unsafe NetworkInput for the indicated player. More... | |
IEnumerable< NetworkObject > | GetResumeSnapshotNetworkObjects () |
Iterate over the old NetworkObjects from the Resume Snapshot More... | |
IEnumerable<(NetworkObject, NetworkObjectHeaderPtr)> | GetResumeSnapshotNetworkSceneObjects () |
Iterate over the Scene NetworkObjects from the Resume Snapshot while giving the reference of the old Snapshot data associated with that particular Scene Object More... | |
RpcTargetStatus | GetRpcTargetStatus (PlayerRef target) |
Return the RpcTargetStatus for a specific player. More... | |
SceneRef | GetSceneRef (GameObject gameObj) |
SceneRef | GetSceneRef (string sceneNameOrPath) |
T | GetSingleton< T > () |
Ensures that a specific SimulationBehaviour component exists on this NetworkRunner gameobject. More... | |
bool | HasAnyActiveConnections () |
bool | HasSingleton< T > () |
Returns if a given SimulationBehaviour is present in this NetworkRunner gameobject. More... | |
GameObject | InstantiateInRunnerScene (GameObject original) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner More... | |
GameObject | InstantiateInRunnerScene (GameObject original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner More... | |
T | InstantiateInRunnerScene< T > (T original) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner More... | |
T | InstantiateInRunnerScene< T > (T original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner More... | |
void | InvokeSceneLoadDone (in SceneLoadDoneArgs info) |
Invoke INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadDone(NetworkRunner) on all implementations More... | |
void | InvokeSceneLoadStart (SceneRef sceneRef) |
Invoke INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadStart(NetworkRunner) on all implementations More... | |
bool? | IsInterestedIn (NetworkObject obj, PlayerRef player) |
Test if a player has Interest in a NetworkObject. More... | |
bool | IsPlayerValid (PlayerRef player) |
Checks if the provided player is valid in the current simulation. More... | |
async Task< StartGameResult > | JoinSessionLobby (SessionLobby sessionLobby, string lobbyID=null, AuthenticationValues authentication=null, FusionAppSettings customAppSettings=null, bool? useDefaultCloudPorts=false, CancellationToken cancellationToken=default, bool useCachedRegions=true) |
Join the Peer to a specific Lobby, either a prebuild or a custom one. More... | |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | LoadScene (SceneRef sceneRef, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode=LoadSceneMode.Single, LocalPhysicsMode localPhysicsMode=LocalPhysicsMode.None, bool setActiveOnLoad=DefaultSetActiveOnLoad) |
Loads a scene More... | |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | LoadScene (SceneRef sceneRef, LoadSceneParameters parameters, bool setActiveOnLoad=DefaultSetActiveOnLoad) |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | LoadScene (string sceneName, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode=LoadSceneMode.Single, LocalPhysicsMode localPhysicsMode=LocalPhysicsMode.None, bool setActiveOnLoad=DefaultSetActiveOnLoad) |
Loads a scene More... | |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | LoadScene (string sceneName, LoadSceneParameters parameters, bool setActiveOnLoad=DefaultSetActiveOnLoad) |
Loads a scene More... | |
void | MakeDontDestroyOnLoad (GameObject obj) |
Mark an object as DontDestroyOnLoad . More... | |
bool | MoveGameObjectToSameScene (GameObject gameObj, GameObject other) |
Moves a GameObject to the same scene as another GameObject More... | |
bool | MoveGameObjectToScene (GameObject gameObj, SceneRef sceneRef) |
Moves a GameObject to a specific scene More... | |
void | MoveToRunnerScene (GameObject instance, SceneRef? targetSceneRef=null) |
Moves an object to the scene of this runner More... | |
void | MoveToRunnerScene< T > (T component) |
Moves an object to the scene of this runner More... | |
delegate void | ObjectDelegate (NetworkRunner runner, NetworkObject obj) |
Delegate type for object callback More... | |
delegate void | OnBeforeSpawned (NetworkRunner runner, NetworkObject obj) |
Delegate type for on before spawned callback More... | |
async Task< bool > | PushHostMigrationSnapshot () |
Compute and send a Host Migration Snapshot to the Photon Cloud More... | |
int | RegisterSceneObjects (SceneRef scene, NetworkObject[] objects, NetworkSceneLoadId loadId=default) |
Registers scene objects to the network. More... | |
void | ReleaseStateAuthority (NetworkId id) |
Releases state authority for a given NetworkId on shared mode. More... | |
void | RemoveCallbacks (params INetworkRunnerCallbacks[] callbacks) |
Unregister an INetworkRunnerCallbacks instance for callbacks from this NetworkRunner. More... | |
void | RemoveGlobal (SimulationBehaviour instance) |
Removes a specific SimulationBehaviour from this NetworkObject gameobject, if it exists. More... | |
void | RenderInternal () |
This method is meant to be called by INetworkRunnerUpdater. More... | |
void | RequestStateAuthority (NetworkId id) |
Requests state authority for a specified NetworkId on shared mode. More... | |
void | SendReliableDataToPlayer (PlayerRef player, ReliableKey key, byte[] data) |
Sends a reliable data buffer to a target player. More... | |
void | SendReliableDataToServer (ReliableKey key, byte[] data) |
Sends a reliable data buffer to the server. More... | |
void | SendRpc (SimulationMessage *message) |
Sends RPC message. Not meant to be used directly, ILWeaver calls this. More... | |
void | SendRpc (SimulationMessage *message, out RpcSendResult info) |
Sends RPC message. Not meant to be used directly, ILWeaver calls this. More... | |
void | SetAreaOfInterestCellSize (int size) |
Set the area of interest cell size More... | |
void | SetAreaOfInterestGrid (int x, int y, int z) |
Set the area of interest grid dimensions More... | |
void | SetBehaviourReplicateTo (NetworkBehaviour behaviour, PlayerRef player, bool replicate) |
Controls if a specific network behaviours state is replicated to a player or not More... | |
void | SetBehaviourReplicateToAll (NetworkBehaviour behaviour, bool replicate) |
Controls if a specific network behaviours state is replicated to all players or not More... | |
bool | SetIsSimulated (NetworkObject obj, bool simulate) |
Sets the simulation state for this object, if it takes part in the NetworkFixedUpdate, etc. In shared mode a client cannot change the simulation state of NetworkObjects it does not have state authority over. More... | |
void | SetMasterClient (PlayerRef player) |
Promote a player to be the new master client. Only the master client is able to call this method More... | |
void | SetPlayerAlwaysInterested (PlayerRef player, NetworkObject networkObject, bool alwaysInterested) |
Flags this player as always interested in this object. Means it does not have to be in a players area of interest to be replicated. Only the NetworkObject State Authority can set interest. More... | |
void | SetPlayerObject (PlayerRef player, NetworkObject networkObject) |
Sets the network object associated with this player More... | |
void | SetSimulateMultiPeerPhysics (bool value) |
Set the value for simulating physics scenes when using multi-peer. NOTE: The physics scenes will only be simulated if AutoSimulate is enabled for Physics3D and SimulationMode is set to FixedUpdate for Physics2D in the project settings. More... | |
Task | Shutdown (bool destroyGameObject=true, ShutdownReason shutdownReason=ShutdownReason.Ok, bool forceShutdownProcedure=false) |
Initiates a Simulation.Dispose. More... | |
void | SinglePlayerContinue () |
Continues a paused game in single player More... | |
void | SinglePlayerPause () |
Pauses the game in single player More... | |
void | SinglePlayerPause (bool paused) |
Sets the paused state in a single player More... | |
NetworkObject | Spawn (GameObject prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component. More... | |
NetworkObject | Spawn (NetworkObject prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkObject | Spawn (NetworkObjectGuid prefabGuid, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkObject | Spawn (NetworkPrefabId typeId, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkObject | Spawn (NetworkPrefabRef prefabRef, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
T | Spawn< T > (T prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync (GameObject prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component. More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync (NetworkObject prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync (NetworkObjectGuid prefabGuid, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync (NetworkPrefabId typeId, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync (NetworkPrefabRef prefabRef, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnOp | SpawnAsync< T > (T prefab, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default, NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate onCompleted=null) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject More... | |
Task< StartGameResult > | StartGame (StartGameArgs args) |
Starts the local Fusion Runner and takes care of all major setup necessary More... | |
bool | TryFindBehaviour (NetworkBehaviourId behaviourId, out NetworkBehaviour behaviour) |
Get the NetworkBehaviour instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkBehaviourId. More... | |
bool | TryFindBehaviour< T > (NetworkBehaviourId id, out T behaviour) |
Try to find a NetworkBehaviour with the provided NetworkBehaviourId. More... | |
bool | TryFindObject (NetworkId objectId, out NetworkObject networkObject) |
Get the NetworkObject instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkId. More... | |
bool | TryGetBehaviourStatistics (Type behaviourType, out BehaviourStatisticsSnapshot behaviourStatisticsSnapshot) |
Tries to get the statistics snapshot for a specified behaviour type. More... | |
bool | TryGetFusionStatistics (out FusionStatisticsManager statisticsManager) |
Tries to get the FusionStatisticsManager from the simulation. More... | |
bool | TryGetInputForPlayer< T > (PlayerRef player, out T input) |
Outputs the NetworkInput from player, translated to the indicated INetworkInput. More... | |
T | TryGetNetworkedBehaviourFromNetworkedObjectRef< T > (NetworkId networkId) |
Tries to return the first instance of T found on the root of a NetworkObject. More... | |
NetworkBehaviourId | TryGetNetworkedBehaviourId (NetworkBehaviour behaviour) |
Tries to return a NetworkBehaviourId for the NetworkBehaviour provided. More... | |
NetworkId | TryGetObjectRefFromNetworkedBehaviour (NetworkBehaviour behaviour) |
Tries to return the behaviour NetworkId. More... | |
bool | TryGetPhysicsInfo (out NetworkPhysicsInfo info) |
Try to get the physics info. More... | |
bool | TryGetPlayerObject (PlayerRef player, out NetworkObject networkObject) |
Try to gets the NetworkObject associated with a specific player More... | |
bool | TryGetSceneInfo (out NetworkSceneInfo sceneInfo) |
Tries to get the NetworkSceneInfo of this NetworkRunner. More... | |
bool | TrySetPhysicsInfo (NetworkPhysicsInfo info) |
Try to set the physics info. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn (GameObject prefab, out NetworkObject obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn (NetworkObject prefab, out NetworkObject obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn (NetworkObjectGuid prefabGuid, out NetworkObject obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn (NetworkPrefabId typeId, out NetworkObject obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn (NetworkPrefabRef prefabRef, out NetworkObject obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state. More... | |
NetworkSpawnStatus | TrySpawn< T > (T prefab, out T obj, Vector3? position=null, Quaternion? rotation=null, PlayerRef? inputAuthority=null, OnBeforeSpawned onBeforeSpawned=null, NetworkSpawnFlags flags=default) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject More... | |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | UnloadScene (SceneRef sceneRef) |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp | UnloadScene (string sceneName) |
Unloads a scene More... | |
void | UpdateInternal (double dt) |
This method is meant to be called by INetworkRunnerUpdater. More... | |
![]() | |
T | AddBehaviour< T > () |
Wrapper for Unity's GameObject.AddComponent() More... | |
T | GetBehaviour< T > () |
Wrapper for Unity's GameObject.GetComponentInChildren() More... | |
bool | TryGetBehaviour< T > (out T behaviour) |
Wrapper for Unity's GameObject.TryGetComponent() More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Task< List< RegionInfo > > | GetAvailableRegions (string appId=default, CancellationToken cancellationToken=default) |
Starts an operation to retrieves the list of available regions. More... | |
static List< NetworkRunner >.Enumerator | GetInstancesEnumerator () |
Get enumerator for the collection of all NetworkRunners. Allows to enumerate alloc-free. More... | |
static NetworkRunner | GetRunnerForGameObject (GameObject gameObject) |
Get the NetworkRunner a GameObject instance belongs to. More... | |
static NetworkRunner | GetRunnerForScene (Scene scene) |
Get the NetworkRunner from a specific Scene More... | |
![]() | |
static void | DestroyBehaviour (Behaviour behaviour) |
Wrapper for Unity's GameObject.Destroy() More... | |
Public Attributes | |
Func< string, ServerConnection, string > | CloudAddressRewriter = null |
Static Public Attributes | |
static CloudConnectionLostHandler | CloudConnectionLost |
Properties | |
IEnumerable< PlayerRef > | ActivePlayers [get] |
Returns the collection of PlayerRef objects for this NetworkRunner's Fusion.Simulation. More... | |
AuthenticationValues | AuthenticationValues [get] |
AuthenticationValues used by this Runner to Authenticate the local peer. More... | |
static BuildTypes | BuildType [get] |
Get Fusion.Runtime.dll build type. More... | |
bool | CanSpawn [get] |
Signal if the Network Runner can spawn a NetworkObject More... | |
NetworkProjectConfig | Config [get] |
Returns the NetworkProjectConfig reference. More... | |
ConnectionType | CurrentConnectionType [get] |
Check the current Connection Type with the Remote Server More... | |
float | DeltaTime [get] |
Returns the fixed tick time interval. Derived from the SimulationRuntimeConfig.TickRate. More... | |
GameMode | GameMode [get] |
Current Game Mode active on the Fusion Simulation More... | |
static IReadOnlyList< NetworkRunner > | Instances [get] |
A list of all NetworkRunners. More... | |
bool | IsClient [get] |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation represents a Client connection. More... | |
bool | IsCloudReady [get] |
Signal if the Local Peer is connected to Photon Cloud and is able to Create/Join Room but also receive Lobby Updates More... | |
bool | IsConnectedToServer [get] |
Returns if this Client is currently connected to a Remote Server More... | |
bool | IsFirstTick [get] |
If this is the first tick that executes this update or re-simulation More... | |
bool | IsForward [get] |
If this is not a re-simulation but a new forward tick More... | |
bool | IsInSession [get] |
bool | IsLastTick [get] |
If this is the last tick that is being executed this update More... | |
bool | IsPlayer [get] |
Returns true if this runner represents a Client or Host. Dedicated servers have no local player and will return false. More... | |
bool | IsResimulation [get] |
If we are currently executing a client side prediction re-simulation. More... | |
bool | IsResume [get] |
if this instance is a resume (host migration) More... | |
bool | IsRunning [get] |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation is valid and running. More... | |
bool | IsSceneAuthority [get] |
Is this runner responsible for scene management. More... | |
bool? | IsSceneManagerBusy [get] |
Signals if the INetworkSceneManager instance assigned to this NetworkRunner is busy with any scene loading operation. More... | |
bool | IsServer [get] |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation represents a Server connection. More... | |
bool | IsSharedModeMasterClient [get] |
Signal if the Local Peer is in a Room and is the Room Master Client More... | |
bool | IsShutdown [get] |
If the runner is shutdown More... | |
bool | IsSimulationUpdating [get] |
Is the runner updating the simulation. More... | |
bool | IsSinglePlayer [get] |
Returns true if this runner was started as single player (Started as SimulationModes.Host with SimulationConfig.PlayerCount = 1). More... | |
bool | IsStarting [get] |
If the runner is pending to start More... | |
HitboxManager | LagCompensation [get] |
Returns the global instance of a lag compensation buffer Fusion.HitboxManager. More... | |
Tick | LatestServerTick [get] |
Get the latest confirmed tick of the server we are aware of More... | |
LobbyInfo | LobbyInfo = new LobbyInfo() [get] |
Signal if the local peer is already inside a Lobby More... | |
NetAddress | LocalAddress [get] |
Bound Address of the internal socket used for direct connection in Server/Host Mode. On the Host/Server this address contains the address/port that was passed into StartGame. When forwarding ports on the router/ firewall this port should be used as the internal port for the forwarding. The external port can either be the same value or any port. Note: This is not the public address of the server or the address / port that was discovered via NAT Punchthrough. More... | |
float | LocalAlpha [get] |
Get the local time alpha value More... | |
PlayerRef | LocalPlayer [get] |
Returns a PlayerRef for the local simulation. For a dedicated server PlayerRef.IsRealPlayer will equal false. PlayerRefs are assigned in order from 0 to MaxPlayers-1 and are re-used as players join and leave. The only caveat is that the server player (if one exists), always gets the last index no matter how many clients are connected. More... | |
float??? | LocalRenderTime [get] |
The current time (current State.Time + Simulation.DeltaTime) for predicted objects (objects in the local time frame). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.time. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f). More... | |
SimulationModes | Mode [get] |
Returns the SimulationModes flags for The type of network peer the associated Fusion.Simulation represents. More... | |
NATType | NATType [get] |
Exposes the current NAT Type from the local Peer More... | |
INetworkObjectProvider | ObjectProvider [get] |
Returns the INetworkObjectProvider instance. More... | |
NetworkPrefabTable | Prefabs [get] |
Reference to the NetworkPrefabTable. More... | |
bool | ProvideInput [get, set] |
Indicates if this NetworkRunner is collecting PlayerRef INetworkInput. More... | |
int???? | ReliableDataSendRate [get, set] |
float | RemoteRenderTime [get] |
The current time (current State.Time + Simulation.DeltaTime) for non-predicted objects (objects in a remote time frame). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.time. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f). More... | |
INetworkSceneManager | SceneManager [get] |
Returns the INetworkSceneManager instance. More... | |
SessionInfo | SessionInfo = new SessionInfo() [get] |
Stores information about the current running session More... | |
float | SimulationTime [get] |
The time the current State represents (the most recent FixedUpdateNetwork simulation). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.fixedTime. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f). More... | |
Scene??? | SimulationUnityScene [get] |
The main scene of the NetworkRunner or default if not running. More... | |
SimulationStages | Stage [get] |
Returns the current SimulationStages stage of this Fusion.Simulation. More... | |
States | State [get] |
The current state of the runner, if it's Starting, Running, Shutdown More... | |
Tick??? | Tick [get] |
The tick associated with the current state of networked objects, or the current simulation tick being processed (when evaluated during FixedUpdateNetwork). More... | |
int | TickRate [get] |
int | TicksExecuted [get] |
Returns how many ticks we executed last update. More... | |
Topologies | Topology [get] |
The current topology used More... | |
string | UserId [get] |
Photon Client UserID More... | |
Events | |
ObjectDelegate | ObjectAcquired |
Event for object acquired More... | |
Host Migration related code in order to get a copy of the Simulation State
All Scene related API and fields
Represents a Server or Client Simulation.
strong |
strong |
Initialization stages of Fusion
Enumerator | |
Starting | Runner is about to start |
Running | Runner is running |
Shutdown | Runner is shutdown |
void AddCallbacks | ( | params INetworkRunnerCallbacks[] | callbacks | ) |
Register an INetworkRunnerCallbacks instance for callbacks from this NetworkRunner.
callbacks | Callbacks to register |
void AddGlobal | ( | SimulationBehaviour | instance | ) |
Add and register a SimulationBehaviour to this NetworkRunner. Note: It should NOT be a NetworkBehaviour
void AddPlayerAreaOfInterest | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
Vector3 | center, | ||
float | radius | ||
) |
Call this every FixedUpdateNetwork to add an area of interest for a player. Should only be called from the Host/Server in Server client mode. Should only be called for the local player in shared mode.
void Attach | ( | NetworkObject | networkObject, |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
bool | allocate = true , |
bool? | masterClientObjectOverride = null |
) |
Attaches a user-created network object to the network.
networkObject | The network object to attach. Must not be null and must have a valid NetworkTypeId. |
inputAuthority | Optional PlayerRef. If assigned, it will be the default input authority for this object. |
allocate | Optional boolean. If true, the object will be allocated in memory and attached to the scene object. Default is true. |
masterClientObjectOverride | Optional boolean. If provided, it will override the master client object setting. Default is null. |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown when the provided network object is null. |
ArgumentException | Thrown when the provided network object has an invalid NetworkTypeId. |
void Attach | ( | NetworkObject[] | networkObjects, |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
bool | allocate = true , |
bool? | masterClientObjectOverride = null |
) |
Attach and assign to this NetworkRunner the NetworkObject provided. Used internally from the default implementation of INetworkSceneManager to register scene objects.
void ClearPlayerAreaOfInterest | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Clears the area of interest for a player. This can only be called from the server/host
delegate void CloudConnectionLostHandler | ( | NetworkRunner | networkRunner, |
ShutdownReason | shutdownReason, | ||
bool | reconnecting | ||
) |
If this callback is implemented, the default behavior of disconnecting when the cloud connection is lost in server/client or host/client mode is disabled. This callback will be invoked instead, leaving the decision up to the user. It is called both on the server/host and on the client.
networkRunner | NetworkRunner instance |
shutdownReason | Shutdown reason for the connection loss |
reconnecting | Flag to signal if the peer is attempting to reconnect to the Photon Cloud |
void Despawn | ( | NetworkObject | networkObject | ) |
Destroys a NetworkObject.
networkObject | The NetworkObject to be destroyed. |
This method checks if the local simulation has state authority over the NetworkObject. If it does, it checks if the NetworkObject exists and has state authority. If these conditions are met, it destroys the NetworkObject.
InvalidOperationException | Thrown when the NetworkObject does not belong to this runner. |
void DestroySingleton< T > | ( | ) |
Removes a specific SimulationBehaviour from this NetworkRunner gameobject, if it exists.
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
void Disconnect | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
byte[] | token = null |
) |
Disconnects a player from the server.
player | The player to disconnect. Must be a valid PlayerRef. |
token | Optional byte array. If provided, it will be used as the disconnection token. |
This method can only be called from the server. If called from a client, an error message will be logged.
bool EnsureRunnerSceneIsActive | ( | out Scene | previousActiveScene | ) |
Ensures the scene of this runner is active and returns the previous active scene
previousActiveScene | Previous active scene |
bool Exists | ( | NetworkId | id | ) |
Returns if the Fusion.Simulation contains a NetworkObject with given id in the current State.
bool Exists | ( | NetworkObject | obj | ) |
Returns if the Fusion.Simulation contains a reference to a NetworkObject in the current State.
NetworkObject FindObject | ( | NetworkId | networkId | ) |
Get the NetworkObject instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkId.
networkId | NetworkID to look forward |
SimulationBehaviour [] GetAllBehaviours | ( | Type | type | ) |
Returns an array of all SimulationBehaviour instances registered with this NetworkRunner.
type | The type of the behaviours to be returned. |
List<T> GetAllBehaviours< T > | ( | ) |
Get a list with all behaviours of the desired type that are registered on the NetworkRunner.
T | SimulationBehaviour type |
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
void GetAllBehaviours< T > | ( | List< T > | result | ) |
Add on the list all behaviours of the desired type that are registered on the NetworkRunner. Note: The list will not be cleared before adding the results.
result | The list to add the behaviours |
T | SimulationBehaviour type |
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
List<NetworkObject> GetAllNetworkObjects | ( | ) |
Retrieves a list of all network objects in the simulation.
void GetAllNetworkObjects | ( | List< NetworkObject > | result | ) |
Populate a list with all network objects in the simulation.
result | The list to which the network objects will be added. |
void GetAreaOfInterestGizmoData | ( | List<(Vector3 center, Vector3 size, int playerCount, int objectCount)> | result | ) |
Populates the provided list with data about the current Area of Interest (AOI) cells. Each element in the list represents one AOI cell.
result | The list to be populated with AOI cell data. Each tuple in the list contains the center of the AOI cell, its size, the count of players in the cell, and the count of objects in the cell. |
static |
Starts an operation to retrieves the list of available regions.
appId | Optional App ID. If not provided, the method will use the global App ID from the PhotonAppSettings. |
cancellationToken | Optional CancellationToken parameter that can be used to cancel the operation. |
T? GetInputForPlayer< T > | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Returns the NetworkInput data from player, converted to the indicated INetworkInput.
T | : | unmanaged | |
T | : | INetworkInput |
static |
Get enumerator for the collection of all NetworkRunners. Allows to enumerate alloc-free.
SimulationBehaviourListScope GetInterfaceListHead | ( | Type | type, |
int | index, | ||
out SimulationBehaviour | head | ||
) |
Get the interface list head.
type | The interface type |
index | The desired index on the list of behaviourList |
head | The head reference |
scopeSimulationBehaviour GetInterfaceListNext | ( | SimulationBehaviour | behaviour | ) |
Get the next behaviour
behaviour | The reference behaviour to get the next one |
SimulationBehaviour GetInterfaceListPrev | ( | SimulationBehaviour | behaviour | ) |
Get the previous behaviour
behaviour | The reference behaviour to get the previous one |
int GetInterfaceListsCount | ( | Type | type | ) |
Get the number of interfaces of the desired type that are registered on the behaviour updater.
type | The interface type |
void GetMemorySnapshot | ( | MemoryStatisticsSnapshot.TargetAllocator | targetAllocator, |
ref MemoryStatisticsSnapshot | snapshot | ||
) |
Gets a memory snapshot of the simulation.
targetAllocator | The target allocator for the memory statistics. Must be a valid value from the MemoryStatisticsSnapshot.TargetAllocator enum. |
snapshot | A reference to the MemoryStatisticsSnapshot struct that will store the memory snapshot. |
Retrieves a list of network object IDs that are in the area of interest for the specified player. Server only.
player | The player for whom the area of interest is being queried. |
PhysicsScene GetPhysicsScene | ( | ) |
Get the 3D Physics scene being used by this Runner.
PhysicsScene2D GetPhysicsScene2D | ( | ) |
Get the 2D Physics scene being used by this Runner.
int? GetPlayerActorId | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
byte [] GetPlayerConnectionToken | ( | PlayerRef | player = default | ) |
Returns a copy of the Connection Token used by a Player when connecting to this Server. Only available on Server. It will return null if running on a Client or the Connection token is missing
player | PlayerRef to check for a Connection Token |
ConnectionType GetPlayerConnectionType | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Return the ConnectionType with a Remote PlayerRef. Valid only when invoked from a Server (NetworkRunner.IsServer)
player | Remote Player to check the ConnectionType |
NetworkObject GetPlayerObject | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Gets the network object associated with a specific player
player | PlayerRef to get the network object |
double GetPlayerRtt | ( | PlayerRef | playerRef | ) |
Returns the player round trip time (ping) in seconds
playerRef | The player you want the round trip time for |
string GetPlayerUserId | ( | PlayerRef | player = default | ) |
Gets Player's UserID.
If used in Shared Mode, every client can get this information. If used in Client Server Mode, only the Server is able to get this information.
player | PlayerRef to get the UserID. If no PlayerRef is passed, the UserID of the local client is returned instead. |
NetworkInput? GetRawInputForPlayer | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Returns the unconverted unsafe NetworkInput for the indicated player.
IEnumerable<NetworkObject> GetResumeSnapshotNetworkObjects | ( | ) |
Iterate over the old NetworkObjects from the Resume Snapshot
IEnumerable<(NetworkObject, NetworkObjectHeaderPtr)> GetResumeSnapshotNetworkSceneObjects | ( | ) |
Iterate over the Scene NetworkObjects from the Resume Snapshot while giving the reference of the old Snapshot data associated with that particular Scene Object
RpcTargetStatus GetRpcTargetStatus | ( | PlayerRef | target | ) |
Return the RpcTargetStatus for a specific player.
static |
Get the NetworkRunner a GameObject instance belongs to.
gameObject | GameObject to check for a NetworkRunner |
static |
Get the NetworkRunner from a specific Scene
scene | Scene to check for a NetworkRunner |
T GetSingleton< T > | ( | ) |
Ensures that a specific SimulationBehaviour component exists on this NetworkRunner gameobject.
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
bool HasSingleton< T > | ( | ) |
Returns if a given SimulationBehaviour is present in this NetworkRunner gameobject.
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
GameObject InstantiateInRunnerScene | ( | GameObject | original | ) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner
GameObject InstantiateInRunnerScene | ( | GameObject | original, |
Vector3 | position, | ||
Quaternion | rotation | ||
) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner
T InstantiateInRunnerScene< T > | ( | T | original | ) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner
T | : | Component |
T InstantiateInRunnerScene< T > | ( | T | original, |
Vector3 | position, | ||
Quaternion | rotation | ||
) |
Instantiates an object in the scene of this runner
T | : | Component |
void InvokeSceneLoadDone | ( | in SceneLoadDoneArgs | info | ) |
Invoke INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadDone(NetworkRunner) on all implementations
void InvokeSceneLoadStart | ( | SceneRef | sceneRef | ) |
Invoke INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadStart(NetworkRunner) on all implementations
bool? IsInterestedIn | ( | NetworkObject | obj, |
PlayerRef | player | ||
) |
Test if a player has Interest in a NetworkObject.
bool IsPlayerValid | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Checks if the provided player is valid in the current simulation.
player | The player reference to be validated. |
async Task<StartGameResult> JoinSessionLobby | ( | SessionLobby | sessionLobby, |
string | lobbyID = null , |
AuthenticationValues | authentication = null , |
FusionAppSettings | customAppSettings = null , |
bool? | useDefaultCloudPorts = false , |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken = default , |
bool | useCachedRegions = true |
) |
Join the Peer to a specific Lobby, either a prebuild or a custom one.
More about matchmaking:
sessionLobby | Lobby Type to Join |
lobbyID | Lobby ID |
authentication | Authentication Values used to authenticate this peer |
customAppSettings | Custom Photon Application Settings |
useDefaultCloudPorts | Signal if the LoadBalancingClient should use the Default or Alternative Ports |
cancellationToken | Optional Cancellation Token |
useCachedRegions | Signal if the cached regions ping should be used to speed up connection |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp LoadScene | ( | SceneRef | sceneRef, |
LoadSceneMode | loadSceneMode = LoadSceneMode.Single , |
LocalPhysicsMode | localPhysicsMode = LocalPhysicsMode.None , |
bool | setActiveOnLoad = DefaultSetActiveOnLoad |
) |
Loads a scene
sceneRef | Reference to the scene to load |
loadSceneMode | Scene load mode |
localPhysicsMode | Scene physics mode |
setActiveOnLoad | Should the scene be set as active when loaded |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp LoadScene | ( | string | sceneName, |
LoadSceneMode | loadSceneMode = LoadSceneMode.Single , |
LocalPhysicsMode | localPhysicsMode = LocalPhysicsMode.None , |
bool | setActiveOnLoad = DefaultSetActiveOnLoad |
) |
Loads a scene
sceneName | Name of the scene to load |
loadSceneMode | Scene load mode |
localPhysicsMode | Scene physics mode |
setActiveOnLoad | Should the scene be set as active when loaded |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp LoadScene | ( | string | sceneName, |
LoadSceneParameters | parameters, | ||
bool | setActiveOnLoad = DefaultSetActiveOnLoad |
) |
Loads a scene
sceneName | Name of the scene to load |
parameters | Parameters to use when loading the scene |
setActiveOnLoad | Should the scene be set as active when loaded |
void MakeDontDestroyOnLoad | ( | GameObject | obj | ) |
Mark an object as DontDestroyOnLoad
obj | Object to mark |
bool MoveGameObjectToSameScene | ( | GameObject | gameObj, |
GameObject | other | ||
) |
Moves a GameObject to the same scene as another GameObject
gameObj | Game Object to move |
other | Game Object to move to the same scene as |
bool MoveGameObjectToScene | ( | GameObject | gameObj, |
SceneRef | sceneRef | ||
) |
Moves a GameObject to a specific scene
gameObj | Game Object to move |
sceneRef | Scene to move the object to |
void MoveToRunnerScene | ( | GameObject | instance, |
SceneRef? | targetSceneRef = null |
) |
Moves an object to the scene of this runner
instance | Object to move |
targetSceneRef | Target scene to move the object to |
void MoveToRunnerScene< T > | ( | T | component | ) |
Moves an object to the scene of this runner
T |
component | Component of object to move |
T | : | Component |
delegate void ObjectDelegate | ( | NetworkRunner | runner, |
NetworkObject | obj | ||
) |
Delegate type for object callback
delegate void OnBeforeSpawned | ( | NetworkRunner | runner, |
NetworkObject | obj | ||
) |
Delegate type for on before spawned callback
async Task<bool> PushHostMigrationSnapshot | ( | ) |
Compute and send a Host Migration Snapshot to the Photon Cloud
int RegisterSceneObjects | ( | SceneRef | scene, |
NetworkObject[] | objects, | ||
NetworkSceneLoadId | loadId = default |
) |
Registers scene objects to the network.
scene | The scene reference. Must be valid. |
objects | Array of NetworkObject instances to be registered. Must not be null. |
loadId | Optional NetworkSceneLoadId. Default value is used if not provided. |
ArgumentException | Thrown when the provided scene is not valid. |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown when the provided objects array is null. |
void ReleaseStateAuthority | ( | NetworkId | id | ) |
void RemoveCallbacks | ( | params INetworkRunnerCallbacks[] | callbacks | ) |
Unregister an INetworkRunnerCallbacks instance for callbacks from this NetworkRunner.
callbacks | Callbacks to unregister |
void RemoveGlobal | ( | SimulationBehaviour | instance | ) |
Removes a specific SimulationBehaviour from this NetworkObject gameobject, if it exists.
void RenderInternal | ( | ) |
This method is meant to be called by INetworkRunnerUpdater.
void RequestStateAuthority | ( | NetworkId | id | ) |
void SendReliableDataToPlayer | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
ReliableKey | key, | ||
byte[] | data | ||
) |
Sends a reliable data buffer to a target player.
player | The player who should receive the buffer. |
key | The key associated with the reliable data. |
data | The data buffer to be sent. |
void SendReliableDataToServer | ( | ReliableKey | key, |
byte[] | data | ||
) |
Sends a reliable data buffer to the server.
key | The key associated with the reliable data. |
data | The data buffer to be sent. |
If the runner is a client, the data is sent to the server (connection index 0) with the player's index. If the runner is a server, the data is sent via the simulation callbacks.
void SendRpc | ( | SimulationMessage * | message | ) |
Sends RPC message. Not meant to be used directly, ILWeaver calls this.
message | SimulationMessage to send |
void SendRpc | ( | SimulationMessage * | message, |
out RpcSendResult | info | ||
) |
Sends RPC message. Not meant to be used directly, ILWeaver calls this.
message | SimulationMessage to send |
info | RpcSendResult |
void SetAreaOfInterestCellSize | ( | int | size | ) |
Set the area of interest cell size
size | Size of the cell |
Exception | Can't change cell size in shared mode |
void SetAreaOfInterestGrid | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | z | ||
) |
Set the area of interest grid dimensions
x | X dimension |
y | Y dimension |
z | Z dimension |
Exception | Can't change grid size in shared mode |
void SetBehaviourReplicateTo | ( | NetworkBehaviour | behaviour, |
PlayerRef | player, | ||
bool | replicate | ||
) |
Controls if a specific network behaviours state is replicated to a player or not
behaviour | The behaviour to change replication status for |
player | The player to change replication status for |
replicate | true = replicate, false = don't replicate |
void SetBehaviourReplicateToAll | ( | NetworkBehaviour | behaviour, |
bool | replicate | ||
) |
Controls if a specific network behaviours state is replicated to all players or not
behaviour | The behaviour to change replication status for |
replicate | true = replicate, false = don't replicate |
bool SetIsSimulated | ( | NetworkObject | obj, |
bool | simulate | ||
) |
Sets the simulation state for this object, if it takes part in the NetworkFixedUpdate, etc. In shared mode a client cannot change the simulation state of NetworkObjects it does not have state authority over.
obj | the object to change state for |
simulate | true if it should be simulated, false if otherwise |
void SetMasterClient | ( | PlayerRef | player | ) |
Promote a player to be the new master client. Only the master client is able to call this method
player | The player to be promoted to master client |
void SetPlayerAlwaysInterested | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
NetworkObject | networkObject, | ||
bool | alwaysInterested | ||
) |
Flags this player as always interested in this object. Means it does not have to be in a players area of interest to be replicated. Only the NetworkObject State Authority can set interest.
player | The player |
networkObject | The object |
alwaysInterested | If he's always interested, or not. |
void SetPlayerObject | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
NetworkObject | networkObject | ||
) |
Sets the network object associated with this player
player | PlayerRef to set the network object |
networkObject | Network object to associate with the player |
void SetSimulateMultiPeerPhysics | ( | bool | value | ) |
Set the value for simulating physics scenes when using multi-peer. NOTE: The physics scenes will only be simulated if AutoSimulate is enabled for Physics3D and SimulationMode is set to FixedUpdate for Physics2D in the project settings.
value | The value to set. True to simulate physics scenes, false otherwise. |
Task Shutdown | ( | bool | destroyGameObject = true , |
ShutdownReason | shutdownReason = ShutdownReason.Ok , |
bool | forceShutdownProcedure = false |
) |
Initiates a Simulation.Dispose.
void SinglePlayerContinue | ( | ) |
Continues a paused game in single player
void SinglePlayerPause | ( | ) |
Pauses the game in single player
void SinglePlayerPause | ( | bool | paused | ) |
Sets the paused state in a single player
NetworkObject Spawn | ( | GameObject | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component.
prefab | A GameObject with a NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
NetworkObject Spawn | ( | NetworkObject | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefab | Prefab used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
NetworkObject Spawn | ( | NetworkObjectGuid | prefabGuid, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabGuid | Object Guid used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
NetworkObject Spawn | ( | NetworkPrefabId | typeId, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
typeId | Prefab ID used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
NetworkObject Spawn | ( | NetworkPrefabRef | prefabRef, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabRef | Prefab Ref used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
T Spawn< T > | ( | T | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject
T | Must be a Type derived from SimulationBehaviour |
prefab | SimulationBehaviour used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync | ( | GameObject | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component.
prefab | A GameObject with a NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync | ( | NetworkObject | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefab | Prefab used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync | ( | NetworkObjectGuid | prefabGuid, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabGuid | Object Guid used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync | ( | NetworkPrefabId | typeId, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
typeId | Prefab ID used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync | ( | NetworkPrefabRef | prefabRef, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabRef | Prefab Ref used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
NetworkSpawnOp SpawnAsync< T > | ( | T | prefab, |
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default , |
NetworkObjectSpawnDelegate | onCompleted = null |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject
T | Must be a Type derived from SimulationBehaviour |
prefab | SimulationBehaviour used to spawn the NetworkObject |
onCompleted | A callback to fire once the spawn is done. |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
Task<StartGameResult> StartGame | ( | StartGameArgs | args | ) |
Starts the local Fusion Runner and takes care of all major setup necessary
More about matchmaking:
args | Custom arguments used to setup the Fusion Simulation |
bool TryFindBehaviour | ( | NetworkBehaviourId | behaviourId, |
out NetworkBehaviour | behaviour | ||
) |
Get the NetworkBehaviour instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkBehaviourId.
behaviourId | NetworkBehaviourId to look forward |
behaviour | NetworkBehaviour reference, if found |
bool TryFindBehaviour< T > | ( | NetworkBehaviourId | id, |
out T | behaviour | ||
) |
Try to find a NetworkBehaviour with the provided NetworkBehaviourId.
id | The NetworkBehaviourId to search for |
behaviour | The behaviour found |
T | A NetworkBehaviour type |
T | : | NetworkBehaviour |
bool TryFindObject | ( | NetworkId | objectId, |
out NetworkObject | networkObject | ||
) |
Get the NetworkObject instance for this NetworkRunner from a NetworkId.
objectId | Object NetworkID to look forward |
networkObject | NetworkObject reference, if found |
bool TryGetBehaviourStatistics | ( | Type | behaviourType, |
out BehaviourStatisticsSnapshot | behaviourStatisticsSnapshot | ||
) |
Tries to get the statistics snapshot for a specified behaviour type.
behaviourType | The type of the behaviour for which to get the statistics snapshot. |
behaviourStatisticsSnapshot | When this method returns, contains the statistics snapshot for the specified behaviour type, if found; otherwise, the default value. |
if the statistics snapshot for the specified behaviour type is found; otherwise, false
.bool TryGetFusionStatistics | ( | out FusionStatisticsManager | statisticsManager | ) |
Tries to get the FusionStatisticsManager from the simulation.
statisticsManager | The FusionStatisticsManager returned by the method |
bool TryGetInputForPlayer< T > | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
out T | input | ||
) |
Outputs the NetworkInput from player, translated to the indicated INetworkInput.
T | : | unmanaged | |
T | : | INetworkInput |
T TryGetNetworkedBehaviourFromNetworkedObjectRef< T > | ( | NetworkId | networkId | ) |
Tries to return the first instance of T found on the root of a NetworkObject.
T | The type of the component to search for |
networkId | NetworkId of the NetworkObject to search for |
T | : | NetworkBehaviour |
NetworkBehaviourId TryGetNetworkedBehaviourId | ( | NetworkBehaviour | behaviour | ) |
Tries to return a NetworkBehaviourId for the NetworkBehaviour provided.
behaviour | NetworkBehaviour to get the NetworkBehaviourId from |
NetworkId TryGetObjectRefFromNetworkedBehaviour | ( | NetworkBehaviour | behaviour | ) |
Tries to return the behaviour NetworkId.
behaviour | NetworkBehaviour to get the NetworkId from |
bool TryGetPhysicsInfo | ( | out NetworkPhysicsInfo | info | ) |
Try to get the physics info.
info | Network physics info |
bool TryGetPlayerObject | ( | PlayerRef | player, |
out NetworkObject | networkObject | ||
) |
Try to gets the NetworkObject associated with a specific player
player | PlayerRef to get the network object |
networkObject | Network object if one is associated with the player |
bool TryGetSceneInfo | ( | out NetworkSceneInfo | sceneInfo | ) |
Tries to get the NetworkSceneInfo of this NetworkRunner.
sceneInfo | The result NetworkSceneInfo |
bool TrySetPhysicsInfo | ( | NetworkPhysicsInfo | info | ) |
Try to set the physics info.
info | Network physics info |
InvalidOperationException | Thrown if the runner does not have the scene authority. |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn | ( | GameObject | prefab, |
out NetworkObject | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a GameObject. The supplied GameObject must have a NetworkObject component.
prefab | A GameObject with a NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn | ( | NetworkObject | prefab, |
out NetworkObject | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObject prefab. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefab | Prefab used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn | ( | NetworkObjectGuid | prefabGuid, |
out NetworkObject | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkObjectGuid Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabGuid | Object Guid used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn | ( | NetworkPrefabId | typeId, |
out NetworkObject | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabId Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
typeId | Prefab ID used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn | ( | NetworkPrefabRef | prefabRef, |
out NetworkObject | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a NetworkPrefabRef. Note: position and rotation values are only used locally for the instantiation of the object, and are not inherently networked. Use NetworkTransform (or any custom class derived from NetworkTRSP) to replicate the initial transform state.
prefabRef | Prefab Ref used to spawn the NetworkObject |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
NetworkSpawnStatus TrySpawn< T > | ( | T | prefab, |
out T | obj, | ||
Vector3? | position = null , |
Quaternion? | rotation = null , |
PlayerRef? | inputAuthority = null , |
OnBeforeSpawned | onBeforeSpawned = null , |
NetworkSpawnFlags | flags = default |
) |
Attempts to network instantiate a NetworkObject using a Component type that is part of a NetworkObject
T | Must be a Type derived from SimulationBehaviour |
prefab | SimulationBehaviour used to spawn the NetworkObject |
obj | Spawned NetworkObject reference |
position | Spawn Position |
rotation | Spawn Rotation |
inputAuthority | Player Input Authority |
onBeforeSpawned | OnBeforeSpawned reference |
flags | Spawn flags |
T | : | SimulationBehaviour |
NetworkSceneAsyncOp UnloadScene | ( | string | sceneName | ) |
Unloads a scene
sceneName | Name of the scene to unload |
void UpdateInternal | ( | double | dt | ) |
This method is meant to be called by INetworkRunnerUpdater.
get |
Returns the collection of PlayerRef objects for this NetworkRunner's Fusion.Simulation.
get |
AuthenticationValues used by this Runner to Authenticate the local peer.
staticget |
Get Fusion.Runtime.dll build type.
get |
Signal if the Network Runner can spawn a NetworkObject
get |
Returns the NetworkProjectConfig reference.
get |
Check the current Connection Type with the Remote Server
get |
Returns the fixed tick time interval. Derived from the SimulationRuntimeConfig.TickRate.
Current Game Mode active on the Fusion Simulation
staticget |
A list of all NetworkRunners.
get |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation represents a Client connection.
get |
Signal if the Local Peer is connected to Photon Cloud and is able to Create/Join Room but also receive Lobby Updates
get |
Returns if this Client is currently connected to a Remote Server
get |
If this is the first tick that executes this update or re-simulation
get |
If this is not a re-simulation but a new forward tick
get |
If this is the last tick that is being executed this update
get |
Returns true if this runner represents a Client or Host. Dedicated servers have no local player and will return false.
get |
If we are currently executing a client side prediction re-simulation.
get |
if this instance is a resume (host migration)
get |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation is valid and running.
get |
Is this runner responsible for scene management.
get |
Signals if the INetworkSceneManager instance assigned to this NetworkRunner is busy with any scene loading operation.
get |
Returns if this Fusion.Simulation represents a Server connection.
get |
Signal if the Local Peer is in a Room and is the Room Master Client
get |
If the runner is shutdown
get |
Is the runner updating the simulation.
get |
Returns true if this runner was started as single player (Started as SimulationModes.Host with SimulationConfig.PlayerCount = 1).
get |
If the runner is pending to start
get |
Returns the global instance of a lag compensation buffer Fusion.HitboxManager.
get |
Get the latest confirmed tick of the server we are aware of
get |
Bound Address of the internal socket used for direct connection in Server/Host Mode. On the Host/Server this address contains the address/port that was passed into StartGame. When forwarding ports on the router/ firewall this port should be used as the internal port for the forwarding. The external port can either be the same value or any port. Note: This is not the public address of the server or the address / port that was discovered via NAT Punchthrough.
get |
Get the local time alpha value
get |
Returns a PlayerRef for the local simulation. For a dedicated server PlayerRef.IsRealPlayer will equal false. PlayerRefs are assigned in order from 0 to MaxPlayers-1 and are re-used as players join and leave. The only caveat is that the server player (if one exists), always gets the last index no matter how many clients are connected.
get |
The current time (current State.Time + Simulation.DeltaTime) for predicted objects (objects in the local time frame). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.time. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f).
get |
Returns the SimulationModes flags for The type of network peer the associated Fusion.Simulation represents.
get |
Returns the INetworkObjectProvider instance.
get |
Reference to the NetworkPrefabTable.
getset |
Indicates if this NetworkRunner is collecting PlayerRef INetworkInput.
get |
The current time (current State.Time + Simulation.DeltaTime) for non-predicted objects (objects in a remote time frame). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.time. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f).
get |
Returns the INetworkSceneManager instance.
get |
Stores information about the current running session
get |
The time the current State represents (the most recent FixedUpdateNetwork simulation). Use as an equivalent to Unity's Time.fixedTime. Time is relative to Tick 0 (which represents Time 0f).
get |
The main scene of the NetworkRunner or default if not running.
get |
Returns the current SimulationStages stage of this Fusion.Simulation.
get |
The current state of the runner, if it's Starting, Running, Shutdown
The tick associated with the current state of networked objects, or the current simulation tick being processed (when evaluated during FixedUpdateNetwork).
get |
get |
Returns how many ticks we executed last update.
get |
The current topology used
get |
Photon Client UserID
Returns null if Peer is not connected to Photon Cloud
ObjectDelegate ObjectAcquired |
Event for object acquired