Photon Fusion 2.0.5

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NetPeerGroup Struct Reference

Network Peer Group. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static NetConnectionAllocateConnection (NetPeerGroup *g, NetAddress address, byte[] token, byte[] uniqueId)
static void ChangeConnectionAddressDuringConnecting (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, NetAddress newAddress)
 Changes the address of a connection during the connecting phase. More...
static void ChangeConnectionStatus (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetConnectionStatus status)
static void Connect (NetPeerGroup *g, NetAddress address, byte[] token, byte[] uniqueId=null)
 Connects to a specified address with an optional unique ID and token. More...
static void Connect (NetPeerGroup *g, string ip, ushort port, byte[] token, byte[] uniqueId=null)
 Connects to a specified IP address and port with an optional unique ID and token. More...
static NetConnectionMap.Iterator ConnectionIterator (NetPeerGroup *g)
 Gets an iterator for the connections in the network peer group. More...
static void Disconnect (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, byte[] token)
 Disconnects a given connection from the network peer group with an optional token. More...
static NetConnectionGetConnection (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnectionId id)
 Gets a connection by its ID in the network peer group. More...
static NetConnectionGetConnectionByIndex (NetPeerGroup *g, int index)
 Gets a connection by its index in the network peer group. More...
static double GetConnectionIdleTime (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c)
 Gets the idle time of a connection. More...
static bool GetConnectionSendBuffer (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, out NetBitBuffer *b)
static bool GetNotifyDataBuffer (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, out NetBitBuffer *b)
 Gets a notify data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group. More...
static bool GetUnreliableDataBuffer (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, out NetBitBuffer *b)
 Gets an unreliable data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group. More...
static void HandleCommandAccepted (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetCommandAccepted cmd)
static void HandleCommandConnect (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetCommandConnect cmd)
static void HandleCommandDisconnect (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetCommandDisconnect cmd)
static void HandleCommandRefused (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetCommandRefused cmd)
static void HandlePacket (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketAcks (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetNotifyHeader h)
static void HandlePacketCommand (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketNotifyAcks (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketNotifyData (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketNotifyData_Part2 (NetNotifyHeader header, int sequenceDistance, NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketUnconnected (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void HandlePacketUnreliableData (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static void QueueAddressUnmap (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c)
static void Receive (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb)
static void ReleaseConnection (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)
static void Send (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
static bool SendCommand< T > (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, T cmd)
static void SendCommandConnect (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)
static bool SendCommandUnconnected< T > (NetPeerGroup *g, NetAddress address, T cmd)
static bool SendNotifyDataBuffer (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b, void *userData)
 Sends a notify data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group. More...
static void SendReliable (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, ReliableId rid, byte *data, int dataLength)
 Sends reliable data for a given connection in the network peer group. More...
static void SendUnconnected (NetPeerGroup *g, NetBitBuffer *b)
static bool SendUnconnectedData (NetPeerGroup *g, NetAddress address, void *data, int dataLength)
 Sends unconnected data to a specified address. More...
static bool SendUnreliableDataBuffer (NetPeerGroup *g, NetConnection *c, NetBitBuffer *b)
 Sends an unreliable data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group. More...
static bool TryGetConnectionByIndex (NetPeerGroup *g, int index, out NetConnection *connection)
 Tries to get a connection by its index in the network peer group. More...
static void Update (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb)
 Updates the network peer group by processing received data, handling timeouts, and managing connection retries. More...
static void UpdateConnected (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)
static void UpdateConnecting (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)
static void UpdateConnections (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb)
static void UpdateDisconnected (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)
static void UpdateShutdown (NetPeerGroup *g, INetPeerGroupCallbacks cb, NetConnection *c)

Public Attributes

Timer _clock
NetConfig _config
uint _counter
short _group
IntPtr _recvHead
NetBitBufferStack _recvStack
NetBitBufferBlock * _sendBlock
IntPtr _sendHead

Static Public Attributes

const double RELIABLE_SEND_INTERVAL = 0.05


int ConnectionCount [get]
 Gets the number of active connections. More...
int Group [get]
 Gets the group index. More...
double Time [get]
 Gets the elapsed time in seconds. More...

Detailed Description

Network Peer Group.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ChangeConnectionAddressDuringConnecting()

static void ChangeConnectionAddressDuringConnecting ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
NetAddress  newAddress 

Changes the address of a connection during the connecting phase.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
newAddressThe new address to be assigned to the connection.

◆ Connect() [1/2]

static void Connect ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetAddress  address,
byte[]  token,
byte[]  uniqueId = null 

Connects to a specified address with an optional unique ID and token.

gPointer to the network peer group.
addressThe address to connect to.
tokenThe token used for the connection.
uniqueIdOptional unique ID for the connection.

◆ Connect() [2/2]

static void Connect ( NetPeerGroup g,
string  ip,
ushort  port,
byte[]  token,
byte[]  uniqueId = null 

Connects to a specified IP address and port with an optional unique ID and token.

gPointer to the network peer group.
ipThe IP address to connect to.
portThe port to connect to.
tokenThe token used for the connection.
uniqueIdOptional unique ID for the connection.

◆ ConnectionIterator()

static NetConnectionMap.Iterator ConnectionIterator ( NetPeerGroup g)

Gets an iterator for the connections in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
An iterator for the connections in the network peer group.

◆ Disconnect()

static void Disconnect ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
byte[]  token 

Disconnects a given connection from the network peer group with an optional token.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection to be disconnected.
tokenOptional token used for the disconnection.

◆ GetConnection()

static NetConnection* GetConnection ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnectionId  id 

Gets a connection by its ID in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
idThe ID of the connection to retrieve.
A pointer to the connection if found, otherwise null.

◆ GetConnectionByIndex()

static NetConnection* GetConnectionByIndex ( NetPeerGroup g,
int  index 

Gets a connection by its index in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
indexThe index of the connection to retrieve.
A pointer to the connection if found, otherwise null.

◆ GetConnectionIdleTime()

static double GetConnectionIdleTime ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c 

Gets the idle time of a connection.

gThe network peer group.
cThe connection whose idle time is to be calculated.
The idle time of the connection in seconds.

◆ GetNotifyDataBuffer()

static bool GetNotifyDataBuffer ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
out NetBitBuffer b 

Gets a notify data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
bOutput parameter that will point to the bit buffer containing the data to be sent.
True if the buffer was successfully acquired, otherwise false.

◆ GetUnreliableDataBuffer()

static bool GetUnreliableDataBuffer ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
out NetBitBuffer b 

Gets an unreliable data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
bOutput parameter that will point to the bit buffer containing the data to be sent.
True if the buffer was successfully acquired, otherwise false.

◆ SendNotifyDataBuffer()

static bool SendNotifyDataBuffer ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
NetBitBuffer b,
void *  userData 

Sends a notify data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
bPointer to the bit buffer containing the data to be sent.
userDataPointer to user data associated with the buffer.
True if the buffer was successfully sent, otherwise false.

◆ SendReliable()

static void SendReliable ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
ReliableId  rid,
byte *  data,
int  dataLength 

Sends reliable data for a given connection in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
ridReliable ID for the data being sent.
dataPointer to the data to be sent.
dataLengthThe length of the data to be sent.

◆ SendUnconnectedData()

static bool SendUnconnectedData ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetAddress  address,
void *  data,
int  dataLength 

Sends unconnected data to a specified address.

gPointer to the network peer group.
addressThe address to send the data to.
dataPointer to the data to be sent.
dataLengthThe length of the data to be sent.
True if the data was successfully sent, otherwise false.

◆ SendUnreliableDataBuffer()

static bool SendUnreliableDataBuffer ( NetPeerGroup g,
NetConnection c,
NetBitBuffer b 

Sends an unreliable data buffer for a given connection in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cPointer to the connection.
bPointer to the bit buffer containing the data to be sent.
True if the buffer was successfully sent, otherwise false.

◆ TryGetConnectionByIndex()

static bool TryGetConnectionByIndex ( NetPeerGroup g,
int  index,
out NetConnection connection 

Tries to get a connection by its index in the network peer group.

gPointer to the network peer group.
indexThe index of the connection to retrieve.
connectionOutput parameter that will point to the connection if found.
True if the connection was found, otherwise false.

◆ Update()

static void Update ( NetPeerGroup g,
INetPeerGroupCallbacks  cb 

Updates the network peer group by processing received data, handling timeouts, and managing connection retries.

gPointer to the network peer group.
cbCallback interface for network peer group events.

Property Documentation

◆ ConnectionCount

int ConnectionCount

Gets the number of active connections.

◆ Group

int Group

Gets the group index.

◆ Time

double Time

Gets the elapsed time in seconds.