CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.ActionQueue | This class is an IFiber wrapper. It ensures that async actions are exeucted in a serial manner |
CPhoton.Hive.ActorExtension | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.AddInterestAreaResponse | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.Amf3.Amf3Serializer | |
►CAppenderSkeleton | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.LogAppender | |
►CApplicationSettingsBase | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Settings | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameServerSettings | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterServerSettings | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.ApplicationStats | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.ApplicationStatsPublisher | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.AppLobby | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.AssemblyResolver | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Net.AsyncHttpRequest | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthentication.AsyncHttpResponse | |
►CExitGames.Threading.AsyncResult | async result |
CExitGames.Threading.AsyncResult< TResult > | async result |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.AttachInterestAreaResponse | |
►CAttribute | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSetAttribute | Attribute to set a name for a group of counters |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.PublishCounterAttribute | Attribute for ICounter fields or properties to publish with the CounterSamplePublisher |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.BaseTypeRequiredAttribute | When applied to a target attribute, specifies a requirement for any type marked with the target attribute to implement or inherit specific type or types |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.CanBeNullAttribute | Indicates that the value of the marked element could be null sometimes, so the check for null is necessary before its usage |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.CannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute | Indicates that the value of the marked type (or its derivatives) cannot be compared using '==' or '!=' operators and Equals() should be used instead. However, using '==' or '!=' for comparison with null is always permitted |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.InstantHandleAttribute | Tells code analysis engine if the parameter is completely handled when the invoked method is on stack. If the parameter is a delegate, indicates that delegate is executed while the method is executed. If the parameter is an enumerable, indicates that it is enumerated while the method is executed |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute | Should be used on attributes and causes ReSharper to not mark symbols marked with such attributes as unused (as well as by other usage inspections) |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.NotNullAttribute | Indicates that the value of the marked element could never be null |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.PublicAPIAttribute | This attribute is intended to mark publicly available API which should not be removed and so is treated as used |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.PureAttribute | Indicates that a method does not make any observable state changes. The same as System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.StringFormatMethodAttribute | Indicates that the marked method builds string by format pattern and (optional) arguments. Parameter, which contains format string, should be given in constructor. The format string should be in string.Format(IFormatProvider,string,object[])-like form |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Annotations.UsedImplicitlyAttribute | Indicates that the marked symbol is used implicitly (e.g. via reflection, in external library), so this symbol will not be marked as unused (as well as by other usage inspections) |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.DataContractAttribute | TODO: Classes flagged with this attribute can be used as data contract |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.DataMemberAttribute | When applied to the member of a type, specifies that the member is part of a data contract and should by serialized |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.OperationAttribute | This attribute is used to mark methods to be reflected by the OperationDispatcher |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.AuthenticateResponse | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.AuthSettings | Represents the result from the authenticaton handler (i.e., from the account service) |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.AuthTokenFactory | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Disconnected.BasicUseCases | The basic use cases |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.BinaryBuffer | binary buffer |
CExitGames.IO.BinaryConverter | This class converts binary data to streams and vice versa and de-/serialzes objects with the BinaryFormatter |
CExitGames.Threading.BlockingQueue< T > | This class is a Queue<T> wrapper that waits at Dequeue() until an item becomes available |
CExitGames.Threading.BlockingQueue< EventData > | |
CExitGames.Threading.BlockingQueue< ExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSender > | |
CExitGames.Threading.BlockingQueue< OperationResponse > | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Common.BoundingBox | The 3D floating point bounding box |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, T3, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFuncBase< TArgs, TResult > | |
►CExitGames.Caching.CachedFuncBase< FuncParams< T1, T2 >, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult > | |
►CExitGames.Caching.CachedFuncBase< FuncParams< T1, T2, T3 >, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult > | |
►CExitGames.Caching.CachedFuncBase< FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4 >, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult > | |
►CExitGames.Caching.CachedFuncBase< T, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CachedFunc< T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult > | |
CExitGames.Caching.CacheItem< T > | |
CExitGames.Threading.CachedSingletonFactory.CacheKey< TKey, TValue > | A key used by the SynchronizedCachedSingletonFactory<TKey, TValue> |
CExitGames.Threading.CachedSingletonFactory.CacheValue< TKey, TValue > | A value used by the SynchronizedCachedSingletonFactory<TKey, TValue> |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CallCounter | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CallEnv | |
►CCancelEventArgs | |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.SocketAcceptEventArgs | The socket accept event args. Used by the PgmReceiver |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Internal.CategoryPublisher | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< ExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IRequest< R, M > > | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleMessage > | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplesPackage > | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< IList< ExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleMessage > > | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< MouseEventArgs > | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthentication.ClientAuthenticationQueue | |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.CLR | |
►CCollection | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleCollection | A collectin of CounterSamples |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Common | |
►CConfigurationConverterBase | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.CaseInsensitiveEnumConfigConverter< T > | |
►CConfigurationElement | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.CounterSampleSenderSettings | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.PacketWriterSettings | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.GraphiteTextWriterSettings | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.InfluxDB090TextWriterSettings | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.PhotonBinaryWriterSettings | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Configuration.StatsDWriterSettings | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Configuration.Auth.AuthProvider | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.Configuration.PluginElement | |
CPhoton.Hive.Configuration.PluginElement | |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.Configuration.WebRpcBaseUrlElement | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.Configuration.CounterPublisherSchemaElement | The counter publisher photon schema element |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.Configuration.CounterPublisherSettings | The counter publisher settings |
►CConfigurationElementCollection | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Configuration.Auth.AuthProviderCollection | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.Configuration.PluginElementCollection | |
CPhoton.Hive.Configuration.PluginElementCollection | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.Configuration.CounterPublisherSchemaCollection | The counter publisher photon schema collection |
►CConfigurationSection | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Configuration.Auth.AuthSettings | |
►CPhoton.Common.Plugins.Configuration.PluginSettings | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.Configuration.GenericPluginSettings< Derived > | Class helper, which helps automate plugin settings initialization |
CPhoton.Hive.Configuration.PluginSettings | |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.Configuration.WebRpcSettings | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.Configuration.PhotonSettings | The photon settings |
►CConnectPolicy | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.Policy.LBConnectPolicyBase | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.Policy.OfflineConnectPolicy | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.Policy.OnlineConnectPolicy | |
CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.Counter | Counter on application level |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadShedding.Diagnostics.Counter | Counter on Game Server application level |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.CounterDataEvent | Clients receive this event after executing operation SubscribeCounter |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.CounterDataSetReceiver | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.CounterDataSetSender | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterFactory | Provides methods to create ICounter instances |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.CounterOperations | Handles the operations SubscribeCounter and UnsubscribeCounter |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.CounterPublisher | The counter publisher |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.CounterSample | Represents the value of a counter calculated at a specific time |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleMessage | A message used by the CounterSamplePublisher |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplePublisher | Collects and publishes data from ICounter instances in a specified interval |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplePublisherFactory | A factory for CounterSamplePublishers |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleReceiver | A receiver of CounterSamplesPackages |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterValue | Contains the value for a counter at a specified time stamp |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.CreateGameResponse | Defines the response paramters for create game requests |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.CreateWorldResponse | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthentication.CustomAuthenticationResult | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthentication.CustomAuthenticationResultCode | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthHandler | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.PluginTestsImpl.CustomPluginType | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.CustomTypeCache | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.CustomTypeInfo | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.DataContract | This class is a common base class for all data contracts. Properties flagged with the DataMemberAttribute can be converted from/to a dictionary |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.AuthenticationToken | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.AppStatsEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.GameListEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.GameServerOfflineEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.QueueEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.LatencyOperation | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.FindFriendsResponse | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.GetLobbyStatsResponse | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Events.AuthenticateUpdateEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Events.RemoveGameEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Events.UpdateAppStatsEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Events.UpdateGameEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Events.UpdateServerEvent | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Operations.RegisterGameServerResponse | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Operation | This class is a common base class for operations that have properties flagged with the DataMemberAttribute |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.ChangeGroups | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.DebugGameRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.GetPropertiesRequest | The get properties request |
►CPhoton.Hive.Operations.JoinGameRequest | This class implements the Join operation |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.CreateGameRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.LeaveRequest | Implements the Leave operation |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.RaiseEventRequest | Implements the RaiseEvent operation |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.SetPropertiesRequest | The set properties operation |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.WebRpcRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.AuthenticateRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.FindFriendsRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.GetLobbyStatsRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.JoinLobbyRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.JoinRandomGameRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.ServerToServer.Operations.RegisterGameServer | Defines the parameters which should be send from game server instances to register at the master application |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.AddInterestArea | The operation adds client's InterestArea |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.AttachInterestArea | The operation attaches InterestArea to an Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.CreateWorld | The operation creates new world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.DestroyItem | The operation destroys Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.DetachInterestArea | The operation detaches InterestArea from an Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.EnterWorld | The operation enters client into world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.GetProperties | The operation requests Item properties |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.Move | The operation moves an Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.MoveInterestArea | The operation moves an InterestArea |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RadarSubscribe | This operation subscribes to Radar. It can be executed any time |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RaiseGenericEvent | This operation raises generic item event |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RemoveInterestArea | The operation removes client's InterestArea |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SetProperties | The operation sets the properties of an Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SetViewDistance | The oeration sets view distsance for InterstArea |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SpawnItem | The operation creates a new Item |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SubscribeCounter | The operation subscribes to the PhotonApplication.CounterPublisher. It can be executed any time |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SubscribeItem | The operation subscribes an InterestArea to an Item.EventChannel |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.UnsubscribeItem | The operation unsubscribes an InterestArea from an Item.EventChannel after |
CExitGames.Extensions.DateTimeExtensions | Date time extension methods |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.DebugGameResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.DestroyItemResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.DetachInterestAreaResponse | |
►CDictionary | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.GameServerCollection | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.DictionaryExtensions | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Security.DiffieHellmanKeyExchange | An implementation of the Diffie–Hellman key exchange. Diffie–Hellman establishes a shared secret that can be used for secret communications by exchanging data over a public network |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Enet | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.EnterWorldResponse | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.ErrorMessages | |
►CEventArgs | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSamplesPackage | Argument for event CounterSampleReceiver.OnCounterDataReceived and message type for CounterSampleReceiver.Channel |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.PooledSender.SendErrorEventArgs | The event args for event SendError |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.SocketDisconnectEventArgs | The socket disconnect event args. Used by the PgmReceiver |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader.NodeEventArgs | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.EventDataEventArgs | Provides data for the TcpClient.Event event |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.InitializeEncryptionEventArgs | Contains information for a intiialize encryption operation response |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.OperationResponseEventArgs | Provides data for the TcpClient.OperationResponse event |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.PingResponseEventArgs | Provides data for the TcpClient.PingResponse event |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.SocketErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the TcpClient.ConnectError event |
►CEventArgs | |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.SocketReceiveEventArgs | The socket receive event args |
►CException | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.QueueFullException | Thrown when a queue is full |
CExitGames.Configuration.ConfigurationException | A configuration exception |
CExitGames.Messaging.MessageQueueException | message queue exception |
CExitGames.Threading.LockTimeoutException | This exception type is thrown if a timeout occurs when creating an instance of Lock, ReadLock, WriteLock or UpgradeableReadLock |
►CForm | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.WorldForm | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2 > | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3 > | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.ChannelLobby.GameChannel | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.GameListUpdateEvent | |
CPhoton.Hive.Common.GameParameterReader | Provides methods to read build in game properties from a hashtable |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.GameServer | |
►CPhoton.Hive.GameState | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestGameState | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameState | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameTable | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.GetPropertiesResponse | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.GetPropertiesResponse | Response for GetPropertiesRequest |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.Global | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GlobalProtocolTraits | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.GpBinaryByteV2.GpBinaryByteReaderV2 | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.GridWorldTests | |
CPhoton.Hive.Collections.GroupManager | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Connected.HeavyLoad | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.HeavyLoad | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Operations.HiveErrorMessages | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.LBErrorMessages | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Events.HiveEventBase | Base class implementation for all Lite events |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.CacheSliceChanged | Implementation if the PropertiesChanged event |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.CustomEvent | Implementation of a custom event |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.DisconnectEvent | |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.ErrorInfoEvent | |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.JoinEvent | This class implements the Join event |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.LeaveEvent | This class implements the Leave event |
CPhoton.Hive.Events.PropertiesChangedEvent | Implementation if the PropertiesChanged event |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Web.HttpClientBase | Photon http application client implementation |
CPhoton.Hive.Common.HttpRequestQueueOptions | |
►CIActor | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Actor | An actor is the glue between HivePeer and Room. In addition to the peer it has a number and Properties |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestActor | |
►CIAsyncResult | |
CExitGames.Threading.AsyncResult< TResult > | async result |
CExitGames.Threading.AsyncResult< TResult > | async result |
►CPhoton.Common.Authentication.IAuthenticateRequest | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.AuthenticateRequest | |
►CIAuthenticationScheme | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnifiedClient.AuthenticationSchemes.TokenLessAuthenticationScheme | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnifiedClient.AuthenticationSchemes.TokenAuthenticationScheme | |
►CIAuthSchemeClient | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnifiedClient.UnifiedTestClient | |
►CIBeforeCloseGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeCloseGameCallInfo | |
►CIBeforeJoinGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeJoinGameCallInfo | |
►CIBeforeSetPropertiesCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeSetPropertiesCallInfo | |
►CExitGames.IO.IBinaryReader | Interface for a binary reader |
CExitGames.IO.BigEndianBinaryReader | DataInputStreamWrapper provides functions to Read binary data from a stream |
►CExitGames.IO.IBinaryWriter | The interface for a binary writer |
CExitGames.IO.BigEndianBinaryWriter | Provides methods to write binary data into a stream |
►CICallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< RequestType > | |
►CICloseGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CloseGameCallInfo | |
►CICloseRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.CloseRequest | |
►CIComparable | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.GameServerState | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.ICounter | Represents a counter instance |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.EmptyCounter | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.CounterBase | The base class for counters |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.AverageCounter | The average counter |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.CountsPerSecondCounter | The counts per second rate counter |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.DummyCounter | A dummy counter that does nothing |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.NumericCounter | A numeric counter |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.PerformanceCounterReader | A read only ICounter that wraps a windows PerformanceCounter |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadShedding.AverageCounterReader | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.WindowsPerformanceCounter | An ICounter that wraps a windows PerformanceCounter |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SystemCounter.NetworkInterfaceCounter | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.CpuUsageCounterReader | The process cpu usage counter |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.ICounterInstanceData | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterInstanceDataBase | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterInstanceValue | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterInstanceValueList | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.ICounterPublisher | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.CounterPublisherBase | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.PerformanceCounterCategoryPublisher | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.ICounterSampleReader | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.Photon.Binary.PhotonBinaryReader | |
►CICreateGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CreateGameCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Security.ICryptoProvider | Provides methods to encrypt and decrypt binary data |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Security.RijndaelCryptoProvider | An ICryptoProvider implementation using the Rijndael symmetric encryption algorithm |
►CPhoton.Common.Authentication.ICustomAuthPeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer | |
►CIDisconnectCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.DisconnectCallInfo | |
►CIDisposable | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IReply< M > | Used to receive one or more replies |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IPendingEvent | A scheduled event |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.Scheduler | Enqueues actions on to context after schedule elapses.
/summary> |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IFiber | Enqueues pending actions for the context of execution (thread, pool of threads, message pump, etc.) |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.GuiFiber | Allows interaction with Windows Forms. Transparently moves actions onto the Form's thread. /summary> |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.DispatcherFiber | Adapts Dispatcher to a Fiber. Transparently moves actions onto the Dispatcher thread |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.FormFiber | Allows interaction with Windows Forms. Transparently moves actions onto the Form's thread. /summary> |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.PoolFiber | Fiber that uses a thread pool for execution |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.ExtendedPoolFiber | PoolFiber which supports pausing |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.StubFiber | StubFiber does not use a backing thread or a thread pool for execution. Actions are added to pending lists for execution. These actions can be executed synchronously by the calling thread. This class is not thread safe and should not be used in production code |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.ThreadFiber | Fiber implementation backed by a dedicated thread. IFiber |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.StubScheduledAction | For use only in testing. Allows for controlled execution of scheduled actions on the StubFiber. /summary> |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.PerformanceCounterReader | A read only ICounter that wraps a windows PerformanceCounter |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.CounterPublisherBase | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.PerformanceCounterCategoryPublisher | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleSenderBase | Collects data from ICounter instances and publishes the data in a specified interval using an ICounterSampleWriter implementation |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.CounterSampleSender | Collects data from ICounter instances and publishes the data in a specified interval using an ISocketSender implementation |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.ICounterSampleWriter | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.PhotonBinaryWriterBase | |
►CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.Graphite.Text.GraphiteTextWriter | Graphite text protocol writer http://graphite.wikidot.com/getting-your-data-into-graphite metric_path value timestamp
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.InfluxDB090.Graphite.Text.GraphiteTextWriter | Graphite text protocol writer http://graphite.wikidot.com/getting-your-data-into-graphite metric_path value timestamp
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.Photon.Binary.PhotonBinaryWriter | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.Protocol.StatsD.Text.StatsDTextWriter | StatsD Metric Types https://github.com/etsy/statsd/blob/master/docs/metric_types.md https://github.com/b/statsd_spec |
►CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.IMessageQueue< T > | The implementor stores messages of type T |
►CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.MessageQueue< T > | This class collects messages from a Channel<T> for later use, for example for a http client |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.LockedMessageQueue< T > | The LockedMessageQueue<T> is a thread safe extension of the MessageQueue<T> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.SubscriptionContainer | A container for IChannel<T> subscriptions with a topic |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicChannel< T > | this class is a hybrid between TopicSubscription<T> and TopicPublishChannel<T>: it sends locally published messages through a ISocketSender
and receives remote messages through the TopicMessageReceiver |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicMessageReceiver | The TopicMessageReceiver receives TopicMessages from an ISocketReceiver |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicSubscription< T > | A topic subscription receives TopicMessages and filters them by a topic string. The payload of the remainging messages are deserialized with a IMessageSerializer<T> and published on a Concurrency.Channels.IPublisher<T> (typically a Concurrency.Channels.Channel<T>) |
CExitGames.Messaging.MessageQueueReader | Reads messages from MessageQueues, dispatches them, and checks for dispatch timeouts |
CExitGames.Messaging.MessageQueueReaderSingleThreaded | Reads messages from MessageQueues and dispatches them |
CExitGames.Messaging.ThrottledMessageQueueReader | This class can read multiple message queues and dispatch the messages of each queue with a different priority |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.AsyncSocketReceiver | The AsyncSocketReceiver receives data from a socket using the asynchronous programming model including IO completion ports |
►CExitGames.Net.Sockets.ISocketReceiver | Interface for a class that receives data from a socket |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmReceiver | This PGM receiver is a ISocketReceiver implementation that wraps a PgmListener |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSocketReceiver | This ISocketReceiver wraps a Sockets.PooledReceiver and uses a Pgm.PgmReceiver |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.PooledReceiver | This ISocketReceiver wrapper dispatches received data async with the .NET thread pool |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Stub.StubReceiver | An ISocketReceiver implementation for unit testing |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Udp.UdpReceiver | An ISocketReceiver implementation for UDP |
►CExitGames.Net.Sockets.ISocketSender | Interface for a class that sends data to a socket |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Http.HttpSender | |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSender | Provides methods to send data using the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) protocol |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSocketSender | This ISocketSender wraps a Sockets.PooledSender and uses a Pgm.PgmSender |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.PooledSender | This ISocketSender wrapper is used to send the data async using a the .NET thread pool. An optional settings allows the PooledSender to send multiple messages in a batch |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Stub.StubSender | An ISocketSender implementation for unit testing |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Udp.UdpSender | An ISocketSender implementation for UDP |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmListener | The PGM listener receives PGM messages from one or more network interfaces. This class is used internally by the PgmReceiver |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSenderPool | A pool of PgmSenders |
CExitGames.Threading.Lock | This IDisposable uses the Monitor class. It is used to replaces try-finally blocks with "using" statements |
CExitGames.Threading.ReadLock | This IDisposable uses the ReaderWriterLockSlim for critical sections that allow one writer and multiple reader. The counter parts are WriteLock and UpgradeableReadLock. It is used to replaces try-finally blocks with "using" statements |
CExitGames.Threading.SimpleBaseFactory< TKey, TValue > | A base class for a simple factory using a ReaderWriterLockSlim |
CExitGames.Threading.SynchronizedDictionary< TKey, TValue > | Represents a thread-safe collection of key-value pairs that can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently. If using the Net 4.0 framework you should consider to use the new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary. The SynchronizedDictionary provides methods similar to the ConcurrentDictionary to provide a thread safe Dictionary for .NET 3.5 and earlier |
CExitGames.Threading.UpgradeableReadLock | This IDisposable uses the ReaderWriterLockSlim for critical sections that allow one writer and multiple reader. The counter parts are WriteLock and ReadLock. It is used to replaces try-finally blocks with "using" statements |
CExitGames.Threading.WriteLock | This IDisposable uses the ReaderWriterLockSlim for critical sections that allow one writer and multiple reader. The counter parts are ReadLock and UpgradeableReadLock. It is used to replaces try-finally blocks with "using" statements |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.RoomReference | Used to observe references to room instances from a room cache. A reference to a room should be released (disposed) if it is not longer needed. The related cache observes the number of references to a room and removes a room if it has no references left |
CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.CounterLogger | Logs the most intersting counters into a log file |
►CPhoton.Hive.Room | A room has Actors, can have properties, and provides an ExecutionFiber with a few wrapper methods to solve otherwise complicated threading issues: All actions enqueued to the ExecutionFiber are executed in a serial order. Operations of all Actors in a room are handled via ExecutionFiber |
►CPhoton.Hive.HiveGame | A Room that supports the following requests:
►CPhoton.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestGame | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.Game | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.OfflineExtra.TestGame | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Client.TestClient | The test client |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.NodesReader | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.MasterServerConnectionBase | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.MasterServerConnection | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameApplication | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.LobbyStatsPublisher | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.PlayerCache | |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.GridWorld | Grid used to divide the world. It contains Regions |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.World | GridWorld with name, item cache and radar |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.InterestArea | Subscribes to regions in the area. Each region relays events of items in region. Thread safety: All instance members require a lock on SyncRoot |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ClientInterestArea | This InterestArea subclass automatically subscribes to the region.ItemEventChannel of every region in focus and forwards item events to the PeerBase |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Item | Represents an entity in a world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemCache | A cache for items. Each World has one item cache |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MmoActor | Represents a player in a world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MmoActorOperationHandler | Сlient's Peer.CurrentOperationHandler after entering a world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Radar | Subscribers of the Radar's Channel receive event RadarUpdate for all moving Items in the World. The receive interval is configured with Settings.RadarUpdateInterval |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Region | Represents a region used for region-based interest management |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.WorldCache | This is a cache for Worlds that have a unique name |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Connected.Client | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.Client | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.MessageChannel< T > | Subclass of ExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel<T>. Uses an ExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.ICounter to track the amount of published messages |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.UnsubscriberCollection | This is a collection of channel subscriptions. Dispose unsubcribes all subscriptions |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Net.HttpRequestQueue | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.PeerBase | This class is a base class for server connections. The RequestFiber processes all incoming messages |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.LatencyPeer | Peer implementation to handle requests from the LatencyMonitor |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ClientPeer | |
►CPhoton.Hive.HivePeer | Inheritance class of PeerBase.
The LitePeer dispatches incoming OperationRequests at OnOperationRequest. When joining a Room a Caching.RoomReference is stored in the RoomReference property. An IFiber guarantees that all outgoing messages (events/operations) are sent one after the other |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestHivePeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameClientPeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.RedirectedClientPeer | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Peer | Inheritance class of PeerBase. This class uses an IOperationHandler that can be set with SetCurrentOperationHandler. This is useful if operations should have a different behavior when the state of the peer changes, e.g. after authentication |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MmoPeer | Photon Peer |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.S2SPeerBase | The server peer base |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.LatencyMonitor | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.InboundS2SPeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.IncomingGameServerPeer | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.OutboundS2SPeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.TcpClientBase | Base class for Tcp client implementations |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.TcpClient | Provides methods to communicate with other photon server applications |
►CIEnumerable | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterDataSet | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterDataSetCategory | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterDataSetCounter | |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.RoomEventCache | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Collections.ActorsManager | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestActorsManager | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.LinkedListDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.ValueTypes.RawCustomArray | Instances of this class will be created for arrays of unknown custom types sent by a client if the Protocol.AllowRawCustomValues property is set to true |
►CIEnumerable< KeyValuePair< int, EventCache >> | |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.EventCacheDictionary | Dictionary implementation to store EventCache instances by actor number |
►CIEquatable | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.CounterData.CounterInstanceKey | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.ChannelLobby.GameChannelKey | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.ValueTypes.RawCustomArray | Instances of this class will be created for arrays of unknown custom types sent by a client if the Protocol.AllowRawCustomValues property is set to true |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.ValueTypes.RawCustomValue | Instances of this class will be created for unknown custom types sent by a client if the Protocol.AllowRawCustomValues property is set to true |
►CIEquatable< FuncParams< T1, T2 >> | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
►CIEquatable< FuncParams< T1, T2, T3 >> | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
►CIEquatable< FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4 >> | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
►CIEquatable< FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >> | |
CExitGames.Caching.FuncParams< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.IEventData | The implementation class contains data that is sent to clients with PeerBase.SendEvent(IEventData,SendParameters). Implementors are EventData and SerializedEventData |
CPhoton.SocketServer.EventData | This class contains data that is sent to clients with PhotonPeer.SendEvent. The IRpcProtocol serializes EventData with SerializeEventData. SetParameters(object) converts properties that are flagged with DataMemberAttribute into the Parameters dictionary |
CPhoton.SocketServer.SerializedEventData | An IEventData wrapper that serializes the event upon creation. This has a performance benefit if multiple receivers use the same protocol |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IExecutionContext | Context of execution |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IFiber | Enqueues pending actions for the context of execution (thread, pool of threads, message pump, etc.) |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IExecutor | Executes pending action(s) |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.DefaultExecutor | Default executor |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IExtendedExecutor | Extended executor should support pausing |
CExitGames.Threading.ExtendedBeforeAfterExecutor | |
CExitGames.Threading.ExtendedFailSafeExecutor | |
►CExitGames.Threading.BeforeAfterExecutor | |
CExitGames.Threading.ExtendedBeforeAfterExecutor | |
►CExitGames.Threading.FailSafeBatchExecutor | An IExecutor that can be used for a PoolFiber to catch and log or forward exceptions that happen during execution |
CExitGames.Threading.ExtendedFailSafeExecutor | |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IExtendedFiber | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.ExtendedPoolFiber | PoolFiber which supports pausing |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.IGameList | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameListBase | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.ChannelLobby.GameChannelList | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameList | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.AsyncRandomGameList | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.SqlGameList | |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.IGameListener | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.GameTabPage | The double buffered game tab page |
CRunBehaviour | The run behaviour |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.IGameListSubscription | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.ChannelLobby.GameChannel.Subscription | |
►CPhoton.Hive.IGameStateFactory | |
CPhoton.Hive.Room.DefaultGameStateFactory | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.IHiveGameAppCounters | |
CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.NullHiveGameAppCounters | |
►CIHttpAsyncHandler | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Web.HttpApplicationHandler | IHttpAsyncHandler implementation to host photon applications in a web application |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Web.HttpApplicationHandler2 | IHttpAsyncHandler implementation to host photon applications in a web application |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.IHttpQueueCountersInstance | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Net.IHttpRequestQueueCounters | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.HttpRequestQueueCounters | |
CPhoton.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.WebRpcHandler | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Net.HttpRequestQueueCounterWrapper | we use this class to call external counters interface safely |
►CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.IHttpRequestQueueCountersFactory | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.HttpRequestQueueCountersFactory | |
►CIHttpResponse | |
CPhoton.Hive.HttpResponseImpl | |
►CIJoinGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.JoinGameCallInfo | |
►CIJoinGameRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.JoinGameRequest | This class implements the Join operation |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.ILatencyMonitor | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.LatencyMonitor | |
►CILeaveGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.LeaveGameCallInfo | |
►CILeaveGameRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.LeaveRequest | Implements the Leave operation |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.ILobbyPeer | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterClientPeer | |
►CExitGames.Logging.ILogger | Interface for a logger |
CExitGames.Logging.Log4Net.Log4NetLogger | An ILogger that wraps log4net ILog |
►CExitGames.Logging.ILoggerFactory | The implementor creates ILogger instances |
CExitGames.Logging.Log4Net.Log4NetLoggerFactory | This ILoggerFactory creates ILogger that log to the log4net framework |
►CPhoton.Hive.Messages.IMessage | Interface of a message |
CPhoton.Hive.Messages.RoomMessage | Represents a message for rooms |
►CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.IMessageSerializer< T > | The implementor converts a message to a byte array and back. The IMessageSerializer<T> is used to de-/serialize messages to the TopicPublisher<T> and the TopicSubscription<T> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.GenericSerializer< T > | An IMessageSerializer<T> that uses the IO.BinaryConverter to serialze any message type |
CPhoton.SocketServer.InitRequest | Provides initialization request parameter |
CPhoton.SocketServer.InitResponse | Provides initialization request parameter |
►CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.CustomAuthResultCounters.Instance | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.CustomAuthResultCounters.NullInstance | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.InterestArea | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.InterestItems | Maintains subscriptions per item (manual) |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.IOperationHandler | Peer.CurrentOperationHandler is an IOperationHandler. The implementor handles incoming OperationRequests (Peer.OnOperationRequest, peer disconnects (Peer.OnDisconnect) and disconnects that are invoked from other peers (Peer.OnDisconnectByOtherPeer) |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.OperationHandlerBase | Provides basic methods for IOperationHandler implementations |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Master.OperationHandler.OperationHandlerAuthenticating | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Master.OperationHandler.OperationHandlerDefault | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Master.OperationHandler.OperationHandlerInitial | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MmoActorOperationHandler | Сlient's Peer.CurrentOperationHandler after entering a world |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MmoInitialOperationHandler | Сlient's Peer.CurrentOperationHandler immediately after connecting |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.Common.IpEndPointExtensions | |
►CIPhotonApplication | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.ApplicationBase | The base class for a Photon application. The main method to override is CreatePeer. See Setup for initialization recommendations |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.Application | The application |
CPhoton.Hive.HiveApplication | Main photon application. This application is started from the photon server. This class creates HivePeers for new clients. Operation dispatch logic is handled by the HivePeer |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.OfflineExtra.TestApplication | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.MasterApplication | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.PhotonApplication | This ApplicationBase subclass creates MmoPeer and has a CounterSamplePublisher that is used to send diagnostic values to the client |
►CIPhotonApplicationSink | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Disconnected.DummyApplicationSink | TODO: Update summary |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Web.HttpApplicationHandler | IHttpAsyncHandler implementation to host photon applications in a web application |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Web.HttpApplicationHandler2 | IHttpAsyncHandler implementation to host photon applications in a web application |
►CIPhotonControl | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ApplicationBase | The base class for a Photon application. The main method to override is CreatePeer. See Setup for initialization recommendations |
►CIPhotonPeer | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Disconnected.DummyPeer | The network peer dummy |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.DummyPeer | |
►CIPhotonPeerListener | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Client.TestClient | The test client |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.Game | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.WorldForm | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Connected.PeerListener | |
►CIPluginHost | |
CPhoton.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.IPluginInstance | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.PluginInstance | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.IPluginManager | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.PluginManager | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestPluginManager | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.OfflineExtra.TestPluginManager | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.IPluginManager< out out IPlugin, in in IHost > | |
►CPhoton.Common.Plugins.IPluginManager< IPlugin, IHost > | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.PluginManagerBase< IPluginFactory, IPlugin, IHost > | |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IProducerThreadSubscriber< T > | Action subscriber that receives actions on producer thread |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.ISubscribable< T > | Callback method and parameters for a channel subscription |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.BaseSubscription< T > | Base implementation for subscription |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.BatchSubscriber< T > | Batches actions for the consuming thread |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.ChannelSubscription< T > | Subscription for actions on a channel |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.KeyedBatchSubscriber< K, T > | Channel subscription that drops duplicates based upon a key |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.LastSubscriber< T > | Subscribes to last action received on the channel |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IPublisher< T > | Channel publishing interface |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IChannel< T > | A channel provides a conduit for messages. It provides methods for publishing and subscribing to messages. The class is thread safe |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel< T > | Default Channel Implementation. Methods are thread safe. /summary> typeparam name="T"> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.Channel< T > | A Concurrency.Channels.Channel<T> implementing the IChannel<T> |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.MessageChannel< T > | Subclass of ExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.Channel<T>. Uses an ExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.ICounter to track the amount of published messages |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.Channel< T > | A Concurrency.Channels.Channel<T> implementing the IChannel<T> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.IChannel< T > | An Concurrency.Channels.IChannel<T> implementing the IPublisher<T> interface |
►CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicPublishChannel< T > | A Concurrency.Channels.IChannel<T> wrapper that extends class TopicPublisher<T> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicChannel< T > | this class is a hybrid between TopicSubscription<T> and TopicPublishChannel<T>: it sends locally published messages through a ISocketSender
and receives remote messages through the TopicMessageReceiver |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.ISnapshotChannel< T > | An ISnapshotChannel is a channel that allows for the transmission of an initial snapshot followed by incremental updates. The class is thread safe. /summary> typeparam name="T"> |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.SnapshotChannel< T > | A SnapshotChannel is a channel that allows for the transmission of an initial snapshot followed by incremental updates. The class is thread safe. /summary> typeparam name="T"> |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.IChannel< T > | An Concurrency.Channels.IChannel<T> implementing the IPublisher<T> interface |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.IPublisher< T > | An Concurrency.Channels.IPublisher<T> with an additional Publish method that includes a host id. The host id is included to identify and filter received messages that were sent from the same host |
►CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicPublisher< T > | This is a IPublisher<T> wrapper that sends all messages as TopicMessage to a ISocketSender |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicPublishChannel< T > | A Concurrency.Channels.IChannel<T> wrapper that extends class TopicPublisher<T> |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IQueue | Holds on to actions until the execution context can process them |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.BoundedQueue | Queue with bounded capacity. Will throw exception if capacity does not recede prior to wait time |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.BusyWaitQueue | Busy waits on lock to execute. Can improve performance in certain situations |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.DefaultQueue | Default implementation |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IQueueChannel< T > | Creates a queue that will deliver a message to a single consumer. Load balancing can be achieved by creating multiple subscribers to the queue |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.QueueChannel< T > | Default QueueChannel implementation. Once and only once delivery to first available consumer |
►CIRaiseEventCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.RaiseEventCallInfo | |
►CIRaiseEventRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.RaiseEventRequest | Implements the RaiseEvent operation |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IReplySubscriber< R, M > | Methods for working with a replyChannel |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IRequestReplyChannel< R, M > | Typed channel for request/reply |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.RequestReplyChannel< R, M > | Channel for synchronous and asynchronous requests |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IRequest< R, M > | A request object that can be used to send 1 or many responses to the initial request |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IRequestPublisher< R, M > | |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IRequestReplyChannel< R, M > | Typed channel for request/reply |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.IRpcHandlerAppCounters | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.IRpcProtocol | The implementation class supports a specific real time server protocol |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.IsAdminUtil | |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IScheduler | Methods for scheduling actions that will be executed in the future |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.Scheduler | Enqueues actions on to context after schedule elapses.
/summary> |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IFiber | Enqueues pending actions for the context of execution (thread, pool of threads, message pump, etc.) |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.ISchedulerRegistry | Enqueues actions and |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.Scheduler | Enqueues actions on to context after schedule elapses.
/summary> |
►CISetPropertiesCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.SetPropertiesCallInfo | |
►CISetPropertiesFailedCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.SetPropertiesFailedCallInfo | |
►CISetPropertiesRequest | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.SetPropertiesRequest | The set properties operation |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.ISubscriber< T > | Channel subscription methods |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.IChannel< T > | A channel provides a conduit for messages. It provides methods for publishing and subscribing to messages. The class is thread safe |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.ISubscriptionRegistry | Allows for the registration and deregistration of subscriptions /summary> |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.IFiber | Enqueues pending actions for the context of execution (thread, pool of threads, message pump, etc.) |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.Item | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.MyItem | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemDestroyed | Client receive this event after executing operation DestroyItem |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemDisposedMessage | This type of message is pubished by items sent through the item Item.DisposeChannel |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemEventMessage | This message type contains EventData to be sent to clients. ItemEventMessages are published through the item Item.EventChannel |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemGeneric | Clients receive this event after executing operation RaiseGenericEvent/> |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemMoved | Clients receive this event after executing operation Move |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemPositionMessage | This message contains the current position of the Item. This type of message is published by items through the Item.PositionUpdateChannel |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemProperties | The client receives this event after executing operation GetProperties |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemPropertiesSet | Clients receive this event after executing operation SetProperties |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemRegionChangedMessage | Item notifies interest areas via regions this item exits and enters |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.ItemSnapshot | Copy of current Item's state |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemSubscribed | Client receives this event when an item enters interest an area |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.ItemUnsubscribed | Client receive this event when an item exits an interest area |
►CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.IThreadPool | A thread pool for executing asynchronous actions |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Core.DefaultThreadPool | Default implementation that uses the .NET thread pool |
►CITypedCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< RequestType > | |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.IUnknownTypeMapper | |
CPhoton.Common.Misk.UnknownTypeMapper | |
CPhoton.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.JoinGameResponse | |
►CJoinModeConstants | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.JoinModes | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.JoinRandomGameResponse | |
CPhoton.Hive.Operations.JoinResponse | Response for JoinGameRequest |
CPhoton.Hive.HivePeer.JoinStages | |
►CKeyValueConfigurationCollection | |
CPhoton.Hive.WebRpc.Configuration.WebRpcExtraParamsCollection | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.LinkedListDictionary< string, Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.GameState > | |
►CList | |
CExitGames.Net.IPAddressCollection | The IP address collection |
CPhoton.Hive.ActorGroup | |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancer< TServer > | Represents a collection of server instances which can be accessed randomly based on their current lod level |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancer< Photon.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.GameServer.IncomingGameServerPeer > | |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadBalancer< Server > | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.LoadBalancerTests | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.LobbyFactory | |
CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.OperationLogging.LogEntry | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.LogHelper | The log helper |
CExitGames.Logging.LogManager | The log manager provides methods to get instances of ILogger using a ILoggerFactory. Any logging framework of choice can be used by assigining a new ILoggerFactory with SetLoggerFactory. The default logger factory creates ILogger that do not log |
CPhoton.Hive.Diagnostics.OperationLogging.LogQueue | |
►CMarshalByRefObject | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ApplicationBase | The base class for a Photon application. The main method to override is CreatePeer. See Setup for initialization recommendations |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.TestClient.ConnectionStates.Master | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Events.MatchEvent | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.MessageChannel< Photon.MmoDemo.Server.ItemDisposedMessage > | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.MessageChannel< Photon.MmoDemo.Server.ItemEventMessage > | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Concurrency.MessageChannel< Photon.MmoDemo.Server.ItemPositionMessage > | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MessageCounters | Counters that keep track of the amount of messages sent and received from item channels |
►CMessageQueue | |
CExitGames.Messaging.ThrottledMessageQueue | The throttled message queue |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.MethodReturnValue | Сombines an error code with a debug message |
►CMonoBehaviour | |
CFramesPerSecond | The fps |
CItemBehaviour | |
COnStartDelete | This component will destroy the GameObject it is attached to (in Start()) |
CRadar | |
CRoundTripTime | |
CRunBehaviour | The run behaviour |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.MoveInterestAreaResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.MoveResponse | |
►CExitGames.Configuration.NameValueCollectionReader | Reads values from a NameValueCollection |
CExitGames.Configuration.ProfileReader | This class reads a configuration section for a profile name and merges it with profile section 'Common' |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.ObjectDataMemberMapper | Provides methods to get and set objects fields and properties per reflection |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.ObjectMemberInfo< TAttribute > | This class contains reflection data about a property or a field |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.OperationDispatcher | This class contains functions to dispatch operations. The target function depends on the incoming operation code. All registered methods require the OperationAttribute and the signature public OperationResponse MyMethod(PeerBase peer, OperationRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters); |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.OperationHelper | Provides static methods to validate operation requests and create operation responses for invalid operation request |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.OperationMethodInfoCache | This cache enables high performance mapping of operation codes to operations. It collaborates with the OperationDispatcher. Instances of this class should be reused if possible since the method registration is slower than the mapping. Registered methods must have the followig structure: |
CPhoton.SocketServer.OperationRequest | Each incoming operation is translated to an OperationRequest. It is then dispatched with PeerBase.OnOperationRequest |
CPhoton.SocketServer.OperationResponse | Incoming OperationRequests are often answered with a response (represented by this class). It can be sent to the client by using the PeerBase.SendOperationResponse method. The IRpcProtocol.SerializeOperationResponse method serializes OperationResponse instances. SetParameters(object) converts properties that are flagged with DataMemberAttribute into the Parameters dictionary |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Connected.Operations | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.Operations | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.Operations | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Disconnected.OperationTests | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Connected.OperationTests | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.PeerHelper | This class provides access to some internal members of PeerBase and S2SPeerBase In general these methods are indended for testing |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.Lobby.PeerState | Stores properties of peers which have joined a game |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.PerfCounterManagerBase | |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.Diagnostic.CustomAuthResultCounters | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.HttpQueuePerformanceCounters | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Internal.PerformanceCounterId | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Messaging.PerformanceCounterPublisher | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Monitoring.PerformanceCounterWatcher | This class monitors the windows performance counters for new instances |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmBase | Base class for Pgm sender and receiver implemenatations |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSendWindowSize | The RM_SEND_WINDOW structure specifies the Reliable Multicast send window. This structure is used with the RM_RATE_WINDOW_SIZE socket option |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.PhotonCounter | The photon counter |
CPhoton.SocketServer.ServerToServer.PingResponse | The ping response |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.MasterServer.PlayerState | |
►CPluginBase | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestPlugin | |
CPhoton.Common.Plugins.PluginInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.PluginTraits | |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Policy | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.TestClient.Program | |
CPhoton.Hive.TestConsole.Program | The program |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Protocol | This class provides access to the available protocols |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Common.Protocol | (De)serialization procedures used in server and client |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.Common.PublicIPAddressReader | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RadarSubscribeResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.RadarUpdate | Clients receive this event frequently after executing operation RadarSubscribe |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RaiseGenericEventResponse | |
CExitGames.Diagnostics.Counter.RawCounterSample | Defines a structure that holds the raw data for a performance counter |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Operations.RedirectRepeatResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.RemoveInterestAreaResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.RequestItemEnterMessage | Interest area requests all items in entered region |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.RequestItemExitMessage | Interest area requests all items in exited region |
CExitGames.Concurrency.Channels.RequestReplyChannel< object, T > | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Caching.RoomCacheBase | Base class for room caches |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.HiveGameCache | The cache for HiveGames |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TestGameCache | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameCache | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.OfflineExtra.TestGameCache | |
CPhoton.Hive.Collections.RoomEventCacheManager | |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.RoomCacheBase.RoomInstance | Used to track references for a room instance |
CPhoton.Common.Authentication.CustomAuthentication.ClientAuthenticationQueue.RoundRobinCounter | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Rpc.Protocols.RtsMessageHeader | The rts message header |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.S2S | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.Common.S2SCustomTypeCacheMan | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.SendParameters | The struct contains the parameters for PeerBase.SendOperationResponse(OperationResponse,SendParameters), PeerBase.SendEvent(IEventData,SendParameters) and S2SPeerBase.SendOperationRequest(OperationRequest,SendParameters) and contains the info about incoming data at PeerBase.OnOperationRequest, S2SPeerBase.OnEvent and S2SPeerBase.OnOperationResponse |
CPhoton.Hive.Serialization.Serializer | |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.ServerStateManager | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.ServerToServerTests | The s2s tests |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SetPropertiesResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.Settings | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Settings | The settings |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.TestClient.Settings | |
►CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.Settings | |
CDemoSettings | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.Settings | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.Settings | The settings |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.SetupFixture | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Tests.SetupFixture | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.SetupFixture | The setup fixture |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SetViewDistanceResponse | |
►CSimpleBaseFactory< string, TopicChannel< T >> | |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicChannelFactory< T > | A factor for TopicChannel<T>s |
►CSocket | |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.Pgm.PgmSocket | A socket for PGM |
CExitGames.Net.Sockets.SocketEndPoint | |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounter | The socket server counter |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema | |
►CSortedDictionary | |
CPhoton.Hive.Caching.EventCache | A cache for events that a stored for actors that join a game later. The key is the event code, the value the event content. The event cache is ordered by event code |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SpawnItemResponse | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.SubscribeItemResponse | |
CExitGames.Threading.SynchronizedDictionary< Type, List< Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.ObjectMemberInfo< TAttribute > > > | |
CExitGames.Threading.SynchronizedSingletonFactory< TKey, TValue > | This class is used to create instances that are unique per key in a multi-threaded environment. It uses a ReaderWriterLockSlim for read and write access to the Instances. Instance creations are synchronized with a Monitor on an object that is unique per key. This approach is designed to minimize the impact of long running instance creations on other threads |
►CSynchronizedSingletonFactory< CacheKey< TKey, TValue >, CacheValue< TKey, TValue >> | |
►CExitGames.Threading.CachedSingletonFactory.SynchronizedCachedSingletonFactory< TKey, TValue > | A SynchronizedSingletonFactory<TKey,TValue> that uses the ASP.NET cache. It offers limited lifetime for items and requires no locking to access items that are cached. The subclasses support sliding and absolute timeouts |
CExitGames.Threading.CachedSingletonFactory.CachedSingletonFactoryAbsolute< TKey, TValue > | A SynchronizedCachedSingletonFactory<TKey,TValue> for absolute caching |
CExitGames.Threading.CachedSingletonFactory.CachedSingletonFactorySliding< TKey, TValue > | A SynchronizedCachedSingletonFactory<TKey,TValue> for sliding caching |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SystemCounter | The system counter |
►CTabPage | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.GameTabPage | The double buffered game tab page |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WinGrid.RadarTabPage | |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Tcp | |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TcpTests | The test base |
►CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TcpTestsBase | The tcp tests base |
CPhoton.Hive.Tests.TcpPerformanceTests | The tcp performance tests |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Threading | |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.TimeIntervalCounter | |
CExitGames.Threading.Timer | This class is a manager for scheduled callbacks |
CExitGames.Messaging.Channels.TopicMessage | This stuct is sent through the socket |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< ICloseRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeCloseGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CloseGameCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< IJoinGameRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeJoinGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.CreateGameCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.JoinGameCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< ILeaveGameRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.LeaveGameCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< IOperationRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.DisconnectCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< IRaiseEventRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.RaiseEventCallInfo | |
►CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.TypedCallInfo< ISetPropertiesRequest > | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.BeforeSetPropertiesCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.SetPropertiesCallInfo | |
CPhoton.Hive.Plugin.SetPropertiesFailedCallInfo | |
CPhoton.CounterPublisher.SocketServerCounterSchema.Udp | |
►CUnifiedClientBase | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnifiedClient.UnifiedTestClient | |
►CUnifiedTestsBase | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedServer.LoadBalancingUnifiedTestsBase | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.PluginTestsImpl | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Offline.PluginOfflineTests | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Online.PluginOnlineTests | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.TestsImpl.LBAsyncJoinTestImpl | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Offline.AsyncJoinOfflineTests | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.TestsImpl.SecureTestsImpl | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Offline.OfflineSecureTests | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Online.OnlineSecureTests | |
►CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.UnifiedTests.LBApiTestsImpl | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Offline.LoadBalancingOfflineTests | |
CPhoton.LoadBalancing.UnitTests.Online.LoadbalancingOnlineTests | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Operations.UnsubscribeItemResponse | |
CExitGames.Threading.UnsynchronizedSingletonFactory< TKey, TValue > | This class is used to create instances that are unique per key |
CPhoton.Hive.Common.Utilities | A collection of methods useful in one or another context |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Diagnostics.ValueToString | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Common.Vector | The 3D floating point vector |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Collections.WaitableQueue< T > | |
CPhoton.Common.LoadBalancer.LoadShedding.WorkloadController | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Client.WorldData | |
CPhoton.MmoDemo.Server.Events.WorldExited | Clients receive this event after exiting a world, either because of operation ExitWorld or because another client with the same username executes operation EnterWorld |