Photon Unity Networking 2  v2.1
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CActorPropertiesClass for constants. These (byte) values define "well known" properties for an Actor / Player.
 CAppSettingsSettings for Photon application(s) and the server to connect to.
 CAuthenticationValuesContainer for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled.
 CAuthenticationValuesContainer for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled.
 CChatChannelA channel of communication in Photon Chat, updated by ChatClient and provided as READ ONLY.
 CChatEventCodeWraps up internally used constants in Photon Chat events. You don't have to use them directly usually.
 CChatOperationCodeWraps up codes for operations used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually.
 CChatParameterCodeWraps up codes for parameters (in operations and events) used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually.
 CChatUserStatusContains commonly used status values for SetOnlineStatus. You can define your own.
 CErrorCodeErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication.
 CErrorCodeErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication.
 CEventCodeClass for constants. These values are for events defined by Photon Loadbalancing.
 CExtensionsThis static class defines some useful extension methods for several existing classes (e.g. Vector3, float and others).
 CFriendInfoUsed to store info about a friend's online state and in which room he/she is.
 CGamePropertyKeyClass for constants. These (byte) values are for "well known" room/game properties used in Photon Loadbalancing.
 CIChatClientListenerCallback interface for Chat client side. Contains callback methods to notify your app about updates. Must be provided to new ChatClient in constructor
 CIConnectionCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Connection and Regions.
 CIInRoomCallbacksCollection of "in room" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Players entering or leaving, property updates and Master Client switching.
 CILobbyCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover the Lobby.
 CIMatchmakingCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover Matchmaking.
 CIOnEventCallbackEvent callback for the Realtime Api. Covers events from the server and those sent by clients via OpRaiseEvent.
 CIWebRpcCallbackInterface for "WebRpc" callbacks for the Realtime Api. Currently includes only responses for Web RPCs.
 COperationCodeClass for constants. Contains operation codes. Pun uses these constants internally.
 CParameterCodeClass for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events.
 CParameterCodeClass for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events.
 CPhotonNetworkPhotonNetworkプラグインを使うためのメインクラスです。 このクラスは静的クラスです。
 CPhotonStreamこのコンテナは、OnPhotonSerializeView ()でPhotonViewの受信データを提供するため、またはあなたが提供するために使用されます。
 CPhotonStreamQueuePhotonStreamQueueを使うと、PhotonNetwork.sendRateの指定よりも高い頻度で、 オブジェクトの状態をポーリングできます。また、Serialize()を呼ぶことで その状態をすべて一度に送信できます。 受信完了時にDeserialize()を呼ぶこともできます。その場合、ストリームは 受信したオブジェクトの状態を、記録したときと同じ順序、同じ間隔で再現することができます。
 CPlayerSummarizes a "player" within a room, identified (in that room) by ID (or "actorNumber").
 CRaiseEventOptionsAggregates several less-often used options for operation RaiseEvent. See field descriptions for usage details.
 CRegionHandlerProvides methods to work with Photon's regions (Photon Cloud) and can be use to find the one with best ping.
 CRoomInfoA simplified room with just the info required to list and join, used for the room listing in the lobby. The properties are not settable (IsOpen, MaxPlayers, etc).
 CRoomOptionsWraps up common room properties needed when you create rooms. Read the individual entries for more details.
 CTypedLobbyRefers to a specific lobby (and type) on the server.
 CWebFlagsOptional flags to be used in Photon client SDKs with Op RaiseEvent and Op SetProperties. Introduced mainly for webhooks 1.2 to control behavior of forwarded HTTP requests.
 CWebRpcResponseReads an operation response of a WebRpc and provides convenient access to most common values.