Photon Unity Networking 2  v2.1
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IChatClientListener Interface Reference

Callback interface for Chat client side. Contains callback methods to notify your app about updates. Must be provided to new ChatClient in constructor More...

Public Member Functions

void DebugReturn (DebugLevel level, string message)
 All debug output of the library will be reported through this method. Print it or put it in a buffer to use it on-screen. More...
void OnDisconnected ()
 Disconnection happened. More...
void OnConnected ()
 Client is connected now. More...
void OnChatStateChange (ChatState state)
 The ChatClient's state changed. Usually, OnConnected and OnDisconnected are the callbacks to react to. More...
void OnGetMessages (string channelName, string[] senders, object[] messages)
 Notifies app that client got new messages from server Number of senders is equal to number of messages in 'messages'. Sender with number '0' corresponds to message with number '0', sender with number '1' corresponds to message with number '1' and so on More...
void OnPrivateMessage (string sender, object message, string channelName)
 Notifies client about private message More...
void OnSubscribed (string[] channels, bool[] results)
 Result of Subscribe operation. Returns subscription result for every requested channel name. More...
void OnUnsubscribed (string[] channels)
 Result of Unsubscribe operation. Returns for channel name if the channel is now unsubscribed. More...
void OnStatusUpdate (string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
 New status of another user (you get updates for users set in your friends list). More...

Detailed Description

Callback interface for Chat client side. Contains callback methods to notify your app about updates. Must be provided to new ChatClient in constructor

Member Function Documentation

void DebugReturn ( DebugLevel  level,
string  message 

All debug output of the library will be reported through this method. Print it or put it in a buffer to use it on-screen.

levelDebugLevel (severity) of the message.
messageDebug text. Print to System.Console or screen.
void OnChatStateChange ( ChatState  state)

The ChatClient's state changed. Usually, OnConnected and OnDisconnected are the callbacks to react to.

stateThe new state.
void OnConnected ( )

Client is connected now.

Clients have to be connected before they can send their state, subscribe to channels and send any messages.

void OnDisconnected ( )

Disconnection happened.

void OnGetMessages ( string  channelName,
string[]  senders,
object[]  messages 

Notifies app that client got new messages from server Number of senders is equal to number of messages in 'messages'. Sender with number '0' corresponds to message with number '0', sender with number '1' corresponds to message with number '1' and so on

channelNamechannel from where messages came
senderslist of users who sent messages
messageslist of messages it self
void OnPrivateMessage ( string  sender,
object  message,
string  channelName 

Notifies client about private message

senderuser who sent this message
messagemessage it self
channelNamechannelName for private messages (messages you sent yourself get added to a channel per target username)
void OnStatusUpdate ( string  user,
int  status,
bool  gotMessage,
object  message 

New status of another user (you get updates for users set in your friends list).

userName of the user.
statusNew status of that user.
gotMessageTrue if the status contains a message you should cache locally. False: This status update does not include a message (keep any you have).
messageMessage that user set.
void OnSubscribed ( string[]  channels,
bool[]  results 

Result of Subscribe operation. Returns subscription result for every requested channel name.

If multiple channels sent in Subscribe operation, OnSubscribed may be called several times, each call with part of sent array or with single channel in "channels" parameter. Calls order and order of channels in "channels" parameter may differ from order of channels in "channels" parameter of Subscribe operation.

channelsArray of channel names.
resultsPer channel result if subscribed.
void OnUnsubscribed ( string[]  channels)

Result of Unsubscribe operation. Returns for channel name if the channel is now unsubscribed.

If multiple channels sent in Unsubscribe operation, OnUnsubscribed may be called several times, each call with part of sent array or with single channel in "channels" parameter. Calls order and order of channels in "channels" parameter may differ from order of channels in "channels" parameter of Unsubscribe operation.

channelsArray of channel names that are no longer subscribed.