Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CIBodyRepresents a common interface to 2D and 3D bodies
 CIBody2DRepresents an interface to 2D bodies
 CIBody3DRepresents an interface to 3D bodies
 CLayerCollisionMatrixManages the collision matrix of physics simulation
 CPhotonTrueSyncCommunicatorTruesync's ICommunicator implementation based on PUN
 CPhysics2DWorldManagerManages the 2D physics simulation
 CPhysicsManagerManages physics simulation
 CPhysicsWorldManagerManages the 3D physics simulation
 CTrueSyncBehaviourRepresents each player's behaviour simulated on every machine connected to the game
 CTrueSyncConfigRepresents a set of configurations for TrueSync
 CTrueSyncManagerManages creation of player prefabs and lockstep execution
 CTSBBoxBounding Box defined through min and max vectors.
 CTSBoxColliderCollider with a box shape
 CTSBoxCollider2DCollider with a box 2D shape
 CTSCapsuleColliderCollider with a capsule shape
 CTSCircleCollider2DCollider with a circle shape
 CTSColliderAbstract collider for 3D shapes
 CTSCollider2DAbstract collider for 2D shapes
 CTSCollisionRepresents information about a contact between two 3D bodies
 CTSCollision2DRepresents information about a contact between two 2D bodies
 CTSContactPointRepresents information about a contact point
 CTSContactPoint2DRepresents information about a contact point
 CTSMaterialSimulates physical properties of a body
 CTSMathContains common math operations.
 CTSMatrix3x3 Matrix.
 CTSMeshColliderCollider with a mesh shape
 CTSPhysics2DHelpers for 2D physics
 CTSPolygonCollider2DCollider with a polygon 2D shape
 CTSQuaternionA Quaternion representing an orientation.
 CTSRayRepresents a ray with origin and direction
 CTSRaycastHitRepresents few information about a raycast hit
 CTSRaycastHit2DInformation about a 2D cast hit
 CTSRigidBodyRepresents a physical 3D rigid body
 CTSRigidBody2DRepresents a physical 2D rigid body
 CTSSphereColliderCollider with a sphere shape
 CTSTerrainColliderCollider with a terrain shape
 CTSTransformA deterministic version of Unity's Transform component for 3D physics
 CTSTransform2DA deterministic version of Unity's Transform component for 2D physics
 CTSVectorA vector structure.
 CUnityUtilsProvides a few utilities to be used on TrueSync exposed classes
 CPlayerComparerComparer class to guarantee PhotonPlayer order
 CTSBody2DComparerComparer class to guarantee TSCollider2D order
 CTSBodyComparerComparer class to guarantee TSCollider order
 CICommunicatorTrueSync's communicator interface