CPhoton.Realtime.ActorProperties | Class for constants. These (byte) values define "well known" properties for an Actor / Player |
CPhoton.Realtime.AppSettings | Settings for Photon application(s) and the server to connect to |
►CAttribute | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.PreserveAttribute | An Attribute named "Preserve" tells Unity to not strip the code |
CPhoton.Realtime.AuthenticationValues | Container for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled |
CPhoton.Chat.AuthenticationValues | Container for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.ByteArraySlicePool | Tiered pool for ByteArraySlices. Reduces the allocations once enough slices are available |
CPhoton.Chat.ChannelCreationOptions | |
CPhoton.Chat.ChannelWellKnownProperties | |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatAppSettings | Settings for Photon application(s) and the server to connect to |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatChannel | A channel of communication in Photon Chat, updated by ChatClient and provided as READ ONLY |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatEventCode | Wraps up internally used constants in Photon Chat events. You don't have to use them directly usually |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatOperationCode | Wraps up codes for operations used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatParameterCode | Wraps up codes for parameters (in operations and events) used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually |
CPhoton.Realtime.ConnectionHandler | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.DisconnectMessage | |
CPhoton.Realtime.EnterRoomParams | Parameters for creating rooms |
CPhoton.Realtime.ErrorCode | ErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication |
CPhoton.Chat.ErrorCode | ErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication |
CPhoton.Realtime.ErrorInfo | Class wrapping the received EventCode.ErrorInfo event |
CPhoton.Realtime.EventCode | Class for constants. These values are for events defined by Photon LoadBalancing |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.EventData | A Photon Event consists of a Code value and a Parameters Dictionary with the event's content (if any) |
►CException | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.InvalidDataException | Exception type for de/serialization issues. Used in Protocol 1.8 |
CPhoton.Realtime.FindFriendsOptions | Options for OpFindFriends can be combined to filter which rooms of friends are returned |
CPhoton.Realtime.FriendInfo | Used to store info about a friend's online state and in which room he/she is |
CPhoton.Realtime.GamePropertyKey | Class for constants. These (byte) values are for "well known" room/game properties used in Photon LoadBalancing |
CPhoton.Chat.IChatClientListener | Callback interface for Chat client side. Contains callback methods to notify your app about updates. Must be provided to new ChatClient in constructor |
►CPhoton.Realtime.IConnectionCallbacks | Collection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Connection and Regions |
CPhoton.Realtime.ConnectionCallbacksContainer | Container type for callbacks defined by IConnectionCallbacks. See LoadBalancingCallbackTargets |
CPhoton.Realtime.SupportLogger | Helper class to debug log basic information about Photon client and vital traffic statistics |
►CIDisposable | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.ByteArraySlice | A slice of memory that should be pooled and reused. Wraps a byte-array |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcp | Encapsulates the network i/o functionality for the realtime library |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcpAsync | Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdp | Encapsulates the network i/o functionality for the realtime library |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdpAsync | Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapper< T > | |
►CPhoton.Realtime.PhotonPing | Abstract implementation of PhotonPing, ase for pinging servers to find the "Best Region" |
CPhoton.Realtime.PingMono | Uses C# Socket class from System.Net.Sockets (as Unity usually does) |
►CPhoton.SocketServer.Security.ICryptoProvider | Interface for Photon's DiffieHellman/Payload Encryption |
CPhoton.SocketServer.Security.DiffieHellmanCryptoProviderNative | |
CPhoton.Realtime.IErrorInfoCallback | Interface for EventCode.ErrorInfo event callback for the Realtime Api |
►CPhoton.Realtime.IInRoomCallbacks | Collection of "in room" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Players entering or leaving, property updates and Master Client switching |
CPhoton.Realtime.SupportLogger | Helper class to debug log basic information about Photon client and vital traffic statistics |
►CPhoton.Realtime.ILobbyCallbacks | Collection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover the Lobby |
CPhoton.Realtime.SupportLogger | Helper class to debug log basic information about Photon client and vital traffic statistics |
►CPhoton.Realtime.IMatchmakingCallbacks | Collection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover Matchmaking |
CPhoton.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer | Container type for callbacks defined by IMatchmakingCallbacks. See MatchMakingCallbackTargets |
CPhoton.Realtime.SupportLogger | Helper class to debug log basic information about Photon client and vital traffic statistics |
CPhoton.Realtime.IOnEventCallback | Event callback for the Realtime Api. Covers events from the server and those sent by clients via OpRaiseEvent |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.Encryption.IPhotonEncryptor | Interface for DatagramEncryptor implementations |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Encryption.EncryptorNative | Implementation of encryption for "Datagram Encryption" |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Encryption.EncryptorNet | |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonPeerListener | Callback interface for the Photon client side. Must be provided to a new PhotonPeer in its constructor |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatClient | Central class of the Photon Chat API to connect, handle channels and messages |
CPhoton.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient | This class implements the Photon LoadBalancing workflow by using a LoadBalancingPeer. It keeps a state and will automatically execute transitions between the Master and Game Servers |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonSocket | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketNative | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcp | Encapsulates the network i/o functionality for the realtime library |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcpAsync | Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdp | Encapsulates the network i/o functionality for the realtime library |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdpAsync | Internal class to encapsulate the network i/o functionality for the realtime libary |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.IProtocol | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol16 | Exit Games GpBinaryV16 protocol implementation |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol18 | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.ITrafficRecorder | Interface for (UDP) traffic capturing |
CPhoton.Realtime.IWebRpcCallback | Interface for "WebRpc" callbacks for the Realtime Api. Currently includes only responses for Web RPCs |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< K, V >.KeyIterator | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.ParameterDictionary.KeyValuePair | |
►CList | |
CPhoton.Realtime.ConnectionCallbacksContainer | Container type for callbacks defined by IConnectionCallbacks. See LoadBalancingCallbackTargets |
CPhoton.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer | Container type for callbacks defined by IMatchmakingCallbacks. See MatchMakingCallbackTargets |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NetworkSimulationSet | A set of network simulation settings, enabled (and disabled) by PhotonPeer.IsSimulationEnabled |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< K, V > | Replacement for Dictionary<K,V> which does not allocate memory during usage |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< byte, object > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< int, NCommand > | |
CPhoton.Realtime.OperationCode | Class for constants. Contains operation codes |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.OperationRequest | Container for an Operation request, which is a code and parameters |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.OperationResponse | Contains the server's response for an operation called by this peer. The indexer of this class actually provides access to the Parameters Dictionary |
CPhoton.Realtime.OpJoinRandomRoomParams | Parameters for the matchmaking of JoinRandomRoom and JoinRandomOrCreateRoom |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< K, V >.PairIterator | |
CPhoton.Realtime.ParameterCode | Class for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events |
CPhoton.Chat.ParameterCode | Class for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.ParameterDictionary | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase | |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer | Instances of the PhotonPeer class are used to connect to a Photon server and communicate with it |
CPhoton.Chat.ChatPeer | Provides basic operations of the Photon Chat server. This internal class is used by public ChatClient |
CPhoton.Realtime.LoadBalancingPeer | A LoadBalancingPeer provides the operations and enum definitions needed to use the LoadBalancing server application which is also used in Photon Cloud |
CPhoton.Realtime.PhotonPortDefinition | Container for port definitions |
CPhoton.Realtime.Player | Summarizes a "player" within a room, identified (in that room) by ID (or "actorNumber") |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Pool< T > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Pool< ExitGames.Client.Photon.ParameterDictionary > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.Protocol | Provides tools for the Exit Games Protocol |
CPhoton.Realtime.RaiseEventOptions | Aggregates several less-often used options for operation RaiseEvent. See field descriptions for usage details |
CPhoton.Realtime.Region | |
CPhoton.Realtime.RegionHandler | Provides methods to work with Photon's regions (Photon Cloud) and can be use to find the one with best ping |
CPhoton.Realtime.RegionPinger | |
►CPhoton.Realtime.RoomInfo | A simplified room with just the info required to list and join, used for the room listing in the lobby. The properties are not settable (IsOpen, MaxPlayers, etc) |
CPhoton.Realtime.Room | This class represents a room a client joins/joined |
CPhoton.Realtime.RoomOptions | Wraps up common room properties needed when you create rooms. Read the individual entries for more details |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SendOptions | Wraps up DeliveryMode, Encryption and Channel values for sending operations and messages |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StreamBuffer | |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapper | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapper< T > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapper< bool > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapper< byte > | |
►CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapperPool | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapperPool< T > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapperPool< T > | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.StructWrapping.StructWrapperPools | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SupportClass | Contains several (more or less) useful static methods, mostly used for debugging |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.SupportClass.ThreadSafeRandom | Class to wrap static access to the random.Next() call in a thread safe manner |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.TrafficStats | |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.TrafficStatsGameLevel | Only in use as long as PhotonPeer.TrafficStatsEnabled = true; |
►CPhoton.Realtime.TypedLobby | Refers to a specific lobby on the server |
CPhoton.Realtime.TypedLobbyInfo | Info for a lobby on the server. Used when LoadBalancingClient.EnableLobbyStatistics is true |
CExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary< K, V >.ValueIterator | |
CPhoton.Realtime.WebFlags | Optional flags to be used in Photon client SDKs with Op RaiseEvent and Op SetProperties. Introduced mainly for webhooks 1.2 to control behavior of forwarded HTTP requests |
CPhoton.Realtime.WebRpcResponse | Reads an operation response of a WebRpc and provides convenient access to most common values |