Photon .NET Client API

Static Public Attributes | List of all members
Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode Class Reference

Wraps up codes for parameters (in operations and events) used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually. More...

Static Public Attributes

const byte Channels = 0
 (0) Array of chat channels. More...
const byte Channel = 1
 (1) Name of a single chat channel. More...
const byte Messages = 2
 (2) Array of chat messages. More...
const byte Message = 3
 (3) A single chat message. More...
const byte Senders = 4
 (4) Array of names of the users who sent the array of chat messages. More...
const byte Sender = 5
 (5) Name of a the user who sent a chat message. More...
const byte ChannelUserCount = 6
 (6) Not used. More...
const byte UserId = 225
 (225) Name of user to send a (private) message to. More...
const byte MsgId = 8
 (8) Id of a message. More...
const byte MsgIds = 9
 (9) Not used. More...
const byte Secret = 221
 (221) Secret token to identify an authorized user. More...
const byte SubscribeResults = 15
 (15) Subscribe operation result parameter. A bool[] with result per channel. More...
const byte Status = 10
 (10) Status More...
const byte Friends = 11
 (11) Friends More...
const byte SkipMessage = 12
 (12) SkipMessage is used in SetOnlineStatus and if true, the message is not being broadcast. More...
const byte HistoryLength = 14
 (14) Number of message to fetch from history. 0: no history. 1 and higher: number of messages in history. -1: all history. More...
const byte DebugMessage = 17
const byte WebFlags = 21
 (21) WebFlags object for changing behaviour of webhooks from client. More...
const byte Properties = 22
 (22) WellKnown or custom properties of channel or user. More...
const byte ChannelSubscribers = 23
 (23) Array of UserIds of users already subscribed to a channel. More...
const byte DebugData = 24
 (24) Optional data sent in ErrorInfo event from Chat WebHooks. More...
const byte ExpectedValues = 25
 (25) Code for values to be used for "Check And Swap" (CAS) when changing properties. More...
const byte Broadcast = 26
 (26) Code for broadcast parameter of ChatOperationCode.SetProperties method. More...
const byte UserProperties = 28
 WellKnown and custom user properties. More...
const byte UniqueRoomId = 29
 Generated unique reusable room id More...

Detailed Description

Wraps up codes for parameters (in operations and events) used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Broadcast

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Broadcast = 26

(26) Code for broadcast parameter of ChatOperationCode.SetProperties method.

◆ Channel

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Channel = 1

(1) Name of a single chat channel.

◆ Channels

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Channels = 0

(0) Array of chat channels.

◆ ChannelSubscribers

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.ChannelSubscribers = 23

(23) Array of UserIds of users already subscribed to a channel.

Used in Subscribe event when PublishSubscribers is enabled. Does not include local user who just subscribed. Maximum length is (ChatChannel.MaxSubscribers - 1).

◆ ChannelUserCount

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.ChannelUserCount = 6

(6) Not used.

◆ DebugData

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.DebugData = 24

(24) Optional data sent in ErrorInfo event from Chat WebHooks.

◆ DebugMessage

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.DebugMessage = 17

◆ ExpectedValues

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.ExpectedValues = 25

(25) Code for values to be used for "Check And Swap" (CAS) when changing properties.

◆ Friends

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Friends = 11

(11) Friends

◆ HistoryLength

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.HistoryLength = 14

(14) Number of message to fetch from history. 0: no history. 1 and higher: number of messages in history. -1: all history.

◆ Message

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Message = 3

(3) A single chat message.

◆ Messages

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Messages = 2

(2) Array of chat messages.

◆ MsgId

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.MsgId = 8

(8) Id of a message.

◆ MsgIds

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.MsgIds = 9

(9) Not used.

◆ Properties

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Properties = 22

(22) WellKnown or custom properties of channel or user.

In event ChatEventCode.Subscribe it's always channel properties, in event ChatEventCode.UserSubscribed it's always user properties, in event ChatEventCode.PropertiesChanged it's channel properties unless UserId parameter value is not null

◆ Secret

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Secret = 221

(221) Secret token to identify an authorized user.

The code is used in LoadBalancing and copied over here.

◆ Sender

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Sender = 5

(5) Name of a the user who sent a chat message.

◆ Senders

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Senders = 4

(4) Array of names of the users who sent the array of chat messages.

◆ SkipMessage

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.SkipMessage = 12

(12) SkipMessage is used in SetOnlineStatus and if true, the message is not being broadcast.

◆ Status

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.Status = 10

(10) Status

◆ SubscribeResults

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.SubscribeResults = 15

(15) Subscribe operation result parameter. A bool[] with result per channel.

◆ UniqueRoomId

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.UniqueRoomId = 29

Generated unique reusable room id

◆ UserId

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.UserId = 225

(225) Name of user to send a (private) message to.

The code is used in LoadBalancing and copied over here.

◆ UserProperties

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.UserProperties = 28

WellKnown and custom user properties.

Used only in event ChatEventCode.Subscribe

◆ WebFlags

const byte Photon.Chat.ChatParameterCode.WebFlags = 21

(21) WebFlags object for changing behaviour of webhooks from client.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: