Photon Quantum 3.0.0

Classes | Functions | Properties
3D Physics API

Groups the 3D Physics classes. More...


class  Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api
 3D Physics API More...
struct  Quantum.CharacterController3D
struct  Quantum.CollisionInfo3D
 Info about a collision between two 3D physics colliders. More...
struct  Quantum.ExitInfo3D
 Info about two entities that were colliding in the 3D Physics. More...
struct  Quantum.Physics3D.Hit3D
 Information returned from a valid hit of a physics query. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnCollision3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while two non-trigger 3D colliders are touching. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders start touching. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once two non-trigger 3D colliders stop touching. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnTrigger3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders are touching. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders start touching. More...
interface  Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit3D
 Interface for receiving callbacks once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders stop touching. More...
struct  Quantum.Shape3D
 Defines a 3D shape with Type and data disposed in a union-like structure. All shapes have a UserTag, BroadRadius and Centroid. All non-compound shapes have a LocalTransform and their Centroid always match their local transform position. More...
struct  Quantum.TriggerInfo3D
 Info about a collision between a trigger and a non-trigger 3D physics colliders. More...


int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddLinecastQuery (FPVector3 start, FPVector3 end, bool firstHitOnly=false, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Adds a broad-phase line cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System. More...
int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddOverlapShapeQuery (FPVector3 position, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Adds a broad-phase shape overlap query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System. More...
int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddOverlapShapeQuery (Transform3D transform, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Adds a broad-phase shape overlap query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System. More...
int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddRaycastQuery (FPVector3 origin, FPVector3 direction, FP distance, bool firstHitOnly=false, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Adds a broad-phase ray cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System. More...
int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddShapeCastQuery (FPVector3 start, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D *shape, FPVector3 translation, bool firstHitOnly=false, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Adds a broad-phase shape cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System. More...
HitCollection3D * Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D (int defaultCapacity=64)
 Allocates a persistent HitCollection3D on the heap with an initial capacity. To free an allocated persistent collection of 3D hits, use FreePersistentHitCollection3D. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.FreePersistentHitCollection3D (HitCollection3D *collection)
 Free a persistent HitCollection3D previously allocated on the heap. To allocate a persistent collection of 3D hits, use AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D. More...
bool Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.GetAllQueriesHits (out HitCollection3D *queriesHits, out int queriesCount)
 Gets all the results for all the broad-phase queries added to the 3D physics scene this frame. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.GetQueryHits (int index)
 Gets the results of a broad-phase query added to the 3D physics scene. More...
Hit3DQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Linecast (FPVector3 start, FPVector3 end, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast and returns the closest hit to the line start, if any. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Linecast (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 start, FPVector3 end, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast and adds the closest hit to the line start, if any, to a persistent collection of hits. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.LinecastAll (FPVector3 start, FPVector3 end, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast, returning all hits. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.LinecastAll (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 start, FPVector3 end, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast, returning all hits. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnCollision3D.OnCollision3D (Frame f, CollisionInfo3D info)
 Called once per frame while two non-trigger 3D colliders are touching. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter3D.OnCollisionEnter3D (Frame f, CollisionInfo3D info)
 Called once two non-trigger 3D colliders start touching. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit3D.OnCollisionExit3D (Frame f, ExitInfo3D info)
 Called once two non-trigger 3D colliders stop touching. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnTrigger3D.OnTrigger3D (Frame f, TriggerInfo3D info)
 Called once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders are touching. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter3D.OnTriggerEnter3D (Frame f, TriggerInfo3D info)
 Called once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders start touching. More...
void Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit3D.OnTriggerExit3D (Frame f, ExitInfo3D info)
 Called once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders stop touching. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape (FPVector3 position, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 position, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape (HitCollection3D *collection, Transform3D transform, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape (Transform3D transform, Shape3D shape, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap. More...
Hit3DQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Raycast (FPVector3 origin, FPVector3 direction, FP distance, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast and returns the closest hit to the ray origin, if any. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Raycast (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 origin, FPVector3 direction, FP distance, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast and adds the closest hit to the ray origin, if any, to a persistent collection of hits. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.RaycastAll (FPVector3 origin, FPVector3 direction, FP distance, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast, returning all hits. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.RaycastAll (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 origin, FPVector3 direction, FP distance, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast, adding all hits to a persistent collection. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ResetMap ()
 Resets 3D physics scene map asset guid. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.SetCallbacks (EntityRef entity, CallbackFlags flags)
 Sets which 3D physics collision callbacks will be called for the entity . More...
Hit3DQuantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCast (FPVector3 start, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D *shape, FPVector3 translation, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast and returns the hit with the smallest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized, if any. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCast (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 start, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D *shape, FPVector3 translation, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast and adds the hit with the shortest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized, if any, to a persistent collection of hits. More...
HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCastAll (FPVector3 start, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D *shape, FPVector3 translation, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast, returning all hits. More...
void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCastAll (HitCollection3D *collection, FPVector3 start, FPQuaternion rotation, Shape3D *shape, FPVector3 translation, int layerMask=-1, QueryOptions options=QueryOptions.HitAll)
 Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast, adding all hits to a persistent collection. More...
bool Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.TryGetQueryHits (int index, out HitCollection3D queryHits)
 Tries to get the results of a broad-phase query added to the 3D physics scene. More...


Map Quantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D.Api.Map [get]
 Retrieves the map asset currently used on the physics scene. More...
Map Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Map [get]
 Retrieves the map asset currently used on the physics scene. More...

Detailed Description

Groups the 3D Physics classes.

Function Documentation

◆ SetCallbacks()

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.SetCallbacks ( EntityRef  entity,
CallbackFlags  flags 

Sets which 3D physics collision callbacks will be called for the entity .

The entity must have a PhysicsCollider3D component attached to be able to collide with other physics entries.

For receiving the callbacks, set the CallbackFlags and implement the corresponding signal on a system.

entityAn entity with a PhysicsCollider3D component attached.
flagsThe CallbackFlags of the desired collision callbacks.
frame.Physics3D.SetCallbacks(entity, CallbackFlags.OnDynamicCollision | CallbackFlags.OnStaticTriggerEnter);

◆ ResetMap()

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ResetMap ( )

Resets 3D physics scene map asset guid.

◆ AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D()

HitCollection3D* Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D ( int  defaultCapacity = 64)

Allocates a persistent HitCollection3D on the heap with an initial capacity. To free an allocated persistent collection of 3D hits, use FreePersistentHitCollection3D.

defaultCapacityThe initial Hit3D buffer capacity allocated for the hit collection.
A pointer to the allocated hit collection.

◆ FreePersistentHitCollection3D()

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.FreePersistentHitCollection3D ( HitCollection3D *  collection)

Free a persistent HitCollection3D previously allocated on the heap. To allocate a persistent collection of 3D hits, use AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.

collectionA pointer to the persistent hit collection to be freed.
InvalidOperationExceptionThrown when the hit collection was not allocated as persistent.

◆ GetQueryHits()

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.GetQueryHits ( int  index)

Gets the results of a broad-phase query added to the 3D physics scene.

indexThe broad-phase query index.
A HitCollection3D with the query hits.

◆ TryGetQueryHits()

bool Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.TryGetQueryHits ( int  index,
out HitCollection3D  queryHits 

Tries to get the results of a broad-phase query added to the 3D physics scene.

indexThe broad-phase query index.
queryHitsThe HitCollection3D with the query hits. Default if the index is not valid.
True if the index is valid, false otherwise.

◆ GetAllQueriesHits()

bool Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.GetAllQueriesHits ( out HitCollection3D *  queriesHits,
out int  queriesCount 

Gets all the results for all the broad-phase queries added to the 3D physics scene this frame.

queriesHitsA buffer of HitCollection3D with queriesCount elements, one for each broad-phase query added.
queriesCountThe number of elements in the queriesHits buffer, also matching the number on broad-phase queries added.
True if at least one broad-phase query has been added from a system that runs before the physics engine.

Example of how to iterate over added broad-phase queries results.

if (f.Physics3D.GetAllQueriesHits(out var queriesHits, out var queriesCount)) {
for (var i = 0; i < queriesCount; i++) {
var queryHits = queriesHits + i;
Log.Info($"Preemptive query {i} has {queryHits->Count} hits.");

◆ AddRaycastQuery()

int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddRaycastQuery ( FPVector3  origin,
FPVector3  direction,
FP  distance,
bool  firstHitOnly = false,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Adds a broad-phase ray cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System.

originThe ray origin point, in a 3D world space.
directionThe direction of the ray, not normalized internally.
distanceThe ray distance from the origin point on the specified direction.
firstHitOnlyIf the query results should return only the closest hit to the ray origin or all hits (default).
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
The index of the injected query, to be used when retrieving the results with GetQueryHits.

◆ AddLinecastQuery()

int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddLinecastQuery ( FPVector3  start,
FPVector3  end,
bool  firstHitOnly = false,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Adds a broad-phase line cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System.

startThe line start point, in a 3D world space.
endThe line end point, in a 3D world space.
firstHitOnlyIf the query results should return only the closest hit to the line start or all hits (default).
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
The index of the injected query, to be used when retrieving the results with GetQueryHits.

◆ Raycast() [1/2]

Hit3D? Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Raycast ( FPVector3  origin,
FPVector3  direction,
FP  distance,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast and returns the closest hit to the ray origin, if any.

originThe ray origin point, in a 3D world space.
directionThe direction of the ray, not normalized internally.
distanceThe ray distance from the origin point on the specified direction.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A nullable Hit3D with the closest hit to the ray origin, if any.

◆ Raycast() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Raycast ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  origin,
FPVector3  direction,
FP  distance,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast and adds the closest hit to the ray origin, if any, to a persistent collection of hits.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
originThe ray origin point, in a 3D world space.
directionThe direction of the ray, not normalized internally.
distanceThe ray distance from the origin point on the specified direction.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ Linecast() [1/2]

Hit3D? Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Linecast ( FPVector3  start,
FPVector3  end,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast and returns the closest hit to the line start, if any.

startThe line start point, in a 3D world space.
endThe line end point, in a 3D world space.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A nullable Hit3D with the closest hit to the line start, if any.

◆ Linecast() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Linecast ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  start,
FPVector3  end,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast and adds the closest hit to the line start, if any, to a persistent collection of hits.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
startThe line start point, in a 3D world space.
endThe line end point, in a 3D world space.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ RaycastAll() [1/2]

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.RaycastAll ( FPVector3  origin,
FPVector3  direction,
FP  distance,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast, returning all hits.

originThe ray origin point, in a 3D world space.
directionThe direction of the ray, not normalized internally.
distanceThe ray distance from the origin point on the specified direction.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A temporary HitCollection3D with the query hits, automatically freed when the current frame simulation ends.

◆ RaycastAll() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.RaycastAll ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  origin,
FPVector3  direction,
FP  distance,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a ray cast, adding all hits to a persistent collection.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
originThe ray origin point, in a 3D world space.
directionThe direction of the ray, not normalized internally.
distanceThe ray distance from the origin point on the specified direction.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ LinecastAll() [1/2]

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.LinecastAll ( FPVector3  start,
FPVector3  end,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast, returning all hits.

startThe line start point, in a 3D world space.
endThe line end point, in a 3D world space.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A temporary HitCollection3D with the query hits, automatically freed when the current frame simulation ends.

◆ LinecastAll() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.LinecastAll ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  start,
FPVector3  end,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a line cast, returning all hits.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
startThe line start point, in a 3D world space.
endThe line end point, in a 3D world space.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ AddShapeCastQuery()

int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddShapeCastQuery ( FPVector3  start,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D shape,
FPVector3  translation,
bool  firstHitOnly = false,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Adds a broad-phase shape cast query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System.

startThe cast start point, in a 3D world space.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be casted.
translationThe cast direction and distance, from the cast start point.
firstHitOnlyIf the query results should return only the hit with the smallest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized or all hits (default).
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
The index of the injected query, to be used when retrieving the results with GetQueryHits.

◆ ShapeCast() [1/2]

Hit3D? Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCast ( FPVector3  start,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D shape,
FPVector3  translation,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast and returns the hit with the smallest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized, if any.

startThe cast start, in a 3D world space.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be casted.
translationThe cast direction and distance, from the cast start point.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A nullable Hit3D with the smallest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized, if any.

◆ ShapeCast() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCast ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  start,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D shape,
FPVector3  translation,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast and adds the hit with the shortest Hit3D.CastDistanceNormalized, if any, to a persistent collection of hits.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
startThe cast start, in a 3D world space.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be casted.
translationThe cast direction and distance, from the cast start point.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ ShapeCastAll() [1/2]

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCastAll ( FPVector3  start,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D shape,
FPVector3  translation,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast, returning all hits.

startThe cast start, in a 3D world space.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be casted.
translationThe cast direction and distance, from the cast start point.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A temporary HitCollection3D with the query hits, automatically freed when the current frame simulation ends.

◆ ShapeCastAll() [2/2]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.ShapeCastAll ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  start,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D shape,
FPVector3  translation,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape cast, adding all hits to a persistent collection.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
startThe cast start, in a 3D world space.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be casted.
translationThe cast direction and distance, from the cast start point.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.

◆ AddOverlapShapeQuery() [1/2]

int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddOverlapShapeQuery ( Transform3D  transform,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Adds a broad-phase shape overlap query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System.

transformA 3D transform component, with Position and Rotation info of the shape overlap.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
The index of the injected query, to be used when retrieving the results with GetQueryHits.

◆ AddOverlapShapeQuery() [2/2]

int Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.AddOverlapShapeQuery ( FPVector3  position,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Adds a broad-phase shape overlap query to the 3D physics scene. In order to be resolved, must be added from a system that runs prior to the Physics System.

positionThe position in which the shape is overlapped.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
The index of the injected query, to be used when retrieving the results with GetQueryHits.

◆ OverlapShape() [1/4]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
Transform3D  transform,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
transformA 3D transform component, with Position and Rotation info of the shape overlap.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
InvalidOperationExceptionThrown if the hit collection is not persistent.

◆ OverlapShape() [2/4]

void Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape ( HitCollection3D *  collection,
FPVector3  position,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap.

collectionA previously allocated persistent HitCollection3D, to which the query hits will be added. For allocating a persistent HitCollection, see AllocatePersistentHitCollection3D.
positionThe position in which the shape is overlapped.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
InvalidOperationExceptionThrown if the hit collection is not persistent.

◆ OverlapShape() [3/4]

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape ( Transform3D  transform,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap.

transformA 3D transform component, with Position and Rotation info of the shape overlap.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A temporary HitCollection3D with the query hits, automatically freed when the current frame simulation ends.

◆ OverlapShape() [4/4]

HitCollection3D Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.OverlapShape ( FPVector3  position,
FPQuaternion  rotation,
Shape3D  shape,
int  layerMask = -1,
QueryOptions  options = QueryOptions.HitAll 

Queries the 3D physics scene with a shape overlap.

positionThe 3D position in which the shape is overlapped.
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the shape.
shapeThe 3D shape to be overlapped.
layerMaskA mask that specifies which layers will be checked against. By default, all layers are considered. To create a layer mask, see LayerInfo.GetLayerMask(string) and overloads on the frame.Layers property.
optionsThe QueryOptions used by the query. By default, all types of colliders are checked against and detailed info (hit point, penetration and normal) is not computed.
A temporary HitCollection3D with the query hits, automatically freed when the current frame simulation ends.

◆ OnCollision3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnCollision3D.OnCollision3D ( Frame  f,
CollisionInfo3D  info 

Called once per frame while two non-trigger 3D colliders are touching.

fThe frame in which the collision happened.
infoThe CollisionInfo3D with data about the collision.

◆ OnCollisionEnter3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionEnter3D.OnCollisionEnter3D ( Frame  f,
CollisionInfo3D  info 

Called once two non-trigger 3D colliders start touching.

fThe frame in which the collision happened.
infoThe CollisionInfo3D with data about the collision.

◆ OnCollisionExit3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnCollisionExit3D.OnCollisionExit3D ( Frame  f,
ExitInfo3D  info 

Called once two non-trigger 3D colliders stop touching.

fThe frame in which the entities stopped touching.
infoThe ExitInfo3D with the entities that were touching.

◆ OnTrigger3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnTrigger3D.OnTrigger3D ( Frame  f,
TriggerInfo3D  info 

Called once per frame while a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders are touching.

fThe frame in which the collision happened.
infoThe TriggerInfo3D with data about the trigger collision.

◆ OnTriggerEnter3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerEnter3D.OnTriggerEnter3D ( Frame  f,
TriggerInfo3D  info 

Called once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders start touching.

fThe frame in which the collision happened.
infoThe TriggerInfo3D with data about the trigger collision.

◆ OnTriggerExit3D()

void Quantum.ISignalOnTriggerExit3D.OnTriggerExit3D ( Frame  f,
ExitInfo3D  info 

Called once a non-trigger and a trigger 3D colliders stop touching.

fThe frame in which the entities stopped touching.
infoThe ExitInfo3D with the entities that were touching.


◆ Map [1/2]

Map Quantum.Physics2D.PhysicsEngine2D.Api.Map

Retrieves the map asset currently used on the physics scene.

The map currently used by the physics scene is only updated during verified simulations, so this map can be different from the frame Map during predictions, when the latter is changed.

◆ Map [2/2]

Map Quantum.Physics3D.PhysicsEngine3D.Api.Map

Retrieves the map asset currently used on the physics scene.

The map currently used by the physics scene is only updated during verified simulations, so this map can be different from the frame Map during predictions, when the latter is changed.

Represents which collision callbacks will be called for an entity.
Definition: PhysicsCommon.Enums.cs:13