Photon C++ Client API
▼NExitGames | |
▼NChat | |
NClientState | |
NCustomAuthenticationType | |
NDisconnectCause | |
NErrorCode | |
NUserStatus | |
▼NCommon | |
NDebugLevel | |
NMemoryManagement | |
NTypeCode | |
▼NLite | |
NEventCache | |
NEventCode | |
NEventKey | |
NOperationCode | |
NParameterCode | |
NReceiverGroup | |
▼NLoadBalancing | |
NCustomAuthenticationType | |
NDirectMode | |
NDisconnectCause | |
NErrorCode | |
NLobbyType | |
NMatchmakingMode | |
NPeerStates | |
▼NPhoton | |
NConnectionProtocol | |
NErrorCode | |
NNetworkPort | |
NPeerState | |
NPunchthrough | |
NStatusCode | |
▼NVoice | |
NAudioUtil | Collection of Audio Utility functions and classes |
NCodec | Enum for Media Codecs supported by PhotonVoice |
NEventCode | |
NEventParam | |
NEventSubcode | |
▼NOpus | |
NFrameDuration |