Photon Unity Networking 2 2.45

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAuthenticationValuesContainer for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled
 CChatAppSettingsSettings for Photon application(s) and the server to connect to
 CChatChannelA channel of communication in Photon Chat, updated by ChatClient and provided as READ ONLY
 CChatClientCentral class of the Photon Chat API to connect, handle channels and messages
 CChatEventCodeWraps up internally used constants in Photon Chat events. You don't have to use them directly usually
 CChatOperationCodeWraps up codes for operations used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually
 CChatParameterCodeWraps up codes for parameters (in operations and events) used internally in Photon Chat. You don't have to use them directly usually
 CChatPeerProvides basic operations of the Photon Chat server. This internal class is used by public ChatClient
 CChatUserStatusContains commonly used status values for SetOnlineStatus. You can define your own
 CErrorCodeErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication
 CIChatClientListenerCallback interface for Chat client side. Contains callback methods to notify your app about updates. Must be provided to new ChatClient in constructor
 CParameterCodeClass for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events
 CDefaultPoolThe default implementation of a PrefabPool for PUN, which actually Instantiates and Destroys GameObjects but pools a resource
 CIOnPhotonViewControllerChangeThis interface defines a callback for changes to the PhotonView's controller
 CIOnPhotonViewOwnerChangeThis interface defines a callback for changes to the PhotonView's owner
 CIOnPhotonViewPreNetDestroyThis interface defines a callback which fires prior to the PhotonNetwork destroying the PhotonView and Gameobject
 CIPhotonViewCallbackEmpty Base class for all PhotonView callbacks
 CIPunObservableDefines the OnPhotonSerializeView method to make it easy to implement correctly for observable scripts
 CIPunOwnershipCallbacksGlobal Callback interface for ownership changes. These callbacks will fire for changes to ANY PhotonView that changes. Consider using IOnPhotonViewControllerChange for callbacks from a specific PhotonView
 CIPunPrefabPoolDefines an interface for object pooling, used in PhotonNetwork.Instantiate and PhotonNetwork.Destroy
 CMonoBehaviourPunThis class adds the property photonView, while logging a warning when your game still uses the networkView
 CMonoBehaviourPunCallbacksThis class provides a .photonView and all callbacks/events that PUN can call. Override the events/methods you want to use
 CPhotonAnimatorViewThis class helps you to synchronize Mecanim animations Simply add the component to your GameObject and make sure that the PhotonAnimatorView is added to the list of observed components
 CPhotonHandlerInternal MonoBehaviour that allows Photon to run an Update loop
 CPhotonMessageInfoContainer class for info about a particular message, RPC or update
 CPhotonNetworkThe main class to use the PhotonNetwork plugin. This class is static
 CPhotonStreamThis container is used in OnPhotonSerializeView() to either provide incoming data of a PhotonView or for you to provide it
 CPhotonStreamQueueThe PhotonStreamQueue helps you poll object states at higher frequencies than what PhotonNetwork.SendRate dictates and then sends all those states at once when Serialize() is called. On the receiving end you can call Deserialize() and then the stream will roll out the received object states in the same order and timeStep they were recorded in
 CPhotonTransformViewClassicThis class helps you to synchronize position, rotation and scale of a GameObject. It also gives you many different options to make the synchronized values appear smooth, even when the data is only send a couple of times per second. Simply add the component to your GameObject and make sure that the PhotonTransformViewClassic is added to the list of observed components
 CPhotonViewA PhotonView identifies an object across the network (viewID) and configures how the controlling client updates remote instances
 CPunExtensionsSmall number of extension methods that make it easier for PUN to work cross-Unity-versions
 CPunRPCReplacement for RPC attribute with different name. Used to flag methods as remote-callable
 CServerSettingsCollection of connection-relevant settings, used internally by PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings
 CActorPropertiesClass for constants. These (byte) values define "well known" properties for an Actor / Player
 CAppSettingsSettings for Photon application(s) and the server to connect to
 CAuthenticationValuesContainer for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled
 CConnectionCallbacksContainerContainer type for callbacks defined by IConnectionCallbacks. See LoadBalancingCallbackTargets
 CEnterRoomParamsParameters for creating rooms
 CErrorCodeErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication
 CErrorInfoClass wrapping the received EventCode.ErrorInfo event
 CEventCodeClass for constants. These values are for events defined by Photon LoadBalancing
 CExtensionsThis static class defines some useful extension methods for several existing classes (e.g. Vector3, float and others)
 CFindFriendsOptionsOptions for OpFindFriends can be combined to filter which rooms of friends are returned
 CFriendInfoUsed to store info about a friend's online state and in which room he/she is
 CGamePropertyKeyClass for constants. These (byte) values are for "well known" room/game properties used in Photon LoadBalancing
 CIConnectionCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Connection and Regions
 CIErrorInfoCallbackInterface for EventCode.ErrorInfo event callback for the Realtime Api
 CIInRoomCallbacksCollection of "in room" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover: Players entering or leaving, property updates and Master Client switching
 CILobbyCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover the Lobby
 CIMatchmakingCallbacksCollection of "organizational" callbacks for the Realtime Api to cover Matchmaking
 CIOnEventCallbackEvent callback for the Realtime Api. Covers events from the server and those sent by clients via OpRaiseEvent
 CIWebRpcCallbackInterface for "WebRpc" callbacks for the Realtime Api. Currently includes only responses for Web RPCs
 CLoadBalancingClientThis class implements the Photon LoadBalancing workflow by using a LoadBalancingPeer. It keeps a state and will automatically execute transitions between the Master and Game Servers
 CLoadBalancingPeerA LoadBalancingPeer provides the operations and enum definitions needed to use the LoadBalancing server application which is also used in Photon Cloud
 CMatchMakingCallbacksContainerContainer type for callbacks defined by IMatchmakingCallbacks. See MatchMakingCallbackTargets
 COperationCodeClass for constants. Contains operation codes
 COpJoinRandomRoomParamsParameters for the matchmaking of JoinRandomRoom and JoinRandomOrCreateRoom
 CParameterCodeClass for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events
 CPhotonAppSettingsCollection of connection-relevant settings, used internally by PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings
 CPhotonPingAbstract implementation of PhotonPing, ase for pinging servers to find the "Best Region"
 CPhotonPortDefinitionContainer for port definitions
 CPingMonoUses C# Socket class from System.Net.Sockets (as Unity usually does)
 CPlayerSummarizes a "player" within a room, identified (in that room) by ID (or "actorNumber")
 CRaiseEventOptionsAggregates several less-often used options for operation RaiseEvent. See field descriptions for usage details
 CRegionHandlerProvides methods to work with Photon's regions (Photon Cloud) and can be use to find the one with best ping
 CRegionPingerWraps the ping attempts and workflow for a single region
 CRoomThis class represents a room a client joins/joined
 CRoomInfoA simplified room with just the info required to list and join, used for the room listing in the lobby. The properties are not settable (IsOpen, MaxPlayers, etc)
 CRoomOptionsWraps up common room properties needed when you create rooms. Read the individual entries for more details
 CSupportLoggerHelper class to debug log basic information about Photon client and vital traffic statistics
 CSystemConnectionSummaryThe SystemConnectionSummary (SBS) is useful to analyze low level connection issues in Unity. This requires a ConnectionHandler in the scene
 CTypedLobbyRefers to a specific lobby on the server
 CTypedLobbyInfoInfo for a lobby on the server. Used when LoadBalancingClient.EnableLobbyStatistics is true
 CWebFlagsOptional flags to be used in Photon client SDKs with Op RaiseEvent and Op SetProperties. Introduced mainly for webhooks 1.2 to control behavior of forwarded HTTP requests
 CWebRpcResponseReads an operation response of a WebRpc and provides convenient access to most common values