Photon Bolt Engine API 1.3

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltExecutionOrderAttributeSets the Unity script execution order
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltGlobalBehaviourAttributeSets the network mode and scenes that a Bolt.GlobalEventListener should be run on
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltConfigBolt configuration settings object
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltLauncherUtility class used to start Bolt as Server or Client
 CPhoton.Bolt.Utils.BoltLogProvides logging capabilities to a variety of outputs
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltNetworkGlobal methods and properties to control Photon Bolt
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltObjectUtility base class for some common functionality inside of Bolt
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltConnectionThe connection to a remote endpoint
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltPhysicsHitsContainer for a group of BoltPhysicsHits
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltPhysicsHitDescribes a hit to a BoltHitbox on a BoltHitboxBody
 CPhoton.Bolt.Exceptions.BoltExceptionGeneric Bolt exception
 CPhoton.Bolt.Exceptions.BoltAssertFailedExceptionThrown if a debug assert fails somewhere in the code
 CPhoton.Bolt.Exceptions.BoltPackageOverflowExceptionBolt package overflow exception
 CPhoton.Bolt.GlobalEventListenerBase class for all BoltCallbacks objects
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltConnectionThe connection to a remote endpoint
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltEntityA Game Entity within the Bolt simulation
 CPhoton.Bolt.CommandBase class that all commands inherit from
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltHitboxBodyDefines a body of hitboxes to be tracked
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltEntitySettingsModifierModifier for bolt entity settings before it's attached
 CPhoton.Bolt.IStateBase interface for all states
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltPhysicsHitsContainer for a group of BoltPhysicsHits
 CPhoton.Bolt.Utils.BoltLog.IWriterThe interface providing log writing capabilities to an output
 CPhoton.Bolt.IEntityBehaviourInterface for unity behaviours that want to access Bolt methods
 CPhoton.Bolt.EntityBehaviourBase class for unity behaviours that want to access Bolt methods
 CPhoton.Bolt.IEntityBehaviour< TState >Interface for unity behaviours that want to access Bolt methods
 CPhoton.Bolt.IEntityReplicationFilterInterface for unity behaviours that want to control for each connection an Entity can be replicated to
 CPhoton.Bolt.IEventFilterInterface that can be implemented to create custom event filtering rules
 CPhoton.Bolt.DefaultEventFilterDefault implementation of Bolt.IEventFilter that lets everything through
 CPhoton.Bolt.IEventListenerInterface that can be implemented on Bolt.GlobalEventListener, Bolt.EntityEventListener and Bolt.EntityEventListener<T> to modify its invoke condition settings
 CPhoton.Bolt.DefaultPrefabPoolDeault implementation of Bolt.IPrefabPool which uses GameObject.Instantiate and GameObject.Destroy
 CPhoton.Bolt.IPriorityCalculatorInterface which can be implemented on a behaviour attached to an entity which lets you provide custom priority calculations for state and events
 CPhoton.Bolt.IProtocolTokenDescribe a Protocol Token that can be used to transfer data between peers when running certain process on Bolt. Read more at here Utility methods to work with IProtocolTokens can be found on ProtocolTokenUtils
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltEntityA Game Entity within the Bolt simulation
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltSingletonPrefab< T >Base class for monobehaviours that can be accessed as a singleton. The singleton is instantiated from the resources folder and should have the same name as the class type
 CPhoton.Bolt.Utils.BoltConsoleThe in-game console window
 CPhoton.Bolt.EntityBehaviourBase class for unity behaviours that want to access Bolt methods
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltHitboxDefines one hitbox on a BoltHitboxBody
 CPhoton.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltHitboxBodyDefines a body of hitboxes to be tracked
 CPhoton.Bolt.CommandBase class that all commands inherit from
 CPhoton.Bolt.EventBase class that all events inherit from
 CPhoton.Bolt.ProtocolTokenUtilsUtility methods to manage IProtocolToken's content
 CPhoton.Bolt.BoltRuntimeSettingsThe Runtime Settings and Confugration for the current Bolt simulation
 CUdpKit.UdpSessionBase class for a UDPKit session. This class represents a session that can be used as starting point for a connection when Direct IP connection is not available
 CUdpKit.UdpSessionFilterUsed to filter only specific sessions that agree with the desired parameters when joining a session in a random fashion