bool | allowInstantiateOnClient [get, set] |
| Enable or disable instantiation of the entity by clients More...
bool | alwaysProxy [get, set] |
| True if this entity is always owned by the server More...
int | autoFreezeProxyFrames [get, set] |
| The network update rate for this entity More...
bool | clientPredicted [get, set] |
| Enable or disable client prediction on the entity More...
bool | persistThroughSceneLoads [get, set] |
| Whether the entity is persistence between scenes More...
PrefabId | prefabId [get, set] |
| The prefab identifier More...
UniqueId | sceneId [get, set] |
| A unique identifier present on scene entities More...
bool | sceneObjectAutoAttach [get, set] |
| True if bolt should automatically attach the entity during instantiation More...
bool | sceneObjectDestroyOnDetach [get, set] |
UniqueId | serializerId [get, set] |
| A unique identifier of this entity state serializer More...
int | updateRate [get, set] |
| The network update rate for this entity More...
Modifier for bolt entity settings before it's attached
Example: Attaching an entity with custom settings
if (BoltNetwork.isServer) {
BoltEntity entity = gameObject.AddComponent<BoltEntity>();
using (var mod = entity.ModifySettings()) {
mod.persistThroughSceneLoads = true;
mod.allowInstantiateOnClient = false;
mod.clientPredicted = false;
mod.updateRate = 1;
mod.serializerId = state;