Photon Quantum 3.0.1

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Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicReplayProvider Interface Reference

An internal interface to encapsulate managing rpc and input. More...

Inheritance diagram for Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicReplayProvider:
Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicRpcProvider Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicInputProvider Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicStreamReplayInputProvider Quantum.InputProvider Quantum.RingBufferInputProvider Quantum.BitStreamReplayInputProvider Quantum.StreamReplayInputProvider


int LocalActorNumber [get]
 Setting the correct local actor number makes DeterministicSession.IsLocalPlayer(Quantum.PlayerRef) work in replays similar to normal Quantum sessions. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicRpcProvider
void AddRpc (int playerSlot, byte[] data, bool command)
 Adds an RPC to the simulation. More...
QTuple< byte[], bool > GetRpc (int frame, int player)
 Gets the RPC data for the given frame and player. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicInputProvider
bool CanSimulate (int frame)
 Is all input for this frame available. More...
DeterministicFrameInputTemp GetInput (int frame, int playerSlot)
 Get the input for the given frame and player. More...

Detailed Description

An internal interface to encapsulate managing rpc and input.

Property Documentation

◆ LocalActorNumber

int Photon.Deterministic.IDeterministicReplayProvider.LocalActorNumber

Setting the correct local actor number makes DeterministicSession.IsLocalPlayer(Quantum.PlayerRef) work in replays similar to normal Quantum sessions.