Inherits IDisposable.
delegate void | RemoteVoiceInfoDelegate (int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, ref RemoteVoiceOptions options) |
| Remote voice info event delegate. More...
IEnumerable< LocalVoice > | LocalVoicesInChannel (int channelId) |
| Iterates through copy of all local voices list of given channel. More...
void | LogSpacingProfiles () |
void | LogStats () |
void | SetRemoteVoiceDelayFrames (Codec codec, int delayFrames) |
| VoiceClient (IVoiceTransport transport, ILogger logger, CreateOptions opt=default(CreateOptions)) |
| Creates VoiceClient instance More...
void | Service () |
| This method dispatches all available incoming commands and then sends this client's outgoing commands. Call this method regularly (2..20 times a second). More...
LocalVoice | CreateLocalVoice (VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) |
| Creates basic outgoing stream w/o data processing support. Provided encoder should generate output data stream. More...
LocalVoiceAudio< T > | CreateLocalVoiceAudio< T > (VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IAudioDesc audioSourceDesc, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) |
LocalVoice | CreateLocalVoiceAudioFromSource (VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IAudioDesc source, AudioSampleType sampleType, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) |
| Creates outgoing audio stream of type automatically assigned and adds procedures (callback or serviceable) for consuming given audio source data. Adds audio specific features (e.g. resampling, level meter) to processing pipeline and to returning stream handler. More...
LocalVoiceVideo | CreateLocalVoiceVideo (VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IVideoRecorder recorder, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) |
| Creates outgoing video stream consuming sequence of image buffers. More...
void | RemoveLocalVoice (LocalVoice voice) |
| Removes local voice (outgoing data stream). - Parameters
voice | Handler of outgoing stream to be removed. |
void | onJoinChannel (int channelId) |
void | onJoinAllChannels () |
void | onLeaveChannel (int channel) |
void | onLeaveAllChannels () |
void | onPlayerJoin (int channelId, int playerId) |
void | onPlayerJoin (int playerId) |
void | onPlayerLeave (int channelId, int playerId) |
void | onPlayerLeave (int playerId) |
void | onVoiceInfo (int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, byte eventNumber, VoiceInfo info) |
void | onVoiceRemove (int playerId, byte[] voiceIds) |
void | onFrame (int playerId, byte voiceId, byte evNumber, ref FrameBuffer receivedBytes, bool isLocalPlayer) |
void | Dispose () |
bool | ThreadingEnabled [get, set] |
int | EventsLost [get, set] |
| Lost events counter (the number of empty frames sent to the deocder). More...
int | FramesLost [get, set] |
| Lost frames counter (the number of empty frames sent to the deocder). More...
int | FramesFragPart [get, set] |
| The counter of assembled frames, fragments of which are partially missing. More...
int | FramesRecovered [get, set] |
| Recovered frames counter. More...
int | FramesLate [get, set] |
| Counter of late (incorrectly ordered) frames. More...
int | FramesReceived [get] |
| Received frames counter. More...
int | FramesReceivedFEC [get, set] |
| Received FEC events counter. More...
int | FramesTryFEC [get, set] |
| FEC recorery attempts counter. More...
int | FramesReceivedFragments [get, set] |
| Received events for fragmented frames counter. More...
int | FramesReceivedFragmented [get, set] |
| Assembled fragmented frames counter. More...
int | FramesSent [get] |
| Sent frames counter. More...
int | FramesSentBytes [get] |
| Sent frames bytes counter. More...
int | RoundTripTime [get] |
| Average time required voice packet to return to sender. More...
int | RoundTripTimeVariance [get] |
| Average round trip time variation. More...
bool | SuppressInfoDuplicateWarning [get, set] |
| Do not log warning when duplicate info received. More...
RemoteVoiceInfoDelegate | OnRemoteVoiceInfoAction [get, set] |
| Register a method to be called when remote voice info arrived (after join or new new remote voice creation). Metod parameters: (int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, ref RemoteVoiceOptions options); More...
int | DebugLostPercent [get, set] |
| Lost frames simulation ratio. More...
IEnumerable< LocalVoice > | LocalVoices [get] |
| Iterates through copy of all local voices list. More...
IEnumerable< RemoteVoiceInfo > | RemoteVoiceInfos [get] |
| Iterates through all remote voices infos. More...
Voice client interact with other clients on network via IVoiceTransport.