This is the complete list of members for VoiceClient, including all inherited members.
CreateLocalVoice(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) | VoiceClient | |
CreateLocalVoiceAudio< T >(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IAudioDesc audioSourceDesc, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
CreateLocalVoiceAudioFromSource(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IAudioDesc source, AudioSampleType sampleType, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) | VoiceClient | |
CreateLocalVoiceVideo(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, IVideoRecorder recorder, int channelId, VoiceCreateOptions options=default(VoiceCreateOptions)) | VoiceClient | |
DebugLostPercent | VoiceClient | |
Dispose() (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
EventsLost | VoiceClient | |
FramesFragPart | VoiceClient | |
FramesLate | VoiceClient | |
FramesLost | VoiceClient | |
FramesReceived | VoiceClient | |
FramesReceivedFEC | VoiceClient | |
FramesReceivedFragmented | VoiceClient | |
FramesReceivedFragments | VoiceClient | |
FramesRecovered | VoiceClient | |
FramesSent | VoiceClient | |
FramesSentBytes | VoiceClient | |
FramesTryFEC | VoiceClient | |
LocalVoices | VoiceClient | |
LocalVoicesInChannel(int channelId) | VoiceClient | |
LogSpacingProfiles() (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
LogStats() (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onFrame(int playerId, byte voiceId, byte evNumber, ref FrameBuffer receivedBytes, bool isLocalPlayer) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onJoinAllChannels() (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onJoinChannel(int channelId) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onLeaveAllChannels() (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onLeaveChannel(int channel) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onPlayerJoin(int channelId, int playerId) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onPlayerJoin(int playerId) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onPlayerLeave(int channelId, int playerId) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onPlayerLeave(int playerId) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
OnRemoteVoiceInfoAction | VoiceClient | |
onVoiceInfo(int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, byte eventNumber, VoiceInfo info) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
onVoiceRemove(int playerId, byte[] voiceIds) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
RemoteVoiceInfoDelegate(int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, ref RemoteVoiceOptions options) | VoiceClient | |
RemoteVoiceInfos | VoiceClient | |
RemoveLocalVoice(LocalVoice voice) | VoiceClient | |
RoundTripTime | VoiceClient | |
RoundTripTimeVariance | VoiceClient | |
Service() | VoiceClient | |
SetRemoteVoiceDelayFrames(Codec codec, int delayFrames) (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
SuppressInfoDuplicateWarning | VoiceClient | |
ThreadingEnabled (defined in VoiceClient) | VoiceClient | |
VoiceClient(IVoiceTransport transport, ILogger logger, CreateOptions opt=default(CreateOptions)) | VoiceClient |