Photon Voice v2.58

Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations
Photon.Voice Namespace Reference


class  AudioDesc
class  AudioInChangeNotifierNotSupported
class  AudioInEnumeratorNotSupported
class  AudioOutDelayControl
class  AudioOutDummy
class  AudioSyncBuffer
class  AudioUtil
 Collection of Audio Utility functions and classes. More...
class  BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPool
 BufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync. More...
class  BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolFloatToShort
 BufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync, converting float samples to short. More...
class  BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolShortToFloat
 BufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync, converting short samples to float. More...
class  BufferReaderPushAdapterBase
 Adapter base reading data from IDataReader<T>.Read and pushing it to LocalVoice. More...
class  DecoderConfigFrame
 Stores the config frame and prevents other frames decoding until the decoder is ready. More...
class  DeviceEnumeratorBase
class  DeviceEnumeratorNotSupported
class  DeviceEnumeratorSingleDevice
class  DeviceFeatures
struct  DeviceInfo
class  FactoryPrimitiveArrayPool
 PrimitiveArrayPool<T> as wrapped in object factory interface. More...
class  FactoryReusableArray
 Array factory returnig the same array instance as long as it requested with the same array length. If length changes, new array instance created. More...
struct  Flip
struct  FrameBuffer
class  FrameOut
class  Framer
 Utility class to re-frame packets. More...
class  FramerResampler
interface  IAudioDesc
 Audio Source interface. More...
interface  IAudioInChangeNotifier
interface  IAudioOut
interface  IAudioPusher
 Audio Pusher interface. More...
interface  IAudioReader
 Audio Reader interface. More...
interface  IDataReader
 Interface for pulling data, in case this is more appropriate than pushing it. More...
interface  IDecoder
 Generic decoder interface. More...
interface  IDecoderDirect
 Interface for an decoder which outputs data via explicit call. More...
interface  IDeviceEnumerator
interface  IEncoder
 Generic encoder interface. More...
interface  IEncoderDirect
 Interface for an encoder which consumes input data via explicit call. More...
interface  IEncoderDirectImage
 Interface for an encoder which consumes images via explicit call. More...
interface  ILocalVoiceAudio
 Interface for an outgoing audio stream. More...
interface  ILogger
struct  ImageBufferInfo
class  ImageBufferNative
class  ImageBufferNativeAlloc
class  ImageBufferNativeGCHandleBytes
class  ImageBufferNativeGCHandleSinglePlane
class  ImageBufferNativePool
interface  IProcessor
 Processor interface. More...
interface  IResettable
interface  IServiceable
 Interface for classes that want their Service() function to be called regularly in the context of a LocalVoice. More...
interface  IVoiceTransport
class  LoadBalancingTransport
 Extends LoadBalancingClient with media streaming functionality. More...
class  LoadBalancingTransport2
 Variant of LoadBalancingTransport. Aims to be non-alloc at the cost of breaking compatibility with older clients. More...
class  LocalVoice
 Represents outgoing data stream. More...
class  LocalVoiceAudio
 Outgoing audio stream. More...
class  LocalVoiceAudioDummy
 Dummy LocalVoiceAudio More...
class  LocalVoiceAudioFloat
 Specialization of LocalVoiceAudio<T> for float audio More...
class  LocalVoiceAudioShort
 Specialization of LocalVoiceAudio<T> for short audio More...
class  LocalVoiceFramed
 Typed re-framing LocalVoice More...
class  MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute
interface  ObjectFactory
 Uniform interface to ObjectPool<TType, TInfo> and single reusable object. More...
class  ObjectPool
 Generic Pool to re-use objects of a certain type (TType) that optionally match a certain property or set of properties (TInfo). More...
class  OpusCodec
class  PhotonAppSettings
 Collection of connection-relevant settings, used internally by PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings. More...
class  PhotonTransportProtocol
class  Platform
class  PrimitiveArrayPool
 Pool of Arrays with components of type T, with ObjectPool info being the array's size. More...
class  RawCodec
class  RemoteVoice
class  RemoteVoiceInfo
 Information about a remote voice (incoming stream). More...
struct  RemoteVoiceOptions
 Event Actions and other options for a remote voice (incoming stream). More...
struct  SendFrameParams
class  SpacingProfile
class  UnsupportedCodecException
 Exception thrown if an unsupported codec is encountered. More...
class  UnsupportedPlatformException
 Exception thrown if an unsupported platform is encountered. More...
class  UnsupportedSampleTypeException
 Exception thrown if an unsupported audio sample type is encountered. More...
class  Util
class  Utility
class  VideoInEnumeratorNotSupported
class  VoiceClient
 Voice client interact with other clients on network via IVoiceTransport. More...
struct  VoiceCreateOptions
 Used to initialize optional properties of the LocalVoice instance at creation time. More...
class  VoiceEvent
class  VoiceFollowClient
 This class can be used to automatically sync client states between Leader and Voice clients. More...
struct  VoiceInfo
 Describes stream properties. More...
class  WebRTCAudioLib
class  WebRTCAudioProcessor


enum  CameraFacing
enum  AudioSampleType
 The type of samples used for audio processing. More...
enum  LogLevel
enum  FrameFlags : byte
enum  Codec
 Enum for Media Codecs supported by PhotonVoice. More...
enum  ImageFormat
enum  Rotation

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AudioSampleType

enum AudioSampleType

The type of samples used for audio processing.

◆ Codec

enum Codec

Enum for Media Codecs supported by PhotonVoice.

Transmitted in VoiceInfo. Do not change the values of this Enum!


OPUS audio