Photon Voice v2.58

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAudioUtilCollection of Audio Utility functions and classes
 CBufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolBufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync
 CBufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolFloatToShortBufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync, converting float samples to short
 CBufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolShortToFloatBufferReaderPushAdapter<T> implementation using asynchronous LocalVoiceFramed<T>.PushDataAsync, converting short samples to float
 CBufferReaderPushAdapterBaseAdapter base reading data from IDataReader<T>.Read and pushing it to LocalVoice
 CDecoderConfigFrameStores the config frame and prevents other frames decoding until the decoder is ready
 CFactoryPrimitiveArrayPoolPrimitiveArrayPool<T> as wrapped in object factory interface
 CFactoryReusableArrayArray factory returnig the same array instance as long as it requested with the same array length. If length changes, new array instance created
 CFramerUtility class to re-frame packets
 CIAudioDescAudio Source interface
 CIAudioPusherAudio Pusher interface
 CIAudioReaderAudio Reader interface
 CIDataReaderInterface for pulling data, in case this is more appropriate than pushing it
 CIDecoderGeneric decoder interface
 CIDecoderDirectInterface for an decoder which outputs data via explicit call
 CIEncoderGeneric encoder interface
 CIEncoderDirectInterface for an encoder which consumes input data via explicit call
 CIEncoderDirectImageInterface for an encoder which consumes images via explicit call
 CILocalVoiceAudioInterface for an outgoing audio stream
 CIProcessorProcessor interface
 CIServiceableInterface for classes that want their Service() function to be called regularly in the context of a LocalVoice
 CLoadBalancingTransportExtends LoadBalancingClient with media streaming functionality
 CLoadBalancingTransport2Variant of LoadBalancingTransport. Aims to be non-alloc at the cost of breaking compatibility with older clients
 CLocalVoiceRepresents outgoing data stream
 CLocalVoiceAudioOutgoing audio stream
 CLocalVoiceAudioDummyDummy LocalVoiceAudio
 CLocalVoiceAudioFloatSpecialization of LocalVoiceAudio<T> for float audio
 CLocalVoiceAudioShortSpecialization of LocalVoiceAudio<T> for short audio
 CLocalVoiceFramedTyped re-framing LocalVoice
 CObjectFactoryUniform interface to ObjectPool<TType, TInfo> and single reusable object
 CObjectPoolGeneric Pool to re-use objects of a certain type (TType) that optionally match a certain property or set of properties (TInfo)
 CPhotonAppSettingsCollection of connection-relevant settings, used internally by PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings
 CPrimitiveArrayPoolPool of Arrays with components of type T, with ObjectPool info being the array's size
 CRemoteVoiceInfoInformation about a remote voice (incoming stream)
 CRemoteVoiceOptionsEvent Actions and other options for a remote voice (incoming stream)
 CUnsupportedCodecExceptionException thrown if an unsupported codec is encountered
 CUnsupportedPlatformExceptionException thrown if an unsupported platform is encountered
 CUnsupportedSampleTypeExceptionException thrown if an unsupported audio sample type is encountered
 CVoiceClientVoice client interact with other clients on network via IVoiceTransport
 CVoiceCreateOptionsUsed to initialize optional properties of the LocalVoice instance at creation time
 CVoiceFollowClientThis class can be used to automatically sync client states between Leader and Voice clients
 CVoiceInfoDescribes stream properties