Classes | |
class | AndroidAudioInAEC |
struct | AndroidAudioInParameters |
class | AndroidNDKCamera |
class | AndroidNDKVideoEncoder |
class | AndroidNDKVideoRecorderSurfaceView |
class | AndroidNDKVideoRecorderUnityTexture |
class | AudioChangesHandler |
This component is useful to handle audio device and config changes. More... | |
class | AudioClipWrapper |
class | AudioInEnumerator |
class | AudioOutCapture |
class | Logger |
class | MicWrapper |
class | MicWrapperPusher |
class | MicWrapperPusherOnAudioFilterRead |
class | PhotonVoiceCreatedParams |
class | Recorder |
Component representing outgoing audio stream in scene. More... | |
class | RecorderPreset |
class | RemoteVoiceLink |
class | Speaker |
class | SpeakerAudioFilterRead |
class | TimerWorker |
class | UnityAudioOut |
class | UnityLogger |
class | UnityMicrophone |
A wrapper around UnityEngine.Microphone to be able to safely use Microphone and compile for WebGL. More... | |
class | UnityVoiceClient |
Component that represents a Voice client and manages a simple Unity integration: a single Recorder and multiple remote speakers. More... | |
class | VideoInEnumerator |
class | VoiceComponent |
class | VoiceComponentImpl |
class | VoiceConnection |
Component that represents a Voice client. More... | |
class | VoiceLogger |
class | WebRtcAudioDsp |