Quantum 3 3.0.1

Here is a list of all modules:
 Math APIPhoton.Deterministic.FPMath groups the most important classes for math
 Custom PluginQuantum plugin relevant classes required to run a custom Quantum plugin on the Photon-Server
 Frame ClassesThe FrameBase class the hub for all of the Quantum game data
 Entity ApiGrouping entity and component creation and handling here
 Entity CullingEntity culling (for instance, prediction culling) is handled here
 Navigation APIThe Quantum.Navigation class encapsulates most of the important navigation API calls like FindPath(), LineOfSight() and Raycast2D. It is ticked each frame by calling the Update() method (NavMeshAgentSystem).
 2D Physics APIGroups the 2D Physics classes
 2D JointsGroups the API documentation of classes, structs and their members, related to the usage of 2D Joints
 3D Physics APIGroups the 3D Physics classes
 3D JointsGroups the API documentation of classes, structs and their members, related to the usage of 3D Joints
 Physics Common APIGroups the Physics types that are relevant for both 2D and 3D physics engines