Quantum 3 3.0.3

Math API

Photon.Deterministic.FPMath groups the most important classes for math. More...


struct  Photon.Deterministic.FP
 A fixed-point number. 16 lower bits are used for the decimal part, 48 for the integral part. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPBounds2
 Represents an 2D axis aligned bounding box (AABB). More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPBounds3
 Represents an 3D axis aligned bounding box (AABB). More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPCollision
 A collection of collision helper functions. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPMath
 A collection of common math functions. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPMatrix2x2
 Represents 2x2 column major matrix, which can be used for 2D scaling and rotation. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>). More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPMatrix3x3
 Represents 3x3 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPMatrix4x4
 Represents 4x4 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexxing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPQuaternion
 A Quaternion representing an orientation. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPVector2
 Represents a 2D Vector More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.FPVector3
 Represents a 3D Vector More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.NullableFP
 A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.NullableFPVector2
 A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector2>. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.NullableFPVector3
 A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector3>. More...
struct  Photon.Deterministic.NullableNonNegativeFP
 A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>. More...

Detailed Description

Photon.Deterministic.FPMath groups the most important classes for math.