Photon Plugins API Documentation

Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Photon.Hive.Plugin Namespace Reference


class  CacheOperations
 Related to RaiseEvent operation. Allows you to control room events events cache by setting the required option. Events are cached per event code and player: Event 100 (example!) can be stored once per player. Cached events can be modified, replaced and removed. More...
class  CallStatus
 Status of the ICallInfo argument passed to plugin callbacks. More...
class  EnvironmentVersion
 Contains version of PhotonHivePlugin at build time and currently running More...
class  ErrorCodes
 Internal plugin errors codes. More...
class  ErrorPlugin
 Special plugin that causes most callbacks to fail. More...
class  ExcludedActorInfo
 A serializable container of exluded (explicitly removed) actor info. More...
struct  HttpRequest
 HTTP request to be sent. More...
class  HttpRequestQueueResult
 Codes returned as a result of process of queued HTTP request. More...
interface  IActor
 Base interface of actor class inside the room. More...
interface  IBeforeCloseGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to BeforeCloseGame callback. More...
interface  IBeforeJoinGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to BeforeJoin callback. More...
interface  IBeforeSetPropertiesCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to BeforeSetProperties plugin callback. More...
interface  ICallInfo
 Common/base interface of all arguments passed to plugin callbacks. More...
interface  ICloseGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnCloseGame callback. More...
interface  ICloseRequest
 Base interface of close request as sent by server. More...
interface  ICreateGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnCreateGame callback. More...
interface  IDisconnectCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnDisconnect callback. More...
interface  IGamePlugin
 Base interface that should be implemented by any plugin class. More...
interface  IHttpResponse
 Base interface of HTTP response. More...
interface  IJoinGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnJoinGame callback. More...
interface  IJoinGameRequest
 Base interface of Op Join request containing the parameters as sent by client. More...
interface  IJoinRequest
interface  ILeaveGameCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnLeave callback. More...
interface  ILeaveGameRequest
 Base interface of Op LeaveRoom request containing the parameters as sent by client. More...
interface  IOperationRequest
 Base interface of all operation requests containing common parameters as sent by client. More...
interface  IPluginFactory
 Base interface of plugin factory pattern. More...
interface  IPluginHost
 Base interface that should be implemented as a wrapper of the game that is hosting the plugin instance. More...
interface  IRaiseEventCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnRaiseEvent plugin callback. More...
interface  IRaiseEventRequest
 Base interface of Op RaiseEvent request containing the parameters as sent by client. More...
interface  ISetPropertiesCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnSetProperties plugin callback. More...
interface  ISetPropertiesFailedCallInfo
 Base interface of argument passed to OnSetPropertiesFailed callback. More...
interface  ISetPropertiesRequest
 Base interface of Op SetProperties request containing the parameters as sent by client. More...
interface  ITypedCallInfo
class  JoinModeConstants
 Op JoinGame modes. More...
class  LeaveReason
 Code of the reasons why a peer may leave a room. More...
class  PluginBase
 Base plugin class that should be extended to make custom ones. More...
class  PluginFactoryBase
 Base abstract class of plugin factory pattern. More...
class  ProcessJoinParams
 Join options used in Photon.Hive.Plugin.IJoinGameCallInfo. More...
class  Property
 The property. More...
class  PropertyBag
 The property bag. More...
class  PropertyChangedEventArgs
 The property changed event args. More...
class  ReciverGroup
 Related to RaiseEvent operation. Lets you choose which actors in the room should receive events. More...
class  RemoveActorReason
 Reasons why an actor was excluded from a room: removed from actors list and added to excluded list. RemoveActorReason More...
struct  SendParameters
 The struct contains the parameters for Photon.SocketServer.PeerBase.SendOperationResponse(Photon.SocketServer.OperationResponse,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters), Photon.SocketServer.PeerBase.SendEvent(Photon.SocketServer.IEventData,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters) and Photon.SocketServer.ServerToServer.S2SPeerBase.SendOperationRequest(Photon.SocketServer.OperationRequest,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters) and contains the info about incoming data at Photon.SocketServer.PeerBase.OnOperationRequest(Photon.SocketServer.OperationRequest,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters), Photon.SocketServer.ServerToServer.S2SPeerBase.OnEvent(Photon.SocketServer.IEventData,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters) and Photon.SocketServer.ServerToServer.S2SPeerBase.OnOperationResponse(Photon.SocketServer.OperationResponse,Photon.SocketServer.SendParameters). More...
class  SerializableActor
 A serializable room actor entry. More...
class  SerializableGameState
 A serializable snapshot of the room's full state. More...
class  WebFlags
 Optional flags to be used in Photon client SDKs with Op RaiseEvent and Op SetProperties. Introduced mainly for webhooks 1.2 to control behavior of forwarded HTTP requests. More...


enum  PluginDeliveryMode { PluginDeliveryMode.Reliable, PluginDeliveryMode.Unreliable, PluginDeliveryMode.ReliableUnsequenced, PluginDeliveryMode.UnreliableUnsequenced }


delegate void HttpRequestCallback (IHttpResponse response, object userState)
 Delegate of HTTP request callback. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PluginDeliveryMode


Function Documentation

◆ HttpRequestCallback()

delegate void Photon.Hive.Plugin.HttpRequestCallback ( IHttpResponse  response,
object  userState 

Delegate of HTTP request callback.

responseThe HTTP response.