Attribute for use on Fusion.Behaviour classes. Automatically runs this method when the inspector refreshes. GUILayout calls be in the method and will render into the inspector. Allows for editor code to be added to a component, without requiring a custom Editor script.
Inherits Attribute.
Inherited by BehaviourButtonActionAttribute, BehaviourToggleAttribute, and BehaviourWarnAttribute.
Attribute for use on Fusion.Behaviour classes. Automatically runs this method when the inspector refreshes. GUILayout calls be in the method and will render into the inspector. Allows for editor code to be added to a component, without requiring a custom Editor script.
◆ ActionFlags
Conditions flags for when this action should run.
Enumerator |
ShowAtRuntime | Run this action when playing.
ShowAtNotRuntime | Run this action when not playing.
AlwaysShow | Always run this action, regardless of play mode.
DirtyAfterButton | Tells the editor to dirty the class instance after executing a button action.
◆ BehaviourActionAttribute() [1/2]
Define a BehaviourAction.
- Parameters
executeMethod | The name of the method to execute. If excluded, this will be the method this attribute is on. |
conditionMember | The name of the member (in the same class) to evaluate, to determine if the action should be performed. Typically null, as the action method can have its own logic. |
flags | Specific conditions for when the action should occur. |
◆ BehaviourActionAttribute() [2/2]
Define a BehaviourAction, with the action being the method this attribute is attached to.
- Parameters
conditionMember | The name of the member (in the same class) to evaluate, to determine if the action should be performed. Typically null, as the action method can have its own logic. |
flags | Specific conditions for when the action should occur. |
◆ ConditionFlags
Specific flags for when this element should be displayed.