void | Trace (bool enabled, string tag) |
new void | GetTraceStatus (out int traceOptions, out int enableOptions, out string tag) |
void | TraceIfEnabledInConnect (string tag) |
| Starts tracing if client connected with PeerId 0xFFFE to signal it wants to be traced (e.g. reconnect after an unexpected disconnect) More...
void | Initialize (InitRequest initRequest) |
override string | ToString () |
void | Disconnect (int disconnectError=ErrorCodes.Ok) |
| Closes the connection. More...
void | AbortConnection () |
| Forces the connection to close immediately. Should only be used if "Disconnect" does not lead to a clean connection shutdown, e.g. in case of an overloaded connection. More...
void | Flush () |
| Flushes all pending data to the socket. More...
byte[] | InitializeEncryption (byte[] otherPartyPublicKey) |
| Initializes the peer to receive and send encrypted operations with EncryptionMethod.Sha256Pkcs7. More...
byte[] | InitializeEncryption (byte[] otherPartyPublicKey, EncryptionMethod mode) |
| Initializes the peer to receive and send encrypted operations. More...
bool | SetupEncryption (EncryptionData encryptionData, byte channelCount, out short errorCode, out string errorMsg) |
SendResult | SendEvent (IEventData eventData, SendParameters sendParameters) |
| Sends an IEventData object to the client. More...
SendResult | SendMessage (object message, SendParameters sendParameters) |
SendResult | SendOperationResponse (OperationResponse operationResponse, SendParameters sendParameters) |
| Sends the operation response to the client. More...
SendResult | SendDisconnectMessage (DisconnectMessage message, SendParameters sendParameters, int disconnectDelay=DefaultDisconnectInterval) |
void | GetStats (out int roundTripTime, out int roundTripTimeVariance, out int numFailures) |
void | SetDebugString (string message) |
string | GetDebugString () |
virtual string | GetHistograms () |
SendResult | SendEventAndDisconnect (IEventData eventData, SendParameters sendParameters, int disconnectDelay=DefaultDisconnectInterval, int disconnectCode=ErrorCodes.Ok) |
SendResult | SendMessageAndDisconnect (object message, SendParameters sendParameters, int disconnectDelay=DefaultDisconnectInterval, int disconnectCode=ErrorCodes.Ok) |
SendResult | SendOperationResponseAndDisconnect (OperationResponse operationResponse, SendParameters sendParameters, int disconnectDelay=DefaultDisconnectInterval) |
| Sends the operation response to the client. More...
void | ScheduleDisconnect (int disconnectError, int delay) |
| Schedules disconnect for peer. After this call data will be neither accepted from nor sent to client one of use cases is next: send error info and schedule for disconnect. this will give a chance to error information to reach a client More...
int | GetLastTouch () |
void | SetPrivateCustomTypeCache (CustomTypeCache cache) |
| Sets private custom type cache. It is supposed to be used together with plugins. In other case Protocol.TryRegisterCustomType should be used More...
void | SetInboundController (InboundController controller) |
void | Dispose () |
| Disposes the peer. More...
void | Trace (bool enabled, object tag) |
| ClientPeer (InitRequest initRequest) |
virtual SendResult | SendData (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
| Sends bytes to the client. More...
virtual void | OnReceive (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
| Invoked if incoming data was received for the peer. More...
void | OnMessageInternal (object message, SendParameters sendParameters) |
void | OnOperationRequestInternal (OperationRequest operationRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) |
virtual void | Dispose (bool disposing) |
| Disposes the internal fibers. More...
abstract void | OnDisconnect (int reasonCode, string reasonDetail) |
| The connection was closed. More...
virtual void | OnSendBufferEmpty () |
| The default behavior of OnSendBufferFull is to disconnect the client. If this behavior is changed (override) the inheritor can pause sending until OnSendBufferEmpty is called. More...
virtual void | OnDeserializationError (byte[] data, RtsMessageType msgType, string debugMessage, short errorCode=ErrorCodes.UnexpectedData, byte opCode=0, Exception exception=null) |
| This method is called if incoming data has an unexpected format. Per default this method disconnects the client. Override to change this behavior. More...
OperationRequest | ParseOperationRequest (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
OperationRequest | ParseInternalOperationRequest (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
object | ParseMessage (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
byte[] | ParseRawMessage (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters) |
void | HandleParseError (byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters, Exception exception, string errorMsg, short errorCode, RtsMessageType msgType, byte operationCode=0) |
void | GetTraceStatus (out int traceOptions, out int enableOptions, out string tag) |
void | DisconnectAfterSend (int disconnectCode, int disconnectDelay, SendResult result) |
virtual void | OnEncryptionQueueOverload (EncryptionQueueFailureParams failureParams) |