| PhotonApp () |
void | BroadCastEvent< TPeer > (IEventData eventData, IEnumerable< TPeer > peers, SendParameters sendParameters) |
| Sends an event to a list of peers. This method serializes the data just once per protocol instead of once per peer. More...
bool | ConnectToServerTcp (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state) |
| Establishes a TCP connection between two Photon instances. CreateServerPeer is called once the connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the connection fails.
bool | ConnectToServerTcp (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, IRpcProtocol protocol) |
| Establishes a TCP connection between two Photon instances. CreateServerPeer is called once the connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the connection fails.
bool | ConnectToServerMuxTcp (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state) |
| Establishes a logical, multiplexed TCP connection between two Photon instances. Multiple logical connections are sharing a single physical connection. CreateServerPeer is called once a logical connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the logical connection fails. If a phyiscal connection exists when ConnectToServerMuxTcp is called, it is used; otherwise a physical connection is established. If the physical connection is aborted, all logical connections are aborted as well. More...
bool | ConnectToServerUdp (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, byte numChannels, short? mtu, Version clientVersion=null) |
| Establishes an UDP connection between two Photon instances. CreateServerPeer is called once the connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the connection fails. More...
bool | ConnectToServerWebSocketHixie76 (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, string origin) |
| Establishes an WebSocket connection between two Photon instances, using the Hixie76 WebSocket protocol. CreateServerPeer is called once the connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the connection fails. More...
bool | ConnectToServerWebSocket (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, WebSocketVersion webSocketVersion, IRpcProtocol protocol) |
| Establishes an WebSocket connection between two Photon instances. CreateServerPeer is called once the connection is established. OnServerConnectionFailed is called if the connection fails. More...
bool | ConnectToServerWebRTC (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, IRpcProtocol protocol) |
bool | ConnectToServer (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state) |
| This method overload is obsolete; use ConnectToServerTcp. More...
bool | ConnectToServer (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, bool useMux, string applicationName, object state) |
| This method overload is obsolete; use ConnectToServerMuxTcp. More...
bool | ConnectToServer (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, IRpcProtocol protocol) |
| This method overload is obsolete; use ConnectToServerTcp. More...
bool | ConnectToServer (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string applicationName, object state, byte numChannels, short? mtu, Version clientVersion=null) |
| This method overload is obsolete; use ConnectToServerUdp. More...
void | BroadcastMessage< TPeer > (object message, IEnumerable< TPeer > peers, SendParameters sendParameters) |
string[] | ListenerList (out ListenerStatus[] status) |
bool | ListenerStart (string name) |
bool | ListenerStop (string name) |
bool | AddRestRequestHandler (string path, RestRequestHandler handler) |
bool | RemoveRestRequestHandler (string path) |
void | InitCorePerformanceCounters () |
void | OnWebRTCConnectionEstablished (IPhotonWebRTCPeer peer, byte maxChannelCount, uint flags) |
void | OnWebRTCChannelConnected (IPhotonWebRTCPeer peer, object userData, byte channelId, ChannelType ChannelType, bool unordered, ushort priority, uint reliability, string label, string protocol) |
virtual void | OnWebRTCChannelDestroyed (IPhotonWebRTCPeer peer, object userData, byte channelId) |
void | OnOutboundWebRTCConnectionEstablished (IPhotonWebRTCPeer peer, object userData, byte maxChannelCount, uint flags) |
void | OnOutboundWebRTCConnectionFailed (object userData, uint errorCode) |
IPhotonApplication | OnStart (string instanceName, string applicationName, IPhotonApplicationSink sink, IControlListeners listenerControl, ILogToUnmanagedLog unmanagedLog, IPhotonApplicationsCounter applicationsCounter, string unmanagedLogDirectory) |
| Called when the application is started. This method calls Setup. More...