Photon Quantum 3.0.1

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Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D Struct Reference

A 3D shape type that can reference a group of other 3D shapes (including other compounds, but not Mesh and Terrain shapes). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported. More...

Public Member Functions

void AddShape (FrameBase f, ref Shape3D shape, bool updateCompoundMeta=true)
 Adds the shape to the compound buffer. More...
void CopyFrom (FrameBase f, ref Shape3D shape)
 Creates a copy of another compound shape 's and any nested compound's buffers. The resultant shapes will not share data. More...
void FreePersistent (FrameBase f, Boolean freeNestedPersistent=true)
 Dispose any persistently allocated memory for this compound shape. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Overrides the hash code generation of this type. More...
bool GetShapes (FrameBase f, out Shape3D *shapesBuffer, out Int32 count)
 Gets a pointer to the buffer of shapes added to this compound. More...
bool RemoveShapes (FrameBase f, Int32? userTag=null, bool resetCompoundMeta=true, Boolean removeFromNested=true)
 Removes all shapes in a compound that have a Shape3D.UserTag field matching the specified userTag . More...
void ReserveCapacity (FrameBase f, Int32 capacity)
 Ensures that this compound shape capacity can hold at least capacity shapes. More...
void ResetCompoundMeta (FrameBase f)
 Recomputes the compound shape broad radius, centroid and volume sum (the later is used internally). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void Serialize (void *ptr, FrameSerializer serializer)
 Serializes a CompoundShape3D into a FrameSerializer. More...

Static Public Attributes

const int SIZE = Transform3D.SIZE + BoxShape.SIZE
 The size of the struct in bytes. More...


Int32 Capacity [get]
 The current number of shapes that can be held by the compound buffer. More...
Int32 Count [get]
 The number of shapes in the compound buffer. More...
Boolean IsPersistent [get]
 If the buffer of shapes is persistently allocated. More...

Detailed Description

A 3D shape type that can reference a group of other 3D shapes (including other compounds, but not Mesh and Terrain shapes). Compound shape overlaps and physics colliders with compound shapes are supported.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CopyFrom()

void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.CopyFrom ( FrameBase  f,
ref Shape3D  shape 

Creates a copy of another compound shape 's and any nested compound's buffers. The resultant shapes will not share data.

Any existing persistent compounds in this shape's hierarchy are disposed before copying.

fThe current frame being simulated.
shapeThe compound shape that will be copied from.

◆ AddShape()

void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.AddShape ( FrameBase  f,
ref Shape3D  shape,
bool  updateCompoundMeta = true 

Adds the shape to the compound buffer.

Trying to add a compound shape that holds a buffer already reference in this shape's hierarchy will throw an error in debug mode.

Mesh and Terrain shapes cannot be added to a compound shape.

fThe frame currently being simulated.
shapeThe shape being added to the compound.
updateCompoundMetaIf the compound meta data (e.g. broad radius and centroid) should be automatically updated.

◆ RemoveShapes()

bool Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.RemoveShapes ( FrameBase  f,
Int32?  userTag = null,
bool  resetCompoundMeta = true,
Boolean  removeFromNested = true 

Removes all shapes in a compound that have a Shape3D.UserTag field matching the specified userTag .

fThe frame currently being simulated.
userTagA tag that specifies a shape or group of shapes. Any shape in a compound that has a matching Shape3D.UserTag field will be removed. If none is specified, all shapes are removed.
resetCompoundMetaIf the compound meta data (e.g. broad radius, centroid) should be automatically reset if any shapes are removed.
removeFromNestedIf shapes should also be removed from any compound shape nested inside this.
true if at least one shape has been removed by this method.

◆ GetShapes()

bool Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.GetShapes ( FrameBase  f,
out Shape3D shapesBuffer,
out Int32  count 

Gets a pointer to the buffer of shapes added to this compound.

fThe frame currently being simulated.
shapesBufferA pointer to the buffer of shapes added to this compound. null if the compound doesn't have shapes.
countThe number of shapes in the shapesBuffer .
true if the buffer has at least one shape

◆ ResetCompoundMeta()

void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.ResetCompoundMeta ( FrameBase  f)

Recomputes the compound shape broad radius, centroid and volume sum (the later is used internally).

fThe frame currently being simulated.

◆ FreePersistent()

void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.FreePersistent ( FrameBase  f,
Boolean  freeNestedPersistent = true 

Dispose any persistently allocated memory for this compound shape.

fThe frame currently being simulated.
freeNestedPersistentIf nested compound shapes should also have persistent buffers disposed.

◆ ReserveCapacity()

void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.ReserveCapacity ( FrameBase  f,
Int32  capacity 

Ensures that this compound shape capacity can hold at least capacity shapes.

fThe current Frame instance
capacityThe desired capacity. The resultant capacity can be greater than or equal this value.

◆ Serialize()

static void Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.Serialize ( void *  ptr,
FrameSerializer  serializer 

Serializes a CompoundShape3D into a FrameSerializer.

ptrThe pointer to the CompoundShape3D.
serializerThe FrameSerializer instance into which the struct will be serialized.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.GetHashCode ( )

Overrides the hash code generation of this type.

A hash code of the current state of this instance.

Member Data Documentation


const int Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.SIZE = Transform3D.SIZE + BoxShape.SIZE

The size of the struct in bytes.

Property Documentation

◆ IsPersistent

Boolean Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.IsPersistent

If the buffer of shapes is persistently allocated.

Persistently allocated memory is not disposed automatically. Call FreePersistent when done using a persistent compound.

◆ Count

Int32 Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.Count

The number of shapes in the compound buffer.

◆ Capacity

Int32 Quantum.Shape3D.CompoundShape3D.Capacity

The current number of shapes that can be held by the compound buffer.