Photon Quantum 3.0.1

Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.ChecksumFile.ChecksumEntry Struct Reference

Represents one recorded checksum. More...

Public Attributes

long ChecksumAsLong
 Unity JSON cannot read the unsigned long data type. We can convert on this level, keeping the ULong CalculateChecksum() signature and encode the checksum as a long for serialization. Any other ideas? More...
int Frame
 The frame number the checksum was recorded for. More...

Detailed Description

Represents one recorded checksum.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Frame

int Quantum.ChecksumFile.ChecksumEntry.Frame

The frame number the checksum was recorded for.

◆ ChecksumAsLong

long Quantum.ChecksumFile.ChecksumEntry.ChecksumAsLong

Unity JSON cannot read the unsigned long data type. We can convert on this level, keeping the ULong CalculateChecksum() signature and encode the checksum as a long for serialization. Any other ideas?