Photon Quantum 3.0.0

Photon.Deterministic.Protocol Namespace Reference


class  AddPlayer
 This messages is send from the client to reserve a player slot. More...
class  AddPlayerFailed
 This message is sent from the server when the AddPlayer request failed. More...
class  ClockCorrect
 Obsolete protocol message. More...
class  Command
 Creates a Quantum command. More...
class  Disconnect
 Is sent from the server to gracefully disconnect a client. More...
class  FrameSnapshot
 The client sends a snapshot of the game state to the server. The message is send multiple times if the snapshot is too large. More...
class  FrameSnapshotRequest
 The server request a frame snapshot from the client. More...
class  GameResult
 The client sends this message to report the game result. More...
class  Message
 The base class for Quantum network messages. More...
class  RemovePlayer
 The client requests to remove a player from the simulation. More...
class  RemovePlayerFailed
 The server reponds to RemovePlayer with this message if the player could not be removed. More...
class  RttUpdate
 This message is sent frequently from the client to the server to synchronize the distributed systems. More...
class  Serializer
 The Quantum online protocol serializer. More...
class  SimulationStart
 The server sends the start signal. More...
class  SimulationStop
 The simulation stopped message. Is not used yet. More...
class  StartRequest
 The client request to start a online simulation session. More...
class  TickChecksum
 This message contains the client game state checksum for a specific tick. More...
class  TickChecksumError
 The message is sent from the server to the client when a checksum error is detected. More...
class  TickChecksumErrorFrameDump
 The message is sent from the client to the server to distribute the game state to compare on other clients. More...