Photon Quantum 3.0.0

Classes | Functions
Entity Culling

Entity culling (for instance, prediction culling) is handled here. More...


class  Quantum.Core.CullingSystem2D
 During Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform2D that are positioned out of the prediction area. More...
class  Quantum.Core.CullingSystem3D
 During Predicted frames, culls all cullable entities with Transform3D that are positioned out of the prediction area. More...


void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.ClearCulledState ()
 Marks all entities as not culled. More...
void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.Cull (EntityRef entityRef)
 Marks a cullable and existing entity as culled. If the entity does not Exist or is not cullable, nothing is done. More...
bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.Culled (EntityRef entityRef)
 If the entity is prediction-culled. More...
bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.IsCullable (EntityRef entity)
 If an entity can be culled during simulation. For instance, used by the prediction culling systems to cull entities outside of the prediction area. More...
bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.IsCulled (EntityRef entityRef)
 If an entity is currently culled from the simulation, regardless of the frame state (Predicted or Verified). More...
void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.SetCullable (EntityRef entityRef, bool cullable)
 Sets if an existing entity is cullable or not. More...

Detailed Description

Entity culling (for instance, prediction culling) is handled here.

Function Documentation

◆ Culled()

bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.Culled ( EntityRef  entityRef)

If the entity is prediction-culled.

entityRefThe reference of the entity being checked.
true if the frame is predicted and the entity is culled. false otherwise.

◆ ClearCulledState()

void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.ClearCulledState ( )

Marks all entities as not culled.

◆ Cull()

void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.Cull ( EntityRef  entityRef)

Marks a cullable and existing entity as culled. If the entity does not Exist or is not cullable, nothing is done.

entityRefThe reference of the entity being culled.

◆ IsCulled()

bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.IsCulled ( EntityRef  entityRef)

If an entity is currently culled from the simulation, regardless of the frame state (Predicted or Verified).

entityRefThe reference of the entity being checked.
true if the entity is culled OR does NOT Exist. false otherwise.

◆ SetCullable()

void Quantum.Core.FrameBase.SetCullable ( EntityRef  entityRef,
bool  cullable 

Sets if an existing entity is cullable or not.

entityRefThe reference of the entity being set.
cullableIf the entity should be cullable (true) or not (false).

◆ IsCullable()

bool Quantum.Core.FrameBase.IsCullable ( EntityRef  entity)

If an entity can be culled during simulation. For instance, used by the prediction culling systems to cull entities outside of the prediction area.

entityThe reference of the entity being checked.
true if the entity exists and can be culled. false otherwise.