class | DeterministicPlugin |
| Override the Quantum plugin class to create a custom server object. More...
class | DeterministicPluginFactory |
| The default Quantum plugin factory. Replace with custom implementation of IPluginFactory. Change the name accordingly in your Photon dashboard and in this file (Photon-Server\deploy\LoadBalancing\GameServer\bin\plugin.config) to run locally. More...
class | DeterministicSessionConfig |
| Parameterize internals of the Deterministic simulation and plugin (the Quantum server component). More...
struct | FP |
| A fixed-point number. 16 lower bits are used for the decimal part, 48 for the integral part. More...
struct | FPBounds2 |
| Represents an 2D axis aligned bounding box (AABB). More...
struct | FPBounds3 |
| Represents an 3D axis aligned bounding box (AABB). More...
struct | FPCollision |
| A collection of collision helper functions. More...
class | FPLut |
| FP lookup table. Used internally by trigonometric and square root functions. More...
struct | FPMath |
| A collection of common math functions. More...
struct | FPMatrix2x2 |
| Represents 2x2 column major matrix, which can be used for 2D scaling and rotation. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>). More...
struct | FPMatrix3x3 |
| Represents 3x3 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]. More...
struct | FPMatrix4x4 |
| Represents 4x4 column major matrix. Each cell can be individually accessed as a field (M<row><column>), with indexing indexing property[row, column] or with indexing property[index]. More...
struct | FPQuaternion |
| A Quaternion representing an orientation. More...
struct | FPVector2 |
| Represents a 2D Vector More...
struct | FPVector3 |
| Represents a 3D Vector More...
struct | NullableFP |
| A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>. More...
struct | NullableFPVector2 |
| A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector2>. More...
struct | NullableFPVector3 |
| A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FPVector3>. More...
struct | NullableNonNegativeFP |
| A serializable equivalent of Nullable<FP>. More...
struct | RNGSession |
| PCG32 random generator, 16 bytes in size. http://www.pcg-random.org More...
struct | StopwatchTimer |
| Represents a high-resolution timer. More...