Quantum 2 2.1.9

Static Public Attributes | List of all members
Quantum.Navigation.Constants Class Reference

Global navigation constants. More...

Static Public Attributes

static Int32 ActiveVertexDefaultSize = 128
 Default number of active nodes the pathfinder works with (re-allocated automatically). More...
static Int32 FunnelBufferSize = 128
 The default size of the buffer used for funneling nodes (re-allocated automatically). More...
static Boolean GenerateFunnelPathNormals = false
 Set this to true to generate funnel path normals based on the proximity of borders. The option is off by default to save processing power. This is a legacy option, the normals are internally not needed anymore. More...
static Int32 MaxFunnelPathSize = 256
 The maximum size of the funneled path. More...
const Int32 MaxRegions = 64
 The maximum amount of regions per map. More...
static byte MaxWaypoints = 32
 The maximum amount of waypoints that can be stored on a navmesh agent. More...
static FP MinStoppingDistance = FP.EN3
 Defines the minimum possible stopping distance of an agent. More...
static Int32 PathFinderSize = 1024
 Default number of open nodes for the pathfinder (re-allocated automatically). More...
static Int32 RawPathSize = 256
 The default size of the raw path generated by the pathfinder (re-allocated automatically). Was replaced by SimulationConfig.Navigation.RawPathSize. More...

Detailed Description

Global navigation constants.

Most of the values are kept in static form to enable being set from the outside.

Member Data Documentation

◆ PathFinderSize

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.PathFinderSize = 1024

Default number of open nodes for the pathfinder (re-allocated automatically).

◆ RawPathSize

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.RawPathSize = 256

The default size of the raw path generated by the pathfinder (re-allocated automatically). Was replaced by SimulationConfig.Navigation.RawPathSize.

◆ ActiveVertexDefaultSize

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.ActiveVertexDefaultSize = 128

Default number of active nodes the pathfinder works with (re-allocated automatically).

◆ FunnelBufferSize

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.FunnelBufferSize = 128

The default size of the buffer used for funneling nodes (re-allocated automatically).

◆ MaxFunnelPathSize

Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.MaxFunnelPathSize = 256

The maximum size of the funneled path.

◆ MaxRegions

const Int32 Quantum.Navigation.Constants.MaxRegions = 64

The maximum amount of regions per map.

◆ MaxWaypoints

byte Quantum.Navigation.Constants.MaxWaypoints = 32

The maximum amount of waypoints that can be stored on a navmesh agent.

The value set in NavMeshAgentConfig.CachedWaypointCount is clamped to this.

◆ MinStoppingDistance

FP Quantum.Navigation.Constants.MinStoppingDistance = FP.EN3

Defines the minimum possible stopping distance of an agent.

NavMeshAgentConfig.StoppingDistance is clamped to this.

◆ GenerateFunnelPathNormals

Boolean Quantum.Navigation.Constants.GenerateFunnelPathNormals = false

Set this to true to generate funnel path normals based on the proximity of borders. The option is off by default to save processing power. This is a legacy option, the normals are internally not needed anymore.