This is the complete list of members for Simulation, including all inherited members.
ActivePlayers | Simulation | |
AfterSimulation() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
AfterUpdate() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
BeforeFirstTick() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
BeforeSimulation() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
BeforeUpdate() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
Config | Simulation | |
DeltaTime | Simulation | |
GetAreaOfInterestGizmoData(List<(Vector3 center, Vector3 size, int playerCount, int objectCount)> result) | Simulation | |
GetInputForPlayer(PlayerRef player) | Simulation | |
GetObjectsAndPlayersInAreaOfInterestCell(int cellKey, List< PlayerRef > players, List< NetworkId > objects) | Simulation | |
GetObjectsInAreaOfInterestForPlayer(PlayerRef player) | Simulation | |
GetStateAuthority(PlayerRef objectStateAuthority) | Simulation | |
HasAnyActiveConnections() | Simulation | |
InputCount | Simulation | |
IsClient | Simulation | |
IsFirstTick | Simulation | |
IsForward | Simulation | |
IsInputAuthority(PlayerRef inputAuthority, PlayerRef playerRef) | Simulation | |
IsInputAuthority([NotNull] NetworkObjectMeta meta, PlayerRef playerRef) | Simulation | |
IsInterestedIn(NetworkObjectMeta meta, PlayerRef player) | Simulation | |
IsLastTick | Simulation | |
IsLocalPlayerFirstExecution | Simulation | |
IsMasterClient | Simulation | |
IsPlayer | Simulation | |
IsResimulation | Simulation | |
IsRunning | Simulation | |
IsServer | Simulation | |
IsShutdown | Simulation | |
IsSinglePlayer | Simulation | |
IsStateAuthority(PlayerRef stateSource, PlayerRef playerRef) | Simulation | |
LatestServerTick | Simulation | |
LocalAddress | Simulation | |
LocalAlpha | Simulation | |
LocalPlayer | Simulation | |
Mode | Simulation | |
NetConfigPointer | Simulation | |
NetworkConnected(NetConnection *connection) | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
NetworkDisconnected(NetConnection *connection, NetDisconnectReason reason) | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
NetworkReceiveDone() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
NoSimulation() | Simulation | protectedvirtual |
ObjectCount | Simulation | |
Objects | Simulation | |
ProjectConfig | Simulation | |
RemoteAlpha | Simulation | |
RemoteTick | Simulation | |
RemoteTickPrevious | Simulation | |
SendDelta | Simulation | |
SendRate | Simulation | |
Stage | Simulation | |
Tick | Simulation | |
TickDeltaDouble | Simulation | |
TickDeltaFloat | Simulation | |
TickPrevious | Simulation | |
TickRate | Simulation | |
TickStride | Simulation | |
Time | Simulation | |
Topology | Simulation | |
TryGetHostPlayer(out PlayerRef player) | Simulation | |
Update(double dt) | Simulation | |