| RawInterpolator (NetworkBehaviour behaviour, int offset) |
bool | TryGetArray< T > (NetworkArray< T > @base, out NetworkArray< T > from, out NetworkArray< T > to, out float alpha, bool? force=null) |
bool | TryGetDictionary< K, V > (NetworkDictionary< K, V > @base, out NetworkDictionary< K, V > from, out NetworkDictionary< K, V > to, out float alpha, bool? force=null) |
bool | TryGetLinkedList< T > (NetworkLinkedList< T > @base, out NetworkLinkedList< T > from, out NetworkLinkedList< T > to, out float alpha, bool? force=null) |
bool | TryGetStruct< T > (out T from, out T to, out float alpha, bool? force=null) |
bool | TryGetValues (out void *from, out void *to, out float alpha, bool? force=null) |
RawInterpolator provides a set of methods to get the "from" and "to" ticks of the associated [Networked] property, as well as the current interpolation value for the two. All methods return raw memory pointers and expects the caller to be able to convert the data to the proper types.
- See also
- Interpolator<T>