Tools to replace GetComponent variants that respects nested objects. These are used to find components of a NetworkedObjects without also finding components that belong to parent or child NetworkedObjects.
static T | EnsureRootComponentExists< T, StopOnT > (this Transform transform) |
static T[] | FindObjectOfTypeInOrder< T > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) |
static CastT[] | FindObjectOfTypeInOrder< T, CastT > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene) |
static T[] | FindObjectsOfTypeInOrder< T > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, bool includeInactive=false) |
| Find All instances of Component type in a scene. Attempts to respect the hierarchy of the scene objects to produce a more deterministic order. This is a slower operation, and does produce garbage collection. More...
static void | FindObjectsOfTypeInOrder< T > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, List< T > list, bool includeInactive=false) |
| Find All instances of Component type in a scene. Attempts to respect the hierarchy of the scene objects to produce a more deterministic order. This is a slower operation which should not be run every update. More...
static CastT[] | FindObjectsOfTypeInOrder< T, CastT > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, bool includeInactive=false) |
| Find All instances of Component type in a scene. Attempts to respect the hierarchy of the scene objects to produce a more deterministic order. This is a slow operation, and does produce garbage collection. More...
static void | FindObjectsOfTypeInOrder< T, CastT > (this UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, List< CastT > list, bool includeInactive=false) |
| Find All instances of Component type in a scene. Attempts to respect the hierarchy of the scene objects to produce a more deterministic order. This is a slower operation and should not be run every update. More...
static T | GetNestedComponentInChildren< T, StopOnT > (this Transform t, bool includeInactive) |
static T | GetNestedComponentInParent< T, StopOnT > (this Transform t) |
| Same as GetComponentInParent, but will always include inactive objects in search. Will also stop recursing up the hierarchy when the StopOnT is found. More...
static T | GetNestedComponentInParents< T, StopOnT > (this Transform t) |
| UNTESTED More...
static List< T > | GetNestedComponentsInChildren< T > (this Transform t, List< T > list, bool includeInactive=true, params System.Type[] stopOn) |
| Same as GetComponentsInChildren, but will not recurse into children with any component of the types in the stopOn array. More...
static void | GetNestedComponentsInChildren< T, SearchT, StopT > (this Transform t, bool includeInactive, List< T > list) |
| Same as GetComponentsInChildren, but will not recurse into children with component of the StopT type. More...
static List< T > | GetNestedComponentsInChildren< T, StopOnT > (this Transform t, List< T > list, bool includeInactive=true) |
| Same as GetComponentsInChildren, but will not recurse into children with component of the StopT type. More...
static void | GetNestedComponentsInParents< T > (this Transform t, List< T > list) |
| Returns all T found between the child transform and its root. Order in List from child to parent, with the root/parent most being last. More...
static void | GetNestedComponentsInParents< T, StopT > (this Transform t, List< T > list) |
| Finds components of type T on supplied transform, and every parent above that node, inclusively stopping on node StopT component. More...
static T | GetParentComponent< T > (this Transform t) |
| Find T on supplied transform or any parent. Unlike GetComponentInParent, GameObjects do not need to be active to be found. More...
Tools to replace GetComponent variants that respects nested objects. These are used to find components of a NetworkedObjects without also finding components that belong to parent or child NetworkedObjects.